Dick Jankowski

Never have been a Dick Jankowski fan.

Agreed, GopherCrazy. Dick loves his job, puts humor and enthusiasm into each game, and is a total Gopher fan. Good voice, too. He had a tough act to follow after Julie Perlt, and we can simply put Julie in a class by himself and appreciate Dick for what he gives us.

Great PA guy, and a great guy with a fantastic memory and a great sense of humour. I met him once in passing, and he remembers me every time we see each other (about once a year). I just wish Dick could ad lib a little more, and not be reading all those awful timeout commercials.

I never liked Jules. He was a bit of a crab in his older years.

He drives me crazy at games because he never really knows what is going on. Never knows how many fouls that a guy has. Not a fan.

The women's PA guy's voice sounds better in Williams, if you heard him speak enough his jokes get old.

Dick is an awesome PA and guy! He used to babysit me as a kid so I might be slightly biased...

Good guy.....

not a good P.A. guy.....doesn't follow the game. Reminds me of John Gordon, another great guy who is very average at his job. Now his emceeing.......is very entertaining.

The way he says Mbakwe is creepy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bakwe. He's a creeper.


Dick is brutal. I can't believe he was allowed to stay all these years

He wasn't the PA obviously, but how fortunate were we to have Ray Christianson for years on the radio. That man is a God.....Dave Lee on the other hand....puke.

I actually can't believe Dick still is allowed to do his job. He's got to be the most awkward PA guy I've ever heard. His timing is never on cue and his introductions are painful at times.
Don't like riping on him, but Coon Rapids high school has a better PA guy working their basketball games.

He's horrible. The most delusional, self-promoting bozo around. I'll enjoy games more when the Polish Eagle is vanquished.


The guy is sad. He doesn't pay attention. He is often minutes behind announcing baskets, let alone the free throw shooter. His intros are painful. His awkward mispronunciations are borderline offensive. I cringe when he says "This is Golden Gopher Basketball." I love the Barn but there are some things I wish would change. The band sucks, but not as much as Dick. Would love a new, powerful, accurate voice in the arena.

How can anyone on here not like him? This is just unbelievable. He does a GREAT job. For those who seem to disagree, how do you suggest he do better? Leave it to a Gopher fan to not like the PA announcer...

He is brutal. FB/Hockey guy dominates him in every way.

His voice is not meant for the PA sytstem. I cringe everytime I listen to him.

After growing up with Julie Perlt, everyone else is plain vanilla.

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