Betsy McCann announced as new Director:
"U of M School of Music Names Director of Marching and Athletic Bands – Elizabeth (Betsy) McCann is the first female director of a marching band in the Big Ten. Director of Bands Emily Threinen shares, “We are thrilled to have Betsy McCann as Assistant Director of Bands and Director of Marching and Athletic Bands at the University of Minnesota. She has led the U of M Marching Band to new heights and we’re excited for the future of the Pride of Minnesota under her leadership.”
Taji34, I'm curious about your thoughts on this announcement...?
Is this because I posted earlier, or its known I'm a member of the band?
In all seriousness I couldn't imagine anyone else being chosen for this. She has been on staff since my rookie year in band three years ago, she's an alumni of the band, and she was named Assistant Director last year (I think, I can't remember for sure). With Dr Diem having to be away so often to spend time with his family, and take care of his wife in here last few months, Prof. McCann basically ran the band last year, and she handled it with ease. I've had a few discussions with her about the band, and other things, and she is a very nice and open person. Very well liked in the band as well.
For those of you who had your qualms about Dr Diem, you may find Prof McCann a nice change. She is very open to listening to any suggestion, and giving a detailed response on why it can or can't happen. That being said, she most likely is not going to start wildly changing things everywhere, but who knows. I shouldn't be speaking for Prof. McCann on what she is or isn't going to do, since I don't know that.
All in all, this might actually be very similar to the Kill-Claeys switch in that she holds a lot of the same ideals the Dr Diem did (Excellence on the field and off, family comes first, etc), but may be a bit more willing to change some things up to see what might work better.
That being said, I have a lot of respect for Dr Diem, and am very sad to see him go. I wish him the best with his family, and I hope he finds some time to come watch the band perform.