Doogie KSTP Scoops: Teague getting a new paint job at Bierman office


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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"One of many early perks for new Gophers director of athletics Norwood Teague: a new paint job for his Bierman Building corner office. Current AD Joel Maturi will have to vacate next week with Teague's first official day set for Monday, June 18."

Go Gophers!!

I'm betting Joel had a bland color.................with secret Badger Red undertones.

I'm betting Joel had a bland color.................with secret Badger Red undertones.


Some hard-hitting journalism going on by Doogie. :D

Sorry for the repost, but I just like this pic too much:


Had one of those OMG moments just now.

I knew of the story. Read about it back in January. Even knew his name was John Chadima.

However, until you posted that pic, I didn't realize I knew the guy. Knew him simply as "John". I used to live in Madison ('01 to '08) and back in '02, before he was the asst AD, I met him on a couple of different occasions. He's the uncle of one of my wife's best friends. We went to a party he threw on a boat on Lake Mendota around '03 and I talked to him extensively at a Wedding in '04. My wife knows him even better than I do and he was the source for all of my BB (all of the womanizing stories) dirt I've heard thru the years. He's worked in that athletic department for years but didn't realize he became the Asst AD.

Just told my wife and she's really surprised because she thought she would have heard from her friend about it.


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