Do you cheer for or against other Big Ten teams?


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2010
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Warning, this is a long post, if you want to see what I think of the other 11 Big Ten teams, scroll down.

It being bowl season, or rather the end of bowl season, I know many of us like watching the rest of the Big Ten play in their bowl games, especially considering Minnesota isn't in one this year, so we don't have our own bowl game to distract us from what's going on with the rest of the conference that are playing post-season games. Some of us are absolute Gopher fans, caring about Minnesota and only Minnesota, and want only for the Gophers to go 14-0 and for every other team in the conference to go 0-12. Others of us care about the prestige and national reputation of the conference to the extent of cheering on the Badgers and Hawkeyes in their bowl games.

I'm somewhat in between the two ends in that I like to see most of the conference succeed, but I wouldn't cheer for Wisconsin or Iowa. I was quite happy to see Michigan State win today; I kind of sympathize with them over how they've been snubbed out of BCS bowls the last two years, last year tying for the Big Ten title with Wisconsin and Ohio State, having beaten one of them and not played the other and getting shafted, and then this year Michigan getting the BCS bid instead of MSU, even though MSU won head-to-head. Technically Michigan had the better record of 10-2 versus Michigan State's 10-3, but that essentially penalizes MSU for going to the conference title game, which I don't think is right.

I was very happy to see Wisconsin lose as I believe most of us were, except those of us who believe having our rival win a Rose Bowl raises our school's reputation in the eyes of recruits. I was somewhat happy to see Ohio State lose as well. My younger brother and my dad, who was born and raised in Ohio, are Ohio State fans, and my brother, who only started following the team in 2007 or so, has known little other than perpetually being in the top 10 in both football and basketball, so I think was good for him to "suffer" through a 6-win season. Living with them and hearing them lord their athletic superiority over the Gophers is what breeds my hatred of Ohio State.

I wasn't as happy to see them lose today though, because they weren't as good this year. I think that is what controls how much I want to see the teams I don't like fail. I didn't even know when or who Iowa was playing in their bowl game this year until today when I saw on ESPN that they had lost to Oklahoma. And because Iowa wasn't all that great this year, I didn't take great joy in seeing that they lost. (Don't get me wrong though, I was elated when we beat them this year!) Wisconsin's Rose Bowl losses this year and last made me very happy, because Wisconsin has been very good these last two years, so seeing them lose the big games is more satisfying than learning that Iowa lost in the Insight Bowl. I enjoyed watching Ohio State lose their two National Title games a few years back, but I wouldn't have cared much either way if they had won or lost the Gator Bowl today.

Another reason I started this thread was when I was looking at the "Gunner Kiel to LSU" thread today, to see that some were happy to see him leave the conference because it was beneficial to the Gophers. I can understand this viewpoint, but seeing as Indiana is the one program in our conference that we can look at now and say, "they've got it worse than we do," I feel bad for them for losing this recruit. He could have brought hope and excitement and maybe some success and an upward trajectory to a downtrodden football program, not to mention being a feel-good story about a top national recruit rejecting the big boys to play for his own hometown school, and being forever loved by Indiana football fans. Him coming to Indiana would have directly affected the Gophers in 2 games. I would think we especially, as Gopher fans, would be able to be happy for a historically bad program having a glimmer of hope for the future, but I guess not everyone shares my viewpoint on that.

So, my opinion on the other Big Ten teams:

Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio State, potentially Michigan - I hate these teams (not Michigan just yet, but I'm starting to dislike them as I believe Michigan State deserved their BCS bid). I enjoy watching them lose, I especially enjoy watching them lose to Minnesota (though I haven't seen any of them except for Iowa lose to Minnesota since I started following the team in Brewster's fist year, though Brew should have probably beaten Wisconsin in all of his first 3 years here). I hated seeing Wisconsin's fans run over here in full doosh mode after beating us again this year, and I can't wait till the ax comes back again and starts coming back again with regularity so we can start increasing Minnesota's lead in the all-time series once again. I also enjoyed seeing Ohio State get sanctions, although it seems like this will be their only down year; with Urban Meyer coming in they will probably be ranked for most, if not all, of next season and seasons to come.

Illinois, Purdue, Michigan State, Nebraska, formerly Penn State - Watching bowl games, I would be happy to see all of these teams win. They, with the exception of Penn State and Nebraska, and with the possible addition of Northwestern, represent the middle of the conference, generally decent teams that have great seasons periodically, but not often enough that their fans become full of themselves and I get sick of seeing them win all the time. Nebraska, while a national power, seem like a pretty likable team and fanbase, especially from what I heard from a post on this board from a Northwestern fan who went to Lincoln to watch his team pull an unexpected upset of the Huskers. I didn't mind Penn State, Joe Pa used to be a lovable character, an icon of college football, but after the Sandusky incident, it's kind of hard to pull for them, but at the same time I don't want to spit on them, it wasn't the players' fault. It's also unfortunate that they just kind of wrecked the lone 5-star recruit we've had in the Rivals era. I've heard the poor guy still doesn't walk quite right.

Indiana, Northwestern - These teams generally aren't great, and Northwestern has given us some very evenly matched football games the past few years (unfortunately they've won most of them), as well as regularly beating Iowa. It's hard to dislike these teams and easy to be happy for them when they win, with Northwestern being very academically respectable and upstanding, and Indiana having had even less success than we've had. I was happy to see Kiel commit there, and felt bad for them when he de-committed.

Sorry for my rather long and rambling post, but thank you to those who actually read the whole thing, and I really would like to know what everyone else thinks of the rest of the Big Ten.

For me, in the lower tier bowl games, I always root for the Big 10, even Bucky and Iowa.

In the Rose Bowl or other BCS games, I can't bring myself to root for Iowa or WI, especially WI. Other than that, I cheer for the Big 10.

I was pulling for pretty much all the Big 10 teams to win their bowl games this year just so we wouldn't have to be bombarded with story after story about the Big 10 being a weak football conference. Unfortunately, it looks like that is exactly what we will get.

In the Rose Bowl yesterday, I started watching the game cheering for Wisconsin (or against Oregon would be a better way of putting it). But then a strange thing happened. The first time they showed a sideline shot of Bielema it was like somebody slapping me in the face to get me sobered up. In the end I was happy to see Sconnie lose.

I'd say I'm very similar to you Cayman.

I just watch the games, but like Bob, I find it very hard to cheer for Wisconsin in a big game. Other than that, I'm marginally pro-Big 10. I like D'Antonio, Hoke, Ferentz as coaches and respect Pelini and Fitzgerald, so I tilt toward them rather easily.

I generally root for he Big Ten in all bowl games. The only exception being when Iowa got throttled by USC in the Orange bowl and that is only because I went to USC for a couple of years. I later pulled for Michigan and Illinois against SC because I got tired of Pete Carroll and the B10 needs all the help it can get!

I pull against the big ten for the most part because their winning helps them recruit and hurts us. I know--a strong conference can help recruiting but lets level things first and get the gophers some parity with the rest. Maybe then i will be more likely to pull for big ten teams. For some reason i do hope for Northwestern though. Not sure whats going thru my mind there.

I pull against the big ten for the most part because their winning helps them recruit and hurts us. I know--a strong conference can help recruiting but lets level things first and get the gophers some parity with the rest. Maybe then i will be more likely to pull for big ten teams. For some reason i do hope for Northwestern though. Not sure whats going thru my mind there.

Even with the past few "bad years" for the B1G, the conference is still one of the top ones in the country. The SEC is certainly better. You could make a case for the Big 12 as well. That's it. The Pac-12 is not better. Same with the ACC and Big East.

I pull for all Big Ten teams except Nebraska (84-13 is etched in memory). Yes, I'm for Wisconsin and Iowa and will cheer for Michigan tonight - but never when they play the Gophers.

Every year this thread is repeated. Every year I throw in my same comments that I always pull for all Big 10 teams in bowl games. Every year somebody takes issue with this. Every year I know this rinse/repeat cycle will happen again next year.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter.

See you back here on this same topic in January 2013...

Every year this thread is repeated. Every year I throw in my same comments that I always pull for all Big 10 teams in bowl games. Every year somebody takes issue with this. Every year I know this rinse/repeat cycle will happen again next year.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter.

See you back here on this same topic in January 2013...

lol I was gonna say that.. This is a yearly thing this time of the season.

So I'll say again: I'm pro-B1G, minus Iowa/Wisky. Although, I found myself not hating on Iowa as much lately, even ALMOST feeling bad for their loss to the Sooners. Maybe it's the lack of Iowa trolls here? Or maybe I just take solace knowing that Floyd is safe in the Gibson-Nagurski complex?

lol I was gonna say that.. This is a yearly thing this time of the season.

So I'll say again: I'm pro-B1G, minus Iowa/Wisky. Although, I found myself not hating on Iowa as much lately, even ALMOST feeling bad for their loss to the Sooners. Maybe it's the lack of Iowa trolls here? Or maybe I just take solace knowing that Floyd is safe in the Gibson-Nagurski complex?

Ditto, I believe this was already even brought up this year (or last year technically I guess). I will say though, when Becky or Hawk win their bowl games, it's a tiny bit less annoying because at least there's SOMETHING positive to be drawn from it regarding conference pride, but I will never "root" for them to win any game, I just won't.

Honestly though, who cares, it's not like me cheering or not cheering for Becky to beat Oregon was gonna change anything lol. I can't lie though, losing the way they did, with the botched kill of the clock, brought a smile to my face haha

I'm a Gophers fan first and foremost, but just enjoy the sport. When I like a certain player's type of game, I root for that team. I really like Aaron Murray's game (although if I was Richt, I might have yanked him yesterday) and therefore root for Georgia this year. Even though I like the Keith Nichol story, I'm rooting for Georgia to beat MSU.

I've liked the teams Ferentz has put out over the last couple years and have rooted for them in bowls

I've disliked the Sconnie teams forever and always root against them

The rest of the time, it just depends on the makeup of that year's team. Penn State was dreadful to watch this year - easy to root against

I chose to root against other Big 10 teams. First there is the group that loads up on cupcakes, runs up the score at any chance. There is the group that show no inovation nor imagination. Slog along, squeek by. And get a bid, and then there is Illinois. Sure they won but that Bowl game should not have been played. Both teams were so bad they fired their coaches. But the real reason, any team winning uses it to their own benefit. No credit to the conference. And when Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska go down. There is a special satisfaction. They aren't that good. I love the fact that Floyd is safe and warm, and its a cold day in Iowa City and Madison.

I cheer for Michigan State, and that's about it. I'm partially a Tech fan so that sets up nicely for me today. I hate Bo Pelini like I hate cottage cheese or Bieber.

It's not difficult.

Penn St. - Hasn't been around long enough to hate.
Nebraska - Should be in the same boat as PSU, but the scars from the 80's still linger
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan St., Northwestern, Purdue - Good luck, since you don't really matter.
Michigan, THE Ohio State University - It depends on the matchup.
Iowa - I'm softening on them as well. Maybe it's from my time trolling on Twitter and BHGP, but they're not that bad.
Wisconsin - Lose at everything you do and have your vehicles catch on fire so you have to walk back to your shanties, you subhumans.

Big 10

I root for whichever team I have picked in a pool or can in anyway help me financially.

For no particular reason I was very happy that Oregon won by more than 4 pts yesterday. Last year I was overjoyed when Wisconsin lost by less than 2.5 pts to TCU.

Every year this thread is repeated. Every year I throw in my same comments that I always pull for all Big 10 teams in bowl games. Every year somebody takes issue with this. Every year I know this rinse/repeat cycle will happen again next year.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter.

See you back here on this same topic in January 2013...

Ditto for me... as I get older, I find it easier to comparmentalize/priortize my dislike of other teams. Any time the B1G loses a game it reflects poorly on us in some way so I pulled for Iowa and Wisconsin during the game itself. I'm still a "Better dead than red" guy at heart, that will never change.

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