crazy but why does this happen?


Active member
Nov 12, 2008
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Next years schedule shows that the Gophers again have been hurt by the B10 schedulers.

Below is a list of the number of games the teams have to play other teams who will have the week off before their games.

Minnesota 3
Nebraska 2
Michigan 2
Indiana 1
Mich State 1
Penn State 1
Purdue 1
Wisc. 1
Illinois 0
Iowa 0
Northwestern 0
Ohio State 0

Again it weems like the B10 just doesn't like Minnesota or do you think it is just a coinsidence?

You are looking at it all wrong. We get the most chances to play teams on long layoffs that will come out cold in the first half. This will be part of the reason we go 10-2 next year...

It weems to me this is no big deal. How did Nebraska do after that long layoff after their Thursday night game leading up to their biggest game of the season this past Saturday?

Meh, never looked at stuff like that before. Never cared. =)

The thing I do not like about next years schedule is that we play Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska all at home next year...meaning we have to travel to all three the following year. That sucks for fans.

I have enjoyed going to the away Iowa and Wisconsin games each year. In addition, I want to make a trip to Lincoln to see what that is all about. Now, we play all 3 on the road in the same season. The only attractive home game when we are have Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska on the road is Michigan. Just not a fan friendly set up.

It is also going to be weird playing Iowa at the beginning of the BT schedule.

Getting healthy is a nice thing. As much as we need every bounce at this point I'd rather not have everyone we play be rested and "more" healthy.

It weems to me this is no big deal. How did Nebraska do after that long layoff after their Thursday night game leading up to their biggest game of the season this past Saturday?

Nice try, but Texas had a longer layoff. :)

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