DC revolving door...wow


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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2009 - ????
2008 - Ted Roof
2007 - Everett Withers
2006 - David Lockwood
2005 - David Lockwood
2004 - Greg Hudson
2003 - Greg Hudson
2002 - Moe Ankney
2001 - Moe Ankney
2000 - David Gibbs

That's seven guys in ten years and four in the last four!! Wow.

In other words, the fourth-year players in the program will be playing for their fourth defensive coordinator in four years. For them, it is a new system to learn EVERY year you've been in the program!

Missing something

Why is the 2009 space open? What has happened to make anyone believe that Roof won't be back?

The others are historical fact.

Why is the 2009 space open? What has happened to make anyone believe that Roof won't be back?

Roof is leaving for Auburn. You must have missed the previous 10 threads on it:)

It just goes to show the desperate need for good coaches at all levels!

Roof seems to be a good defensive coach who makes terrible career decisions. He leaves a successful defensive coordinator position at his alma mater for Duke, an impossible job with no chance for success. He falls into the Minnesota job since he was unemployed, and has success once again as a defensive coordinator for a team with low expectations. Then he leaves for the third best defense in ALL of the SEC with a new head coach that the Auburn fans already hate. He'll never have a better defense than Florida or Alabama, so his new defense can only get worse. He's entering a situation that cannot end good, and setting himself up for unemployment once again.

Roof seems to be a good defensive coach who makes terrible career decisions. He leaves a successful defensive coordinator position at his alma mater for Duke, an impossible job with no chance for success. He falls into the Minnesota job since he was unemployed, and has success once again as a defensive coordinator for a team with low expectations. Then he leaves for the third best defense in ALL of the SEC with a new head coach that the Auburn fans already hate. He'll never have a better defense than Florida or Alabama, so his new defense can only get worse. He's entering a situation that cannot end good, and setting himself up for unemployment once again.

Great Post, couldn't be more correct. Auburn fans are nuts, I live in TN amongst many of them. Auburn is like the girl who is an 8 that thinks she's a 10.

"He falls into the Minnesota job since he was unemployed" - I could be wrong, but I thought Roof was a position coach for a very short period of time during the offseason (after being fired at Duke) when Brew hired him, so he wasn't unemployed.

Go Gophers!!

I think this was kind of expected from Roof (just not this soon). I always thought that he had aspirations to become a head coach again and was using this job as a stepping stone.

When he was fired from Duke, he signed on to be the LB coach at Louisville. He left Louisville (before really even starting) to become our DC. He improves the D greatly and gets offered and jumps at the Auburn job.

It's a natural progression to get back to being a head coach: Take a high pub job that will get your name back in play. Doing a good job as DC at Auburn will get him more pub than it would if he got it here.

Great Post, couldn't be more correct. Auburn fans are nuts, I live in TN amongst many of them. Auburn is like the girl who is an 8 that thinks she's a 10.

But, she puts out like a 10. Word is that Roof is getting $650,000/yr. That is insane money. He couldn't say no to that.

It wouldn't be so disturbing to me that he left if it was for a HC job but for the same position?? Doesn't look good. If it's the $$ and we want to be on the same stage as the big boys, we better pony up the cash. If it's Minnesota then we better focus on midwestern B10 guys who like it here. Either way we need to get a good DC and keep him.

It wouldn't be so disturbing to me that he left if it was for a HC job but for the same position?? Doesn't look good. If it's the $$ and we want to be on the same stage as the big boys, we better pony up the cash. If it's Minnesota then we better focus on midwestern B10 guys who like it here. Either way we need to get a good DC and keep him.

I really think $ had a lot to do with it. Seriously, that's just ridiculous for a DC. However, I think Auburn has a better "prestige" factor than we do. It's a higher profile job and that has to have played into it as well. Given the same pay at both schools, most people would take the Auburn job.


I thought that Roof would be here another year and then leave for a HC job at a mid-level BCS school. I think the DC turnover has hindered this club for a long time. Learning a new system, styles of play, and calls every year can't help anybody's development. I'd love to have a DC stay here even 3 years.

Let me be a homer and nominate the loses the battle to become the Vike's next DC when Frazier leaves. Sounds like it's between Pagac and Dunbar. Pagac was the DC under Cooper at Ohio State before moving to the NFL. Dunbar was Kevin Williams' line coach and the assistant HC at OSU.

Im sorry

Roof is leaving for Auburn. You must have missed the previous 10 threads on it:)

And my latin sucks.- so I won't attempting any culpas. But I have not had the op to view those threads that came before.

You're right on the money.

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