Dinero Moss


Dec 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wonder where Gopher recruit Dinero's mind is at this AM......

@8Stack_Moss Pen and paper don't make sh!t official.

Probably trying to get out of his car payment...cus he hasn't signed anything with the Gophers.

He might have gotten a marginal grade, or test results, and is waiting to hear if it's good enough. Barrington Morris goes to the same school ,and got his clearance from the NCAA, but it wasn't good enough for the coaches.

Really....we are actually to the point where we are looking at tweets with no context on what they mean and trying to interpret them? He could be talking about anything....unreal.

Wonder where Gopher recruit Dinero's mind is at this AM......

@8Stack_Moss Pen and paper don't make sh!t official.
Stop following him. Grown men following high school students is weird and creepy.

Ski U Master said:
Stop following him. Grown men following high school students is weird and creepy.

Not called for.

Wonder where Gopher recruit Dinero's mind is at this AM......

@8Stack_Moss Pen and paper don't make sh!t official.

A few days ago I started a thread about the problem I see with Twitter in relation to recruiting. This is a perfect example of what I see as being over the line. This tweet could literally be about anything. Dinero Moss is not a celeb who is posting comments targeted to his/her followers. He is a high school kid that is posting comments for himself and his circle of friends.

I know this is public info and anyone who wants to is free to read it, but to me this just goes too far in the obsession that fans get about their teams and things like recruiting. If the tweet is specifically about MN or the recruiting process that is one thing but when we start analyzing random posts from some high school kid that may or may not end up playing for our favorite team, well to me that is pushing things beyond just following recruiting or being a fan.

Now, i don't follow any recruits on twitter...not because it is creepy but because I can't stand the drivel kids tweet most days. I do follow several of our Gophers tho...is that creepy?

BTW - you can follow hashtags without following specific people...I do follow #gophers and many others...so if a recruit tags the gophers in a tweet, I see it...is that creepy?

Social media is changing things and just because you aren't a follower or user doesn't mean that people that are are doing anything wrong. If he was following random high school kids or young girls, then I would say yes, creepy...if they commit to the U and tweet about us...it is fair game....IMO. Now if you are chatting with them about their life and being buddy's with them...then again, its creepy to me.

He might have gotten a marginal grade, or test results, and is waiting to hear if it's good enough. Barrington Morris goes to the same school ,and got his clearance from the NCAA, but it wasn't good enough for the coaches.

How did you find that out? Not saying this is or isn't true, but since coaches are not allowed to talk about recruits, it seems odd they would refuse someone who they were recruiting and may have been qualified.

Now, i don't follow any recruits on twitter...not because it is creepy but because I can't stand the drivel kids tweet most days. I do follow several of our Gophers tho...is that creepy?

BTW - you can follow hashtags without following specific people...I do follow #gophers and many others...so if a recruit tags the gophers in a tweet, I see it...is that creepy?

To the first one - following current players - I wouldn't call it creepy, although I personally don't really see the point. But as a player on the team you do become a bit of a local celebrity I guess. Don't really understand wanting to follow them though because I would bet most of what they put out there is personal stuff for them not the fans.

To the second one I have no issue at all with that. If a kid tweets something about the Gophers then as a fan I can totally understand being interested in that. When you are reading about the party he went to last night that is creepy.

LOL at the notion of anything typed on a public website being "personal"...

How did you find that out? Not saying this is or isn't true, but since coaches are not allowed to talk about recruits, it seems odd they would refuse someone who they were recruiting and may have been qualified.

Barrington Morris kind of laid it out on his twitter. This is according to some thread here, I don't have a twitter account. But he had a tweet talking about being excited that he qualified. Then he made some references to his grades, needing to get them up, Coach Miller visiting, and then the offer was pulled (in which he talked about his grades).

How did you find that out? Not saying this is or isn't true, but since coaches are not allowed to talk about recruits, it seems odd they would refuse someone who they were recruiting and may have been qualified.
Bob laid it out on Barrington Morris. About Dinero Moss, another thread had referenced, that Coach Miller had said to him, that he needed higher test scores. If I remember correctly December is when fall scores are received. It's not a slam dunk, but my analysis of a possible meaning, based on less than reliable information.

I do remember something about the coach Miller visit upsetting the apple cart. Not sure what the whole scene is though...Something seems a little off.

To the first one - following current players - I wouldn't call it creepy, although I personally don't really see the point. But as a player on the team you do become a bit of a local celebrity I guess. Don't really understand wanting to follow them though because I would bet most of what they put out there is personal stuff for them not the fans.

To the second one I have no issue at all with that. If a kid tweets something about the Gophers then as a fan I can totally understand being interested in that. When you are reading about the party he went to last night that is creepy.

Well if you followed some players you would know that they often tweet team news and player news and update on their playing status, etc. Guys like Mbakwe and Gray are very vocal to the fans along with Bennett and others.

GopherinPhilly said:
Well if you followed some players you would know that they often tweet team news and player news and update on their playing status, etc. Guys like Mbakwe and Gray are very vocal to the fans along with Bennett and others.

Exactly - You can also tell if a recruit is going to pull his verbal or sign by what he says about the U on twitter. The only thing creepy here is MNVCGUY trying to make it weird. He must be "creepy"!

Exactly - You can also tell if a recruit is going to pull his verbal or sign by what he says about the U on twitter. The only thing creepy here is MNVCGUY trying to make it weird. He must be "creepy"!

Tweets about the U or the Gophers are one thing. Your post that started this whole thread had nothing to do with the U. It was a random tweet from a high school kid that could have meant anything. There was no mention of the U, no mention of the Gophers. If you can't see a difference between the two then I guess there really isn't anything left to say.

Tweets about the U or the Gophers are one thing. Your post that started this whole thread had nothing to do with the U. It was a random tweet from a high school kid that could have meant anything. There was no mention of the U, no mention of the Gophers. If you can't see a difference between the two then I guess there really isn't anything left to say.

Read it again "Gopher recruit" ya moron!

Wonder where Gopher recruit Dinero's mind is at this AM......

@8Stack_Moss Pen and paper don't make sh!t official.

What the hell I will dignify one more personal attack. Your text says gopher recruit, his tweet does not mention the Gophers in any way. Clearly we are on opposite sides of the fence on this whole issue and frankly what you do with your time is your business. I was never out to attack you, I think the act of following high school kids twitter accounts is strange unless you are related to or know the person. If you are scanning Twitter for mentions of the Gophers that is very different than updating the daily state of mind of a recruit as they make a comment about something that might be totally unrelated to where they intend to play their college ball.

What the hell I will dignify one more personal attack. Your text says gopher recruit, his tweet does not mention the Gophers in any way. Clearly we are on opposite sides of the fence on this whole issue and frankly what you do with your time is your business. I was never out to attack you, I think the act of following high school kids twitter accounts is strange unless you are related to or know the person. If you are scanning Twitter for mentions of the Gophers that is very different than updating the daily state of mind of a recruit as they make a comment about something that might be totally unrelated to where they intend to play their college ball.

Ok - Take back the moron comment.

Stop following him. Grown men following high school students is weird and creepy.

:rolleyes:. You must be one of those old men who home schools their children while banning tv and or anything else that might hurt their virgin eyes. Give me a break

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