Cronicle of Higher Education: What the Hell Has Happened to College Sports?


Not Minnesota Nice
Sep 29, 2010
Reaction score

Good set of essays. Nothing earth-shattering, but all well said.

I'm still under the opinion that the NFL and NBA should adopt Baseball and hockey-type rules regarding athletes, where their rights are held for a certain amount of time. This would eliminate some of the penalties with accepting gifts and such. Of course this won't happen for another 10 years or so at least, but it could help those players, without bankrupting the schools.

Len Elmore's column highlights one root cause of why things are the way they are and

I highlighted this point in my reply to the Thread on the Bowl System.

People really need to look at Supreme Court Decision on NCAA vs Oklahoma Board of Regents (1984). See what effect that decision had on the landscape of college football.


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