Doogie blog: Coaching staff cohesiveness not translating on the field for Gophers

I got the snacks and drinks ready and the feet are up, this should be good.

Nothing that I have not heard before. Not interested in a re hash. Was kind of a waste of my time.

It's kind of a strange title....

It almost implies that we aren't seeing results on the field because we have a cohesive staff.

It's kind of a strange title....

It almost implies that we aren't seeing results on the field because we have a cohesive staff.
FWIW, this is his editors. The person writing the article/opinion piece doesn't pick the headline over it.

Nothing to really argue with. Seems pretty reasonable.

Again, blame his editors. The person writing the article/opinion piece doesn't pick the headline over it.

I wasn't ripping on him, I was merely saying it was a strange title.

Here's my issue regarding the article: Yes, fans fork over money to attend the games and feel they should expect a certain level of respectability. I'm a season ticket holder and yes, it sucks going to games and watching my team not just lose but get steamrolled in some cases.

However, Coach Kill has his way of doing things. It's worked for him at his previous stops from the looks of it and I'm sure he made no bones about how he was going to rebuild things and how ugly things could possibly be for a few seasons while he got his type of players in the program and well-versed with his systems. At least all of his subordinates know what he wants and how he wants it drilled into his players. That's what they are doing right now and we're seeing the growing pains from it and will for a while.

Coach Kill is doing things his way and doesn't appear willing to deviate from his plan to try and appease fans who would be more satisfied with another 4-8 or 5-7 season. He's got his contract and buy-in from U of MN management, at least for now. If you're a fan and are unhappy with how things are going, don't get mad at the guy who's doing things his way like he always said he would.

Get mad at the guy who hired him. Get mad at the guy who allowed the football program to further deteriorate under his watch to the point that he had to get a guy who said "yeah I'll rebuild it, but it won't be short and it won't be pretty."

The results I'm looking for isn't another chance to steal a victory from our rival ever so often. I want a winning program and I'm willing to give Coach Kill and his staff the time to take their shot at building one.

FWIW, this is his editors. The person writing the article/opinion piece doesn't pick the headline over it.

Doogie can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "Your Voices - STrib Blogs" the writer does pick the title not an editor.

Go Gophers!!

"I get that many inexperienced players are getting snaps, which they should at this point. I get that the fifth-year and sixth-year seniors have been through multiple systems and coaches. I get that many academic issues exist. I get that ex-coach Tim Brewster left a mess. But at what point can those justifications stop being used?"

Apparently after 6 games. Wait, or is it after 5 games. Crap, can't someone give me the answer?

When Kill says, "this is not a one, two, or three-year fix," it's hard to disagree.


I get it doogie, they're bad, real bad, I'm not happy about it either, but why the need to keep piling on? That does nobody any good.

Doogie can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "Your Voices - STrib Blogs" the writer does pick the title not an editor.

Go Gophers!!

BleedGopher: Thank you for the link.

Correct, although in this case, I deferred to a law writing professor/close friend who edits those. Very dangerous to post anything on a popular site like that without someone checking your stuff over for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, typos, etc.

I get it doogie, they're bad, real bad, I'm not happy about it either, but why the need to keep piling on? That does nobody any good.

I get that we are not a monolithic society, so impossible to win.

In year's past I was blasted for not talking about them on KFAN, or writing about them enough.

Do as many TV pieces/blogs/radio segments on them as I can because it's a passion.

But not everything will be positive.

But if you need a positive fix, watch this:

---or this---

We get that not everything will be positive, but a middle-schooler could have written the same old, same old negative stuff that you wrote. You do sports, you should have more connections than almost all of the holers, yet you wrote the re-re-re-hashed story. Some new angle or something original would have been worth reading. It really was piling on and a really late hit.

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