I liked Brewster's enthusiasm or at least his ability to say, quoting from Major League, "Let's win the whole effing thing." However, Brewster clearly had no idea how to actually go about doing that though, which is where he ran into trouble. There's nothing wrong with having a bit of cocky swagger, as long as you can back it up. (Like Bielema now. I don't care for the guy's personality, but you have to admit that Wisconsin has a damn solid program right now.)
It might be hard for people to remember, but during Brewster's second season, when the team was 7-1 and beat an Illinois team coming off of a Rose Bowl in Champaign, it looked like he might know what the hell he was doing. That feeling went away quickly though. (And later we realized that Illinois wasn't that good in 2008.)
I think RichRod will do well at Arizona. The conference isn't that strong there and if they can take advantage of USC's probation, they could do well there. Man, UCLA will very likely go to the conference championship this year and that's a team that lost to Arizona by more than 30 points.