Do you really want someone who will leave in 2-4 years


Sep 11, 2010
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To take that next better job? I do not. I want someone who will stay here for a whole and build this program up. To me Mullen is a guy who would leave as soon as he got here

Yes, I do. I want someone who would leave in 2-4 years. That is far, far better than someone who would never leave because no one else would hire him. Joe Salem would have stayed here forever if we hadn't fired him, he'd be our version of JoePa. Lou Holtz left us after 2 years, but left us in good position. If we had made a different hire to replace him we might have improved instead of simply treading water.

There is no guarantee that a coach will stay or go.

Could be true, but almost all coaches answer the phone. I think adding Nebraska will put the Big Ten up there with the SEC as the best conference for the future. MN and the Big Ten might be the place to be. I've heard (on the radio) that the Newton thing has turned Mullen off to the SEC. Might be why he is looking at Miami and MN. Just a thought.

of course my preference would be for them to stay. but i would rather have a talented coach come in and win games. if they leave after two years at least its because the program has been successful and its a better job for the incomning coach. theres much less risk than rolling the dice on a coordinator that you wish would leave after two years

2? No. 4? Maybe.

If the incoming coach put together a solid staff with a couple of guys who are "head coaches to be," we could probably pluck someone off the staff to run the show.

Think Treadwell at Michigan State. If D'Antonio left (and he probably won't), Treadwell could step right in and do a good job.

I've heard (on the radio) that the Newton thing has turned Mullen off to the SEC. Might be why he is looking at Miami and MN. Just a thought.

My how times have changed: a coach looking to go to Miami to get away from corruption in collegiate athletics.

To take that next better job? I do not. I want someone who will stay here for a whole and build this program up. To me Mullen is a guy who would leave as soon as he got here

Not a concern. Worry about getting the right coach for now.

I would rather have someone who leaves after 2-4 years because the program has improved and is winning rather than a coach who leaves after 4 years because we are again in last place in the Big 10. Obviously it would be ideal to find a coach that can field a winning team and wants to stay here long term.

Let's not hire Mullen because he might do well.

The days of worrying about this are over. Now every team is on TV, we are in the best conference, with good facilities. The only reason someone would leave here would be for one of the VERY FEW jobs that are truly better (TX, FL, OSU, MICH, etc), the NFL, or if someone outbids us. With the new stadium, the BTN, and the millions of untapped dollars that would come from the groundswell of support if a coach won here (merchandise sales, etc), we should be able to pay our coach enough to keep him.

Don't settle just because we are worried about being left at the prom.

We seem to worry about this a lot for no reason. Holtz left us for his dream job at ND. That's it. No other major coach has done it in recent decades (unless you count the women's BB coach.) There's always rumors about Tubby, which are annoying, but he's still here. We know Mason sniffed around, which was annoying, but he didn't leave. Clem probably could have left too, he didn't. I'll grant you we're more likely to lose a coach in football then basketball, but it's way, way down my list of concerns. It will always be possible, but it's only happened once in all these years. That shouldn't be forgotten.

The only exception to this is Golden. It's pretty much an unwritten rule that you don't leave after 1year. I fear if PSU opens in one year he would bolt. That would indeed be devastating, and I would want it guarded against in any contract we would have with him.

I want someone who other big name schools truly want, yes. I'm tired of trying to get guys who will stick around. I think any coach who gets here and has even marginal success will realize he'll get a lot of props for the work he does, and that there are plenty of resources here to build a top tier BT program. We have all kinds of money floating around this city, tons of our alumni live here still, we have a brand new stadium, our facilities are plenty competitive (contrary to some beliefs), and while we don't have a huge pool of 5 star athletes, there are some good kids you can build your foundation around (O-line and D-line), and attract plenty of skill players to this metro school from other states. The pieces are there, we just need someone to take full advantage of them.

I have no problem with it. Two things:

1. That means we would be winning
2. We will slap a large buyout clause in the contract, so at least the University would get some $$$ out of it.

To take that next better job? I do not. I want someone who will stay here for a whole and build this program up. To me Mullen is a guy who would leave as soon as he got here

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what happened the last time we went that route with Mr. Lou. We are still paying a price for that.

I'll take the chance on hiring a top-notch guy that he might leave if successful. Why?

Because it will have meant that he's successful in proving we can win in Minnesota. And also because there's always a chance that he likes it here enough and that we can sweeten the deal enough to entice him to stay. Early on many people in Wisconsin thought Alvarez would leave either for the NFL or for Nebraska or Notre Dame. Instead he stayed and the program stayed strong. There are a lot of variables in whether you get a 3-5 year guy or someone who decides to stay and build a strong program for the long haul. I'd obviously hope for the latter, but the former doesn't mean you can't then get the next good coach to step in and fill the shoes.

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what happened the last time we went that route with Mr. Lou. We are still paying a price for that.

Lou Hoax is a scumbag. We would have been on probation anyway if that dirt ball would have hung around. Hate him. However, that does not change my opinion. I would rather have success and worry about IF the coach leaving than suffer through the past 4 years AGAIN wonding WHEN the coach is going to be fired.

I have no problem with it. Two things:

1. That means we would be winning
2. We will slap a large buyout clause in the contract, so at least the University would get some $$$ out of it.


For the life of me I don't know why this question keeps coming up. Let's go the mediocre route so they stay for a decade, like Grinnin' Glen.

Bottom line: just like when I'm hiring an employee; if they give me all they have and they end up leaving for a better or higher paying gig, it's hard to fault them. Wish them well and move on. I would never begrduge anybody for wanting to improve themselves, take on a job that's better for them and their family, etc.

If they leave the program better than when they arrived, whether it's 3 years, 5 years, or whatever, shake their hand, tell them Thanks, and start looking for a replacement.

If your goal was to leave the program with 18 rules violations, then yes...we were left in a good position.

The football team was let in better shape when he left than when he got there, that's the point. After two years, the football team went from being totally in the ditch to getting back to a bowl game. Gutekunst wasn't able to make the team better, if we had made a better hire after Holtz, that new coach might have been able to continue the improvement.

In any case, most of these violations were not due to Holtz.

I only date ugly girls with bad personalities because they'll never get noticed by other guys.

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