Dungy Would Be A Perfect Fit


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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The right man, at the right time, for all the right reasons.

- Credibility
- Molder and teacher of men both on - and off - the field
- National reputation (= can get in ANY recruit's living room)
- NFL connection/resume (would get the attention of any recruit)
- Could and WOULD attract terrific assistant coaches
- Would attract National Media attention, which would attract recruits, which if could be translated to wins, would attract National Attention . . . lather, rinse, repeat . . .
- Could be a platform for Dungy to truly mentor ~ 200 young lives personally if he'd stay 7-10 (or so) years
- Etc., etc., etc. . . .

Makes so damned much sense - it probably has no chance of happening.

But I believe it can happen. Once, roughly 10 years ago, someone raised the then-impossible dream of having an on-campus, football-only, stadium for the Gophers back again. What was said?


"Can't happen."

"You're dreaming."

"No chance."

"Where have you gone 'Tony Dungy-o'?
Gophs Nation turns it lonely eyes to you.

He's NOT the perfect fit.

The perfect fit actually entails the desire to take the job.

I think Dungy should be our second option.

I think the obvious first choice would be to exume the bodies of Vince Lombardi and Bernie Bierman and splice them together in a sort of Frankencoach. Dungy wouldn't be a bad D. Coordinator though.

If that doesn't work, I guess i'll settle for Mack Brown, Bob Stoops, Urban Meyer or maybe even Jim Harbaugh (at last resort).

I think Dungy should be our second option.

I think the obvious first choice would be to exume the bodies of Vince Lombardi and Bernie Bierman and splice them together in a sort of Frankencoach. Dungy wouldn't be a bad D. Coordinator though.

If that doesn't work, I guess i'll settle for Mack Brown, Bob Stoops, Urban Meyer or maybe even Jim Harbaugh (at last resort).

I heard a rumor Joe Paterno was interested in the MN job. In fact I heard it from my brothers sister's brother who I would trust with my wallet.

+1 on Frankencoach

Made the mistake of reading "The Frankencoach Alternative" while swallowing an adult beverage.

Almost sprayed all over the computer screen in suppressed laughter. Could be the basis of an SNL sketch or costumes at the Halloween Haunting with tOSU.

As more and more GHer's are embracing the absurdity and that not much good (other than winning) will cure our ills as a Gopher Nation, I think the potential for some very good humor is possible.

Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

Go Gophers! Beat the Wildcats!

If that darn global warming would just speed up you might be able to get his wife to move here.

Why does a thread about Dungy keep coming up, can't we let it go!

Has anyone heard anything serious about him as possible AD? Other than his wife doesn't like the best weather in the continental US?


I guess its the time of year when we all start dreaming about the great mother-f***ing pumpkin.

Dear Lauren

[Jedi hand wave]

You love cold weather.

You love passive-aggressive Minnesotans.

You would love to see your husband coach football at his alma mater.

You will obey your husband.

Tony Dungy for AD would make sense

Get's rid of the doofus that hired Brewster righting one wrong. Energizes the fan base, as this gives us a little credibility and hope for the future. At least if the U would allow Maturi to offer up the resignation and bring in Dungy as the AD then we might have hope to get a real football coach. Dungy's expectations for the entire program would be good. Mediocrity be damned.

His wife does not have to live here for him to be the AD. We can hook him up with a large travel budget. A lot of our larger donors live in Florida he can be bugging them all the time.
Dungy is an M man and this would be an avenue to help bring a little energy to the department at a time when it is much needed.

Dungy is too old and has lost his passion for coaching.... he see's himself as some kind of "guru" now, actually without Peyton Manning and ol' Tom Moore runnin that offense, we wouldnt be talkin about him

If wee ask him to coach, and he turns us down, ask him if hed want to be the AD.

Dungy is too old

Dungy is 55. He's five years older than Brewster, who is still deemed a young head coach by BCS conference standards. In a hypothetical world, Dungy could take the job tomorrow, coach the Gophers for nearly three decades, and still be younger than Paterno.

8 yrs ago most folks would have said tubby wouldn't be at the U. never say never.

And Katy Perry's hooters would be a perfect fit on my wife

Unfortunately, neither one is going to happen. My wife does have better taste in music, though.

What about this. Don't hire Dungy to be coach or AD, but empower him to hire the next coach.

What about this. Don't hire Dungy to be coach or AD, but empower him to hire the next coach.

Something tells me the Regents prob wouldn't be too cool with an unaccountable figure hiring out a prominent position.

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