I'm not defending any of the 10 players until I know more, but it sounds like all 10 might not be that guilty of breaking a code of conduct. I think that's the argument.
In fact, they all might not have based on what people's interpretation of the code of conduct is, which I'm not here to defend.
What I'm calling out is how chicken-sh!t Coyle has been on that and how he's hiding behind "privacy" crap. Well, you named the players. Nice job with the privacy.
But furthermore, he should have been having conversations with the team which could have been done weekly.
"Guys, I want to remind you of the code of conduct"
"Guys, if you mess up, the EOEEIOU Board is the board who will review your case as they will be with a couple players who I won't name"
"Guys, the OEUEIA board is not kind in the past to men who screw up, so don't put yourselves in bad situations"
"guys, in the next week or two we should hear their thoughts on the matter. When it happens, if you have any questions, I'll try to talk as detailed as I can about it, but let's keep things in house. "
"Guys, I have to announce the following players will be suspended. I want to understand any questions you might have and let me understand how you may have felt this was unfair. I can't change their minds. It's outside my realm, but let me hear you out so we can avoid more situations like this in the future"
"Guys, I understand you want to make a statement publicly, but the EOEOOAOA board is going to be all over each and every one of you should you speak publicly to boycott, etc. Realize you may be jeopardizing your scholarship by crossing the code of conduct through your actions".
It's like Coyle's been hiding this hole time and wants people to believe Maturi is still AD.