Drew Wolitarsky's Signal's Athlete of the year

People here should read the article. Pretty good. I'm really looking forward to this guy.

When I read about Drew in Sports Illustrated's "Faces in the Crowd", what a great feeling to know that Jerry Kill got this guy.

Good luck, Drew.

Go Gophers!!!

Great find! Combined with promising practice reports, his future seems bright.

"When he went to the University of Minnesota, he did all these tests, physical stuff — everything. My wife had always noticed his vision is incredible, but we never had him tested. They tested him and his vision is 20/13. I wish I could spend an hour in Drew’s eyes to see what he sees."

If he scores a TD and shreds the football, is that a penalty?

re-watched some of his highlights, we shoulda just signed up his qb as well. Some of those throws were great.

"Wolitarsky was driven to have a memorable track and field season out of competition and thus he became the Foothill League’s 100-meter champion, edging the valley’s next best male athlete, Golden Valley’s Leon Jacobs"

Incoming Wisconsin freshman. Off to a good start beating Badgers!

When I read about Drew in Sports Illustrated's "Faces in the Crowd", what a great feeling to know that Jerry Kill got this guy.

Good luck, Drew.

Go Gophers!!!

I read that one too Doc. I would have to agree!!

someone want to tell me how MN was able to sign the CA. HS WR rc ydg record holder? were not talkin JC canyon and stuff... This kid is zactly how PAC 10 teams are built.

someone want to tell me how MN was able to sign the CA. HS WR rc ydg record holder? were not talkin JC canyon and stuff... This kid is zactly how PAC 10 teams are built.

It was Jay Sawvel and Jerry Kill.

They sold him on the school and the program and are teaching him how to ignore the typical passive-aggressive and self-loathing Minnesota sports fan and sports writer.

Love the production and attitude.
He may surprise with his speed, but if he's the guy of 3rd downs and in clutch spots that makes the chains move he's going to be a great weapon.

It was Jay Sawvel and Jerry Kill.

They sold him on the school and the program and are teaching him how to ignore the typical passive-aggressive and self-loathing Minnesota sports fan and sports writer.

highwayman, what you said is truly a three man and a boy job to accomplish.

I said it when I watched his highlight video: what is it that I'm missing that apparently all the other big schools that didn't recruit him see?

I'm excited to watch this guy over the next 4 or 5 years....

It was Jay Sawvel and Jerry Kill.

They sold him on the school and the program and are teaching him how to ignore the typical passive-aggressive and self-loathing Minnesota sports fan and sports writer.

We beat out a couple of good programs for this kid. I wouldn't mind knowing why some of the other local Pac-12 teams passed. I guess I do not care much. Sounds like this kid is a great player and only bound to get better due to his work ethic.

someone want to tell me how MN was able to sign the CA. HS WR rc ydg record holder? were not talkin JC canyon and stuff... This kid is zactly how PAC 10 teams are built.

It is the PAC 12 now, unfortunately. As a PAC 12 guy, let me take a stab at that. I'm sure it was concerns over speed. The only PAC 12 team that offered him was U of A, running Rich Rods spread option. This is curious as it is still a pass happy league by and large. There has been an arms race for speed starting with Pete Carroll's USC teams and furthered by Chip Kelly at Nikegon. There are a ton of great, fast players that come out of CA every year, so he might not have projected well compared to others with lesser HS resumes. With the exception of Stanford, the WR's in that league are burners. The other issue may have been the league and the level of competition in HS.

That being said, he sounds like a great kid and appears to have great hands. Hopefully teams will be regretting not signing him. Excited to see him in Maroon and Gold.

This is the beauty of being a fan. For how terrible and laughable the last two recruiting classes have been (according to the sportswriter turds), there sure are a lot of players Kill brought in that have me excited to see what they can do.

This is the beauty of being a fan. For how terrible and laughable the last two recruiting classes have been (according to the sportswriter turds), there sure are a lot of players Kill brought in that have me excited to see what they can do.

It's really just the beauty of doing a little research, understanding how CFB works, and paying a little bit of focused attention. The average regular poster on Gopherhole has those qualifications, which are sadly missing in the average TC sportswriter/caster. It really doesn't take a lot.

I will give the TC "professionals" credit for the amount they know about our crappy NBA team. They talk about them every day for hours and hours and hours. I'll bet half of them know what Ricky Rubio ate for dinner last night by doing a little research this A.M.

It is the PAC 12 now, unfortunately. As a PAC 12 guy, let me take a stab at that. I'm sure it was concerns over speed. The only PAC 12 team that offered him was U of A, running Rich Rods spread option. This is curious as it is still a pass happy league by and large. There has been an arms race for speed starting with Pete Carroll's USC teams and furthered by Chip Kelly at Nikegon. There are a ton of great, fast players that come out of CA every year, so he might not have projected well compared to others with lesser HS resumes. With the exception of Stanford, the WR's in that league are burners. The other issue may have been the league and the level of competition in HS.

That being said, he sounds like a great kid and appears to have great hands. Hopefully teams will be regretting not signing him. Excited to see him in Maroon and Gold.

We in CA were asking ourselves the same question, "Why no PAC12 offers besides UA." We really didn't know. When he went heads up against the best 4 & 5 star DBs at camps he more than held his own. He was as fast or faster than many of the WRs taken by other PAC12 schools. His HS is in a very competitive league so that's not it either. Outside of not being able to see him play on the west coast, I'm glad he chose UM. I have lots of relatives there so it gives me an excuse to go out and see some games. I also know he loved the facilities and that played a big part in his choice. And no, I'm not his Dad or a relative, just a friend who has been involved with him in football since his youth days. Glad to be a new Gopher fan.

We in CA were asking ourselves the same question, "Why no PAC12 offers besides UA." We really didn't know. When he went heads up against the best 4 & 5 star DBs at camps he more than held his own. He was as fast or faster than many of the WRs taken by other PAC12 schools. His HS is in a very competitive league so that's not it either. Outside of not being able to see him play on the west coast, I'm glad he chose UM. I have lots of relatives there so it gives me an excuse to go out and see some games. I also know he loved the facilities and that played a big part in his choice. And no, I'm not his Dad or a relative, just a friend who has been involved with him in football since his youth days. Glad to be a new Gopher fan.

Thanks for the post skid - I appreciate your thoughts and hope that he has a fantastic career at Minnesota!

Go Gophers!!

We in CA were asking ourselves the same question, "Why no PAC12 offers besides UA." We really didn't know. When he went heads up against the best 4 & 5 star DBs at camps he more than held his own. He was as fast or faster than many of the WRs taken by other PAC12 schools. His HS is in a very competitive league so that's not it either. Outside of not being able to see him play on the west coast, I'm glad he chose UM. I have lots of relatives there so it gives me an excuse to go out and see some games. I also know he loved the facilities and that played a big part in his choice. And no, I'm not his Dad or a relative, just a friend who has been involved with him in football since his youth days. Glad to be a new Gopher fan.

I'm glad that the other P12 schools didn't offer. It is hard to project how his collegiate career will turn out, but I am very optimistic. Based off the little knowledge I have about him, and the game tape I've seen, I truly believe that this kid will be a major factor and that the "helmet" schools will be kicking themselves for passing.

We in CA were asking ourselves the same question, "Why no PAC12 offers besides UA." We really didn't know. When he went heads up against the best 4 & 5 star DBs at camps he more than held his own. He was as fast or faster than many of the WRs taken by other PAC12 schools. His HS is in a very competitive league so that's not it either. Outside of not being able to see him play on the west coast, I'm glad he chose UM. I have lots of relatives there so it gives me an excuse to go out and see some games. I also know he loved the facilities and that played a big part in his choice. And no, I'm not his Dad or a relative, just a friend who has been involved with him in football since his youth days. Glad to be a new Gopher fan.

Welcome aboard, and feel free to add anything more about DW and your knowledge of him anytime.

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