Don't have NFL Network?

I go to the same New Year's party every year and my friend doesn't get the NFL network. I was thinking this would be my first missed Gopher game this season. I now have hope. Thanks!

I go to the same New Year's party every year and my friend doesn't get the NFL network. I was thinking this would be my first missed Gopher game this season. I now have hope. Thanks!

I thought you were going to say "I was thinking this would be my first missed same New Year's party" but hopefully you can celebrate a Gopher victory at your friend's party!

Go Gophers!!

Thank you for the link!
Unfortunately, I have to listen to some of it on the radio on the way home from work:( ...however, the chili should be hot when I arrive! RAH!

Thank you, Plinnius, for establishing my addiction to Los Simpsons. I'm ruined.

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