Doogie: The big uneasy is still in the news ... with Tubby's team

I don't know Bleed. He bemoans the loss of RW and TM and then on his last sentence says: if they don't make a deep run this year, when will they? Didn't add up to me.

I disagree with most things said in that article.

"... have Sampson III, Iverson, Paul Carter, or Devron Bostick shown any improvement?"

Have you watched RSIII this year? He is undoubtedly better than he was last year, at every aspect of the game. Bostick just has not lived up to the hype, Carter plays well off the bench (at times) and Iverson is a good big-body that has made huge leaps on the defensive end.

How about 8 more wins to get his 17th 20 win season... Doogie, we do have 13 wins now!!! And you did write this article after the game last night!

Does Doogie's new job at Channel 5 mean he won't contribute here anymore? Does Gopherhole get shut down?

Good take Ray

In the article the answer is in the first paragraph or so- not having White and Trevor more then hurts.

The Gophers struggles in the half court offense are because they have no one to throw it to on the block.. Other teams can pressure up on the guards in the half court set because they dont have to fear any of our low post players.

Hoffarber and Westbrook are shooting well this year even with that pressure- a good low post player like White would be killing it in the paint... If a team doubles the block you it kick back to Hoffarber and Westbrook and they kill it from three..

Both losses to Mich St is a game where you needed Trevor he would get tough boards, a block shot and put back dunks.. He plays tought within 5 feet of the hoop at both ends... Espn had Trevor as the pre-season Big 10 newcomer of the year if I remember right...

That article was babble...

have Sampson III, Iverson, Paul Carter, or Devron Bostick shown any improvement?

Sampson has improved a great deal. Carter is more assertive and yes he has shown improvement. Even Iverson is way more aggressive (he just can't finish). Bostick....well I too am disappointed in his progress.

I disagree with Doogey's comments.

It's now or never for our Gophers according to the Doogster. I wonder if we can lure Billie G. up here?

"If the team does not make a deep run this year, when will they?"

There are a couple valid points (it can be excruciating watching our half-court offense, especially late in a tight game), but Doogie uses way too much hyperbole for my tastes. Seems to me like Doogie has fallen in line with most of those in the media or formerly in the media. ... everything has to have a "sky is falling" tone to it. ... I want instant gratification and I want it right now.

It doesn't always work that way, things don't always go smoothly. This season is certainly a testament to that. If the crap that happened off the court this season (courtrooms & academics) becomes a pattern in the future, then I'll be concerned. Until then, this is just one of those seasons where the Gophers simply need to keep pluggin' away and get as much out of it as they can. For some of us (I'm in this camp), we haven't ruled out grinding out a NCAA bid. Likely? Perhaps not. But it's still not out of the question, despite all that's happened surrounding the program.

I have steered clear of the bashing that goes on here towards Doogie. In fact, a couple of times I've defended him. But, I have to say, that that blog entry is one of the more misguided, off-the-mark breakdowns of this team that I've seen written. I disagree with almost every facet of every rambling premise he tosses out there in the piece. Some of his arguments were based in incorrect facts and some of them were based on his personal opinions that, IMO, were flat out wrong. It was almost as if he said, "Oh crap, I was supposed to turn in my blog entry tonight and I haven't started, I better hack something out quick." And, yes I intentionally used the word "hack" there. It was brutal. I think there are things you can be critical of regarding this team (including half court offense), but he meanders through things that are non-issues here to simply stir the pot. Unfortunate.

"If the team does not make a deep run this year, when will they?"

There are a couple valid points (it can be excruciating watching our half-court offense, especially late in a tight game), but Doogie uses way too much hyperbole for my tastes. Seems to me like Doogie has fallen in line with most of those in the media or formerly in the media. ... everything has to have a "sky is falling" tone to it. ... I want instant gratification and I want it right now.

It doesn't always work that way, things don't always go smoothly. This season is certainly a testament to that. If the crap that happened off the court this season (courtrooms & academics) becomes a pattern in the future, then I'll be concerned. Until then, this is just one of those seasons where the Gophers simply need to keep pluggin' away and get as much out of it as they can. For some of us (I'm in this camp), we haven't ruled out grinding out a NCAA bid. Likely? Perhaps not. But it's still not out of the question, despite all that's happened surrounding the program.

I would compare this Gophers team to the Badgers team that lost Landry, Stiemsa and one other guy to academic trouble in January a couple years ago. Not on a player by player basis, but in circumstance. That Badgers team lost at home to North Dakota State and struggled mightily down the stretch while shorthanded, but still made the tournament. They got rolled in the first round, but showed great perseverence to get there.

Like that Badgers team, the Gophers can accomplish the same thing, even in the face of adversity. While the season may fall short of expectauions because the roster was not what it was supposed to be, it can still be very rewarding to watch guys fight and scrap while being shorthanded. If they make the tournament, it will be a great accomplishment.

If I were a fan of the Gophers, seeing the team accomplish that in light of what they had to endure throughout the year would be very satisfying.

"While the season may fall short of expectauions because the roster was not what it was supposed to be, it can still be very rewarding to watch guys fight and scrap while being shorthanded. If they make the tournament, it will be a great accomplishment.

"If I were a fan of the Gophers, seeing the team accomplish that in light of what they had to endure throughout the year would be very satisfying."

Well said GV, couldn't have said it better myself. This season by all appearances isn't going to meet preseason expectations, but that doesn't mean all is lost. With all that's happened and with how the Gophers are looking at this point of the season -- to me they're starting to show the affects of all the peripheral crap -- I would say it will be Tubby's best coaching job ever, bar none, if he gets this mix-and-match squad to the NCAAs.

The inconsistency in the thought process behind each point is shocking. Spin, spin, spin, though I'm not sure for what reason.

Not to mention it appears Eliason and Hollins are already being written off :rolleyes:


is proving he is as incapable of rational writing, as he was of coherent speech.


I have nothing against Doogie, but this article (blog post, whatever) is garbage for the reasons people have pointed out.

1) The situations with White and Mbakwe suggest that there could be two very talented players added next year, so why does the future look so bleak?

2) Ralph Sampson III has improved in every single statistical category over last year except free throw shooting. I question how anybody who has actually watched the Gophers play this season would imply that Sampson hasn't "shown any improvement."

3) Hollins and Eliason "are not considered to be significant," huh? By whom, exactly? Just an unsupported, conclusory comment that really makes no sense. They will be "significant" to the Gophers' fate even if they can't play at all. And I would guess that Tubby and the staff have somewhat better insight than Doogie into whether they will contribute or not.

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