Did You See Iowa State vs. Texas Last Night?


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Nov 12, 2008
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Bad call at the end. Looked and sounded like the Cyclones stripped the ball before the whistle. Not an unfair loss though. There were 4-5 Pass Interference calls against Iowa State. All looked like pretty good calls. Most of them were because the DB never turned to look for the ball and went for the Receiver instead. Some of the passes could have been intercepted, or at least knocked down, if the DB had just turned around and glanced for the ball. Texas TD was set-up by an Interference call. The ball almost hit the DB in the end zone. Instead of getting the interception he was called for hitting the Wide Out.

We've been seeing to much of that from our D-Backs too.

Stripped the ball out twice inside the 5 with less than a minute remaining. And I agree that all the PI calls were legit.

I was really hoping that Mack Brown was out of a job today.

Bad call at the end. Looked and sounded like the Cyclones stripped the ball before the whistle. Not an unfair loss though. There were 4-5 Pass Interference calls against Iowa State. All looked like pretty good calls. Most of them were because the DB never turned to look for the ball and went for the Receiver instead. Some of the passes could have been intercepted, or at least knocked down, if the DB had just turned around and glanced for the ball. Texas TD was set-up by an Interference call. The ball almost hit the DB in the end zone. Instead of getting the interception he was called for hitting the Wide Out.

We've been seeing to much of that from our D-Backs too.


Pollack did defend the CB's by saying its a lot harder to turn and look for the ball then people realize.

I think the gophers could beat either Texas or Iowa State.

Pollack did defend the CB's by saying its a lot harder to turn and look for the ball then people realize.

But if you noticed, not with much enthusiasm, and after complaining about them NOT doing it for most of the game.

Producer, In his earpiece: "Pollack, back-off a little on the not looking back"

Pollack: "It's not as easy as it looks."

Texas looked terrible. I watched the whole game and Iowa St really blew it. How about a stupid QB fumble in your own red zone in the first quarter which led to a field goal that was the difference in the game. I picked Iowa St. at a +9 in the daily pickem and that turned out to be a good call. Oklahoma is going to put a HURT on Texas...

And now Iowa State knows why Texas A&M and Mizzou left the Big 12 conference.

Texas and their longhorn network should have put Iowa State on the fence to move and leave the Big 12.
Texas and Oklahoma will always get favorable calls from the officails just Like Michigan and Ohio State will always get
the benefit of the doubt on crucial officiating calls.

Iowa State should have pushed harder to be added to the Big 10 when Nebraska did. They would not have to add much in the way of academics to make it in to the conference. Geographically and academically Iowa State was even a better fit than Nebraska if not the glamor name for television and the Network expansion.
They have solid athletic programs and would have been a good fit four the Big 10.

Texas looked terrible. I watched the whole game and Iowa St really blew it. How about a stupid QB fumble in your own red zone in the first quarter which led to a field goal that was the difference in the game. I picked Iowa St. at a +9 in the daily pickem and that turned out to be a good call. Oklahoma is going to put a HURT on Texas...

The fumble was a fluke. The Hail Mary at the end of the half was downright pathetic.


Texas and their longhorn network should have put Iowa State on the fence to move and leave the Big 12.
Texas and Oklahoma will always get favorable calls from the officails just Like Michigan and Ohio State will always get
the benefit of the doubt on crucial officiating calls.

Iowa State should have pushed harder to be added to the Big 10 when Nebraska did. They would not have to add much in the way of academics to make it in to the conference. Geographically and academically Iowa State was even a better fit than Nebraska if not the glamor name for television and the Network expansion.
They have solid athletic programs and would have been a good fit four the Big 10.

Second team in IA adds zero new TV's w/ BTN. Adding NDSU probably adds more TV's (and sadly higher ratings).

I hope you weren't proposing that anything other than TV $ would guide the B1G to add new schools. Keeping geography and culture is ridiculous compared to more TV's!

Texas and their longhorn network should have put Iowa State on the fence to move and leave the Big 12.
Texas and Oklahoma will always get favorable calls from the officails just Like Michigan and Ohio State will always get
the benefit of the doubt on crucial officiating calls.

Iowa State should have pushed harder to be added to the Big 10 when Nebraska did. They would not have to add much in the way of academics to make it in to the conference. Geographically and academically Iowa State was even a better fit than Nebraska if not the glamor name for television and the Network expansion.
They have solid athletic programs and would have been a good fit four the Big 10

I agree with you. Unfortunately, TV dollars drives all of it, which gave ISU no chance.

Texas and their longhorn network should have put Iowa State on the fence to move and leave the Big 12.
Texas and Oklahoma will always get favorable calls from the officails just Like Michigan and Ohio State will always get
the benefit of the doubt on crucial officiating calls.

Iowa State should have pushed harder to be added to the Big 10 when Nebraska did. They would not have to add much in the way of academics to make it in to the conference. Geographically and academically Iowa State was even a better fit than Nebraska if not the glamor name for television and the Network expansion.
They have solid athletic programs and would have been a good fit four the Big 10.

Sort of like the clock mysteriously malfunctioning after Gary Russell broke free...

Much like Iowa State's Defenders failed to stop the Hail Mary or turn and look for the ball, the Longhorn Network has been a huge failure. When Texas plays on the road, most of those "Home" Team want no part of being on the Longhorn Network. Dish, DirectTV, etc. aren't even carrying it in Texas. Comcast just signed, guessing that was for a LOT less than ESPN was asking for it last year. :cool:

Can't believe many people outside Texas give a rip either. Unless of course, their team has been blackmailed to appear on it!

Did anyone also see this cheap shot by Mike Davis of Texas?

<img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/br-cdn/temp_images/2013/10/04/cheapshot.gif">

Not surprising, Mack Brown is defending him saying ""I thought it was competing." Davis has also said he was just playing to the whistle.

The only problem I have with that is in the few seconds prior to him diving at the guys' knee, he wasn't playing to the whistle. Both players practically stopped. It was a cheap shot and everyone knows it.


Did anyone also see this cheap shot by Mike Davis of Texas?

<img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/br-cdn/temp_images/2013/10/04/cheapshot.gif">

Not surprising, Mack Brown is defending him saying ""I thought it was competing." Davis has also said he was just playing to the whistle.

The only problem I have with that is in the few seconds prior to him diving at the guys' knee, he wasn't playing to the whistle. Both players practically stopped. It was a cheap shot and everyone knows it.


Huge cheap shot!

Wow, have Mack Brown and Texas lost their mojo. How much of it is A & M moving to the SEC and getting the better recruits?

Sort of like the clock mysteriously malfunctioning after Gary Russell broke free...

just rewatched this today on BTN. It went out at 2:50 mark, and Russells run was under 2 min. Either way, I was ecstatic again, and a tear came to my eye as we hoisted the jug. Just win this weekend please

I watched the game, and as a retired proctologist, I can say with quite a bit of knowledge and experience that Iowa State got reamed a new one.

Yeah, I watched it last night and was livid at how many calls Texas was getting...I thought it was sickening. There was also a PI in the endzone a couple plays before this...I didn't think there was any doubt it was PI, but there was also a horrendous hold by the Texas RT on the play that wasn't called. I saw it live and was screaming. The whole game took me back to shenanigans like the phantom PI that Jo Pa bullied the refs into at the Dome a few years back. This is the play in question, btw:


Go to 2:09:33 and tell me the RT doesn't hold that guy...of course, it's not called, but the PI in the endzone IS called, which puts Texas on the 1 yard line. Stuff like this makes me sick.


Let me give y'all some perspective on Big 12 officiating:

Imagine a poster comes on GopherHole to talk crap on Minnesota and then is later outed as a Big 10 official and has a picture of him in a Wisconsin sweatshirt as his Facebook profile picture. That same ref makes a phantom PI call in the last seconds of your game against Wisconsin to move them into field goal range.

Meet J. Taylor, Big 12 referee.

I am really not sure what all the uproar is about? Gray's (the Texas RB) forward progress was clearly stopped long before the strip. Also if you are ISU, score a td on 1st and goal with 4 minutes to go instead of kicking a FG.

Do these guys realize how totally full of sh*t they are? Just say "we got screwed" instead of standing up there like the caricature of a Southern Baptist preacher (you know, the guy who thinks Jesus is a ten-syllable word) railing against the evils of demon rum.

I am really not sure what all the uproar is about? Gray's (the Texas RB) forward progress was clearly stopped long before the strip. Also if you are ISU, score a td on 1st and goal with 4 minutes to go instead of kicking a FG.

They said he was down by contact though, not that his forward progress was stopped, and Iowa State seemed to strip the ball before the whistle was blown.

They said he was down by contact though, not that his forward progress was stopped, and Iowa State seemed to strip the ball before the whistle was blown.

Keep in mind, the whistle does not end a play. The whistle is a signal that the ball is already dead.

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