Don't Show this to Claeys...

100% of college coaches use their gut instinct or some sort of backwater conventional wisdom like going for it on 4th and short if they're over the 50 yard line but not to the 30 (adjusted for kicker, wind, and the position of the moon and sun).

Belichick went for it on his own twentysomething yard line years back (and failed) and the peanut gallery lost their ****. I don't recall any other coach dipping his toe into actual maths-related decision-making. Pulaski Academy. That's it?

No! College coaches are first and foremost attempting to save their jobs. You saw the crap Claeys took going for the 2 point conversion. Now imagine it's fourth and 3 from our own 40 and he went for it...and missed. The press would kill him!

Screw the stats, I wanna keep my job. Rick Berry talks about the underhanded free throw. Every time it's tried it is statistically much better. But it's the "Granny" free throw so almost no one will use it. Wilt used it one year and it was the best he ever shot free throws. He quit, knowing he'd get worse, just because it didn't look like the right thing.

100% of college coaches use their gut instinct or some sort of backwater conventional wisdom like going for it on 4th and short if they're over the 50 yard line but not to the 30 (adjusted for kicker, wind, and the position of the moon and sun).

Belichick went for it on his own twentysomething yard line years back (and failed) and the peanut gallery lost their ****. I don't recall any other coach dipping his toe into actual maths-related decision-making. Pulaski Academy. That's it?


100% of college coaches use their gut instinct or some sort of backwater conventional wisdom like going for it on 4th and short if they're over the 50 yard

I liked Claeys reasoning for it though, and it makes sense to me. He essentially said that when we score our kids are on a high. They are pumped, psyched, whatever you wanna call it. The other team is down from having just allowed a TD. Is there a better time than then to try to pile on a bit? We have the momentum, try to use it while we got it.

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