Dave Mona and Regent Dean Johnson on Coaching Search


Knows Less Than Coaching Staff
Jan 4, 2009
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From today's Goal Line Club Luncheon:

New AD Assistant Mona said that everyone's "favorite guys" are probably on the list. The U will be throwing a wide net. No one is beyond consideration; no one is considered to be "unattainable". To think that anyone is a favorite or front-runner is ridiculous at this point. There are other candidates that will come up as the rest of the season winds down. Mona will be marketing the U in all aspects of its relationships.

Dean Johnson said that the Regents do not hire the coach, the U President does. But the Regents do hire the President. Regent Johnson said that one of the most important questions for a U Presidential candidate to answer is how they feel about the future of the football program. He and the other Regents feel that the importance of the football program and its ability to give the University a high profile is a key to the University's success in other endeavors. He alluded to some sort of "3-4 year plan".

Horton implied several times that he will not be the coach next season, and that he is excited for the U to take that next step with a new coach. Also said that maybe only one 2011 recruit was wavering.

It's good to hear this stuff.

I hope this isn't just lip service. If it's not, it's great news. At least the words coming from the higher-ups are much more comforting than the last coaching search.

I hope this isn't just lip service. If it's not, it's great news. At least the words coming from the higher-ups are much more comforting than the last coaching search.

What's sad is that even if its lip service its still a step up from previous years when the topic was ignored entirely.

I have to say that Jeff Horton has handles himself with the utmost class throughout this ordeal. I really hope he comes out of this with a good job next year. The guy deserves the highest of recommendations from the U once it is all over.

I have to say that Jeff Horton has handles himself with the utmost class throughout this ordeal. I really hope he comes out of this with a good job next year. The guy deserves the highest of recommendations from the U once it is all over.

It's too bad Horton wasn't here from the beginning of the Brewster regime. Maybe, and maybe it's a slight maybe, things could have worked out better. Nothing but class from this guy.

Remeber it was Horton that called a terrible running back draw against Northwestern that cost us the game. I'd take Mike Hohensee over him any day.

Remeber it was Horton that called a terrible running back draw against Northwestern that cost us the game. I'd take Mike Hohensee over him any day.

So Horton doesn't have any class. Good to know.

I saw Dean Johnson at the goal line lunchennand

whispered in his ear "Donna Shalala"

He gave me a big smile.

I hope she is on the list!!

Good things to hear. I hope the regents follow through and insist that the next president make football a priority.

Let's Hope Mona Can Actually Contribute Something Helpful!

I'm not too sure about Mona being involved as he is such a "Butt Kisser' on his Sunday morning radio show with Sid.

Here's a recent photo of Mona.


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