Denny Green


Active member
Nov 23, 2008
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I think Denny might be the right choice for this job. He did well with the Vikings and Standford. Plus, he would not cost a lot of money.

Only if he agreed to write a book on why he should take over for Bob Bruininks.

If you wanna crown him, then crown his ass.

I think Denny might be the right choice for this job. He did well with the Vikings and Standford. Plus, he would not cost a lot of money.

THIS is priceless. I needed a good laugh today.

Do they have the Calcutta Clipper there?

I can only think of two things:

(1) We'd be on the high road.

(2) If we win the toss, he'll defer so he can take the Calcutta Clipper.

The Gophers could schedule USF so that they could travel to Tampa Bay Tampa Bay.

You forgot his Big Ten experience. He put in a performance for the ages at Northwestern.

This is good humor

What was his record at Northwestern again? He is an Iowa grad and a Hawkeye through and through. What part about he tried to sue or put out the theory that he would sue the Vikings ownership over imagnined interference with his coaching job and his relationship with the Twin Cities media makes you think he would be a good candidate for the Gophers. He does fit one of AD Maturi's goals in that he does understand the culture here and his wife is from here.

No, gonna have to pass on this suggestion.

Judging by his kid, he'd be a heck of a father figure for the players. There's no room for crybabies, but there's always room for Jello.

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