Dungy as Gophers head coach


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Nov 13, 2008
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....not saying he is coming...but if he did.

What makes us all think it wouldn't be Wannstadt @ Pitt vs Carrol @ USC. Or even our experience with the D Coordinator Everett Withers in 2007. Or how he would even do with recruiting....I guess I'm not sold on him as the right guy even for 5 years.

He would give credibility to the team. We know he won with Brad Johnson as the QB and Shaun King....but I'm not sure the coaches could effectively install the Tampa 2 D with our players.

Maybe coaching is coaching...provided you have enough time with the players. But you know....Monte Kiffin hasn't exactly set the world on fire in Tenn and USC...albeit only 1 year at each school.

He did keep Tom Moore when he came to Indy...but Payton was already there too. This after he got fired for being too conservative with his O in Tampa. That really was a resurrection story...taking that franchise and making them decent again...making the playoffs regularly.

We'll see what all happens....Bruinicks comments at the per rally on Homecoming make me curious/believe if he really still wants to be the guy that put Gopher FB on the path to a Championship again.

This all said...I would take Harbaugh over Dungy. That might get me ripped...but that is what I feel.


'martin, you have earned the right to your thoughts and feelings on Gopher football.

Dungy might not be the answer but if he were interested I'd definitely give him a chance.

I think one of the most important things a big name guy like Dungy would be able to do is assemble a very capable and respectable coaching staff. He could recruit 5star coaches, in other words. Lots of guys would jump at a chance to coach under Dungy.

Right now, I'd take Wannstedt at Pitt. He did win 10 games last year.

If he wants the job he gets the job, he's always had a great eye for assistant coaching talent which leads me to believe he would have the program running like a well oiled machine.

He'd want it because he is a successful guy who has fixed broken things before. Guys like him like challenges and understand how to be successful. He could win 7 or 8 games with this team, I really believe that. By just getting our guys in the right place and executing properly, we win 2 or 3 more games. By teaching them how to play better through proper instruction and leadership, we win 2 more games. By making better game decisions w/respect to play calling/down distance and on the fly coaching, we win 3 more games. Easy.

Wannstedt's success at Chicago and Miami wasn't nearly as successful as Dungy at Tampa Bay and Indy. Everywhere Dungy went he had success. People really respect Tony Dungy and I think that would play well in terms of assembling a quality staff and selling the U to recruits.

Dungy will be paid $10 million per year to be University President, University Athletic Director, and Head Football Coach.

Dungy might want to take the job not because our program is so great but how far we have fallen. He might feel so bad about what is going on with the football program that he decides to coach here to try to make a difference. I would not be shocked if he took the job here.

There's no guarantee with ANY coach. Short of Nick Saban or Urban Meyer -- two guys who have had great success at multiple colleges in different areas of the country -- you won't know about of them until they get here. Can a successfull NFL coach recruit and translate his game to college? Some can and some can't. Can a successful coach at a smaller school or a coordinator at a big school make the transition? Some can, some can't. It's especially hard for a coach coming from a football-rich area (Sumlin, Patterson, etc.) trying to recruit to a place like Minnesota. It's a different world.

Sports are littered with up-and-comers who didn't pan out when they got their chance. Our next coach is going to be a shot in the dark no matter who it is. But I'd take a guy with an NFL Super Bowl ring before almost any of them.

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