Deaths in the Gopherhole Family


Grand Poobah
Nov 12, 2008
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It's been a tough week for fellow Gopher fans. My father, who was a big Gopher fan as well as a former player for the North Dakota State Bison (yes, it is ok to be a fan of both) passed away on Saturday, and I just saw on Facebook that a longtime supporter of the GopherHole, Rick Mons (MN Snowman) passed away unexpectedly last night. Snowman I believe was a moderator for the board for a time, and he also was a voice of reason on this forum. On a lighter note, he is probably best known here for starting the "Oops, wrong forum" thread that has morphed into a cult favorite on here.

A sad week for some great fans, that's for sure.

alltimetwinsfan, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Having gotten to know you over the years, there is no doubt that he must have been a great Dad because he raised a great son. And from your post, it's clear he passed along his passion for sports to you.

Awful news about Rick as well. I also got to know him well through the years at Gopher games. He was such a proud Dad of his sons. I was able to meet one of his sons at a number of Gopher games and he was a very passionate Gopher fan as well. Rick was a great contributor to this site and a good man.

My, Condolences to AlltimeTwinsfan and Rick Mons family. May they live in SKI-U-MAH heaven, watching the Gophers beat USC at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. As Oldtimer Earl used to say, we will see all of you Gopher fans under the Neon Sign of the Rose Bowl, there are many fine Gopher fans working to make this happen. We will get our day under that Neon Sign!

My condolences to you and your family, Alltimetwins fan. No matter how old you are, they're always your mom and dad. I'm acquainted with a Rick Mons and am hoping it's not him - need to go check on this. Condolences to that family as well.

It's been a tough week for fellow Gopher fans. My father, who was a big Gopher fan as well as a former player for the North Dakota State Bison (yes, it is ok to be a fan of both) passed away on Saturday, and I just saw on Facebook that a longtime supporter of the GopherHole, Rick Mons (MN Snowman) passed away unexpectedly last night. Snowman I believe was a moderator for the board for a time, and he also was a voice of reason on this forum. On a lighter note, he is probably best known here for starting the "Oops, wrong forum" thread that has morphed into a cult favorite on here.

A sad week for some great fans, that's for sure.

Condolences to you, and your family. Condolences to Rick Mons Family as well. May the sorrow of your loss be replaced with fond memories in due time.

AllTimeTwinsFan, sorry about your loss. Losing a parent is tough.

As a longtime boardmember (since around 2005, I believe), I remeber MNSnowman well (only through his posts). IIRC, he was the founding member of the "Bitter End Club." He'll be watching from above all the way from the Swinging Gates Formation to Hail Minnesota.

May their families grief be softened by good memories of them.

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Condolences to you, your loved ones and the loved ones of Mr.Mons.

Sorry to hear. May they rest in peace.

Condolences for your loss alltime.

I had the pleasure to get to know Rick Mon and his son. Rick was a top notch guy. Great parent and Gopher fan.

My prayers are with you and your family

Very sorry alltimetwinsfan! Losing a parent is very difficult.
My condolences to the Rick Mons family as well.

Sad news indeed. Not easy losing a parent, or anyone. My condolences to both families. Go Gophers!

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