Different than Louisville last year


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
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I know it's early, and they're schools with different reputations, but Butler this year has a similar ranking to Louisville last year when we played them. When we beat Louisville last year, I was nervous the whole game and absolutely giddy when we won. Last night I was pretty calm during the game, quietly pleased when we won, but am expecting more to come.

What's satisfying to know is that this wasn't an upset with one player carrying us like Westbrook against Wisconsin last year. It was a solid team victory with only Iverson really stepping his game up. Williams was a non factor; Nolen sat much of the game; and Westbrook had basically a pretty mediocre game. Yet, we looked in control the whole second half, and the big 3's didn't have a flukey hot feeling to them.

Tonight will be another good gauge of where we're at. Portland is bigger which should be a good test for Iverson, Sampson, and our rebounding. I wouldn't be surprised if another completely different set of heroes emerges with our depth. However, it's pretty plain to see that Johnson is our leader and best player. Not sure we beat good teams if he has a poor game.

Should be another really good test tonight - Portland has also defeated Oregon.... and hasn't lost (yet)

This is potentially a big trap game. EZ to overlook a really good Portland team sandwiched between Butler & W Virginia. This is a big good shooting Portland team. Depth could be a big advantage especially since u never know where scoring may come from. Tonight ot could be Williams & Westbrook.

I agree NCGO I expect a big Williams and Westbrook game with the match up with Portland. Plus wow, how bad is UCLA?

I felt the same way about the Louisville game and the game last night. The Louisville game I was on the edge of my seat the whole game. Last night, by the end of the 1st half I felt like we swere easily the better team and that we should win. I have a feeling Butler will be a fringe top 25 team this year while Louisville as we all know was arguably the best team in the country last year. I think if we were to play WV in the championship that it could feel more like Louisville last year. WV is a legit contender to win the Big East and go deep in March, similar to Louisville last year.

One important difference is that Louisville had played a tough game 48 hours earlier, had travel problems ("the trip from hell") which got brought up every time our signature win against them was mentioned. We beat Butler with no asterisk.

Not even close.

I dont think the win over Butler measures up to the win last season over the Cardinals. Butler doesnt carry nearly the same recognition as Rick Pitino and the Cardinal. The number next to the teams name this early in the season doesnt mean to much. Lets see what happens to Butler over the course of the season and what other big time schools they beat. I was actually not impressed by them at all last night. Maybe some of it was the Gopher defense which is very good but the Gophers made enough mistakes to keep Butler in the game.

I agree, but still think that last night was a bigger win than many on this site believe. The national hype and recognition for Butler's squad this year has been pretty big...

Having watched last night's game, I will say that I felt the only reason Butler was even in the game was because of the fouls. Without those, some of which were absolutely horrendous calls, the Gophers win that game by 15+. Unfortunately, I didn't see much of the Portland game and of what I did see, I was amazed how bad UCLA was. :eek::eek::eek:

It might be a long year for Howland and company. As for our game tonight with the Pilots, I'm not as worried about Portland as I am about our guys just keeping up the intensity and playing our game. I feel that if we do that, we'll be fine.

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