Despite the history of troubles...

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
I am looking forward to the Fall and watching the Gophers again. I love the games and the atmosphere.
While I do get worked-up when things don't go well, I can generally get over it shortly after the final gun. It really is just a game, and no matter how the team fares I always seem to enjoy the entire experience.
I love this forum and reading the thoughts of others. It's a great place for all Gopher information.
Stay positive and have fun!

Amen. I no longer live and die by any sports team. I must be getting old.

I am stoked because I am now in row 7 of the upper deck compared to row 28 last year. It should be a great view from there.

Hear hear. Revel in the wins, find disappointment in the losses, but move on to the next week with a clean slate.

Amen. I no longer live and die by any sports team. I must be getting old.

I am stoked because I am now in row 7 of the upper deck compared to row 28 last year. It should be a great view from there.

I'm in row 3 of the upper deck, they are FANTASTIC seats! you will love them, no doubt!

I remember walking in to the upper deck every game last year thinking "damn, I wish my seats were down here." Well, now they are.

I am looking forward to the Fall and watching the Gophers again. I love the games and the atmosphere.
While I do get worked-up when things don't go well, I can generally get over it shortly after the final gun. It really is just a game, and no matter how the team fares I always seem to enjoy the entire experience.
I love this forum and reading the thoughts of others. It's a great place for all Gopher information.
Stay positive and have fun!

Cheers! Spoken like a true fan. :clap:

I am looking forward to the Fall and watching the Gophers again. I love the games and the atmosphere.
While I do get worked-up when things don't go well, I can generally get over it shortly after the final gun. It really is just a game, and no matter how the team fares I always seem to enjoy the entire experience.
I love this forum and reading the thoughts of others. It's a great place for all Gopher information.
Stay positive and have fun!

You and I would get along great!!

They embarrass me all the time, but I am still a fan. That is how most true Fans of this program should feel.

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