Dasher Announcement at 11:30


Sharing Common Sense & Reality
Nov 12, 2008
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As reported by FBT.

If they're making this a scheduled announcement, there's no way he's going to play, right? I mean, it wouldn't make sense to schedule an announcement only to reveal he will play and nothing has changed, especially since the investigation is ongoing.

As reported by FBT.

If they're making this a scheduled announcement, there's no way he's going to play, right? I mean, it wouldn't make sense to schedule an announcement only to reveal he will play and nothing has changed, especially since the investigation is ongoing.

I dunno. This whole thing puts an air of uncertainty over a big game for them. I could see them holding a presser to say "Dasher will not be suspended at this time pending the results of our internal investigation."

Benefit Rules

We'll see if this is covered:

"Q. Is it permissible for an athletic representative or any other individual to provide to a student-athlete or friend any benefit that is generally not available to the other students on campus?

A. No. The NCAA considers special arrangements to be an “extra benefit”, which are specifically prohibited. This restriction applies to all individuals other than family members or individual that the student-athlete received these benefits from prior to attending college, such as long-time friend or neighbor. Extra benefits include, but are not limited to:

The providing of cash or merchandise
The use of an automobile
The purchase of meals or services at commercial establishments
The use of personal properties (e.g., boats, summer homes, cars, stereos).
Providing holiday or birthday gifts
A special discount payment arrangement or credit on a purchase (airline ticket, clothing) or services.
A loan of money in any amount
A guarantee of bond
Transportation to or from a summer job
A benefit connected with off-campus housing (television sets or stereo equipment, special recreational facilities, furnishings or appointments of extra quality or quantity)
Signing or co-signing a note with an outside agency to arrange a loan.
Selling or giving a student-athlete tickets to an athletic, university or town event
Any benefit that is not generally available to the institution’s students or a particular segment of the student body (e.g., foreign students, minority students) determined on a basis unrelated to athletics ability. "

Arguably, this is posted on several school athletic sites, I copied this one from Arkansas-Little Rock. Bold/underlines are mine. Seems like enough to warrant a full investigation. We'll know in 1/2 hour...

It's true whatcha sez! And the fact the old man won't press charges cuz he doesn't want to mess up his chance to go pro and "make all that money". Means it is a benefit jes cuz he's a jock!

According to a tidbit from The Big Blue Skillet, the press conference is supposed to be on 104.5, The Zone, a sports radio station.

The Zone Website

I have no idea if this is accurate information or not, so take it for what it's worth.

If they let him play and he is later found to have accepted extra benefits their whole season will be disallowed and stricken from the record books. Unless this press conference is to announce that Dasher found the $1500 and blank checks and has returned them he should be suspended.

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