Doogie...are you the new Mike Max?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I recall the earlier days of the Gopher Gridiron. When Mason was hired in the 90's, Mike Max had a similar role to Doogie. He didn't post, at least not with his real name, but he did stir the pot.
Ultimately, Max got the scoop by making a call to the airport in Crystal asking about Glen Mason's plane.
Doogie, time to go old school and camp out at local airports. :D

No need to bash Doogie. He doesn't have to come on here and take the crap we all throw at him. He is a journalist who happens to post on gopherhole, I doubt this has anything to do with his job.

No need to bash Doogie. He doesn't have to come on here and take the crap we all throw at him. He is a journalist who happens to post on gopherhole, I doubt this has anything to do with his job.

I don't think he meant to dog Doogie. If he did that is not cool.

I love what you've been doing Doogie, keep up the good work!

I don't know if what Doogie does technically qualifies as "journalism"

I don't know if what Doogie does technically qualifies as "journalism"

Though not directed at Doogie specifically, I have the same sentiment. The push for the inside scoop reduces sports coverage to gossip slinging, and thoughtful writing has given way to the poorly written and often unedited "blog".

I come to messages boards for an exchange of information by laypeople. It is unfortunate that our professional media sources don't provide much better writing than these sites and in some cases recruit from these forums to replace professional journalists they can no longer afford to pay.

The lower "reporters" come here to suck up to rabid fans. He's no more of a reporter than anyone else here is. Just because you have the number to the ADs office doesn't mean he tells you anything. Those people just annoy me - report something when it becomes fact, please. Anyone can guess.

Lay off Doogie. He does his job about as well as anyone in town. Frankly, you can rip on him and Joe Schmidt all you want, but as someone pointed out in another thread, at least they care enough to cover this story closely, which is more then can be said for most of the others in town. The fact that he comes on this board to expand on his thoughts more freely then he can elsewhere is a bonus and deserves kudos in light of the crap constantly thrown at him.

I care, too, it doesn't make me a "journalist." And how is this "covering the story," making up rumors? I look at it as more like trying to get attention for himself. You don't see Scoggins doing that.

Mike Max is a bootlicking d-bag. I can't stand his smug look when he reads the sports and interviews people. Puke! He's almost as bad as Chad Hartman. At least KFAN had the sense to can his dweebo a$$.

I care, too, it doesn't make me a "journalist." And how is this "covering the story," making up rumors? I look at it as more like trying to get attention for himself. You don't see Scoggins doing that.

Exactly. I get why people are defending Doogie, as he is willing to come here and, while he usually doesn't really respond to insightful criticism, he at least puts himself out there a bit.

However, throughout this coaching search his behavior has been attention seeking in the extreme. He will publish any rumor at all just to constantly remain part of the discussion. A real journalist (of which there are fewer and fewer of these days as many are bolting for other careers) would not throw out a string of unsubstantiated rumors with little or no vetting.

Between this and his penchant for tin eared pop culture references I much prefer Doogie Howser.

Big difference....Mike Max had *Gasp* actual news footage of Stoops sitting in Dienhart's office through the blinds. Today's media delete their tweets because they didn't bother to do any research.

Although I do give today's media some credit....they had no clue about Brewster being hired and even less about Tubby being hired so now they have to mention any coach with a pulse so there will be one guy that can thump his chest....SEE I WAS RIGHT!!! Remember Randy Shannon, you heard it here first.

I agree that we should not dump on Doogie. Journalism has changed a lot and this is how a lion's share of sports reporting is done these days. I have no problem with the way he's reporting.

I don't understand why anyone would say "they care enough to cover the story closely." Others haven't covered the story closely because there has been no frickn news to cover. Look at today, in a space of hours we went from Fedora having visited to his AD saying he's very confident that Fedora hasn't even been contacted. Getting something so terribly wrong (apparently) does not qualify as covering the story closely.

Every thing the Doogzter has posted has been defined as rumor. He'snot storing the pot in any kind of unfair mannor. Keep it up Doogie!

Doogie shares the things he hears from sources he considers to be 'in the know', that's all. It seems to me he always qualifies that too, so I don't see the problem. It's up to you and I, the readers, as to how much credence we want to give any particular rumor, and we're presumably all adults who should know by now not to be getting all crazy over the latest rumor du jour.

Doogie could just as easily disappear and not post anymore on this board, and in my opinion the board would be the poorer for that.

Mike Max is a bootlicking d-bag. I can't stand his smug look when he reads the sports and interviews people.


Doogie is ten times the journalist Max is, if only because he actually is willing to criticize people and express a negative opinion when things go poorly with the local teams. This board is definitely better for having Doogie post here.

Max is more or less Sid Junior without the icon status or the connections (or at least when Sid had connections, before they all retired or died). I can't stand him. He should go home and write about Gustavus football or town team baseball for the Winthrop Weekly Fishwrap or where ever it is he came from.

Let's not forget that KSTP/ Cory Roufs broke the Brewster firing story, let's give them more credibility than other sources in town who didn't have that scoop, that's my opinion anyway.


Why would anyone rip Doogie for informing us about the rumors he's heard? He has pretty much provided the wood for many of the threads to be discussed. I certainly appreciate him offering what he has heard. He has not guaranteed anyone IS the next coach. He has offered several names that have been verified that I would have never believed were even candidates without his legwork.

I don't view him as self serving in any way. How in the world are helping him? He's kind enough to be of service to us. Be thankful for that. Speaking for myself, I am.

I think we need to realize that we have Tweeting/Gopherhole Doogie and ESPN/1500 Doogie ... Tweeting Doogie is having fun guessing like everyone else on this board. ESPN/1500 Doogie will report the confirmed/legit story. I don't have a problem with that.

I think we need to realize that we have Tweeting/Gopherhole Doogie and ESPN/1500 Doogie ... Tweeting Doogie is having fun guessing like everyone else on this board. ESPN/1500 Doogie will report the confirmed/legit story. I don't have a problem with that.


Though not directed at Doogie specifically, I have the same sentiment. The push for the inside scoop reduces sports coverage to gossip slinging, and thoughtful writing has given way to the poorly written and often unedited "blog".

I come to messages boards for an exchange of information by laypeople. It is unfortunate that our professional media sources don't provide much better writing than these sites and in some cases recruit from these forums to replace professional journalists they can no longer afford to pay.

I never post a rumor without hearing it first from a coach/Bierman contact/agent... do I ever though not get confirmation from a 2nd source -- sure... as for poorly written and often unedited blogs, I have a William Mitchell law writing professor proof all my posts... may not agree with my writing, and maybe my attempts at humor fail, but grammar/spelling mistakes are rare. I have always thought that when doing a ton of Star Tribune blogs last year that it was odd that I had free reign to post whatever I wanted. Always thought someone should be editing my stuff if I have my name attached to it, so I have that friend do it every time now. Nadine is doing the same.

The lower "reporters" come here to suck up to rabid fans. He's no more of a reporter than anyone else here is. Just because you have the number to the ADs office doesn't mean he tells you anything. Those people just annoy me - report something when it becomes fact, please. Anyone can guess.

Definitely not guessing. If you don't want to pay attention, you certainly don't have to.

I think we need to realize that we have Tweeting/Gopherhole Doogie and ESPN/1500 Doogie ... Tweeting Doogie is having fun guessing like everyone else on this board. ESPN/1500 Doogie will report the confirmed/legit story. I don't have a problem with that.

Correct. Right or wrong, I will post any rumor I hear on Twitter... I don't view Twitter the same as when I am anchoring on Ch. 5, or talking on 1500-ESPN... although will speculate some on the radio. My TV-standards are different.

Definitely not guessing. If you don't want to pay attention, you certainly don't have to.

Prolly not necessary to defend yourself to these sorts of attacks here. You're not going to convert anyone who thinks you're a hack.

I appreciate the nuggets on Twitter, since it's entertaining and makes the day go by faster.


What Doogie does qualifies as journalism? I guess nowadays anyone with an opinion, blog and/or Twitter account qualifies as a journalist. Times have changed, that's for sure.

SelectionSunday: Sports is a different animal than hard-hitting news... but try convincing me that when I anchored the Sports on Ch. 5 last Saturday, that's not journalism?

Doogie, I like what you are doing now 100x better than what you were doing 18 months ago, but you have to concede that twitter has been embraced by sports 'journalists' as a way to have there cake and eat it too. No responsibility if wrong, potential bragging rights if right.

And reading the news doesn't equal journalism any more than being a weather man equals being a meteorologist.

I have no problem with reporting these things as long as they are labeled as what they are: rumors. I do wish people would quit saying "from a very reliable source." Seems like the qualifications for being a "reliable source" aren't what they used to be. It was said by numerous "reliable sources" last year that Tubby Smith was going to leave the U.

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