Cow Pasture


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Nov 13, 2010
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Just looked at ESPN - Showed the Gophers playing GA Tech in the Pinstripe Bowl. Like the match-up (if true). Don't like the "where". Can I humbly suggest a cow pasture w/wo the cows?

Just looked at ESPN - Showed the Gophers playing GA Tech in the Pinstripe Bowl. Like the match-up (if true). Don't like the "where". Can I humbly suggest a cow pasture w/wo the cows?
We’ll just let the rats 🐀 loose 🥳

If I were AD or PJ, I would turn down the Penstripe. Why put the players in an unsafe environment plus asking your fans to visit the crime capital of the US. Thanks but no thanks.
Hey, the players are used to that......after all, don't they play and reside in Murderapolis? If you can survive and navigate Dinkytown, then NY should be a piece of cake.

If I were AD or PJ, I would turn down the Penstripe. Why put the players in an unsafe environment plus asking your fans to visit the crime capital of the US. Thanks but no thanks.
Right. All of those Gopher fans that attended the Pinstripe in '22 are still recovering from their muggin', beatin', and rapin' they took which we heard so much about in the news afterward.
Oh, wait...

If I were AD or PJ, I would turn down the Penstripe. Why put the players in an unsafe environment plus asking your fans to visit the crime capital of the US. Thanks but no thanks.


Jack spouted this garbage last time the Gophers went to the Pinstripe Bowl. His view of NYC seems to be that of just having seen "Taxi Driver."

That said, no team is turning down a bowl game. That's nonsense.
I do think they need to come down on the field quality of some of these bowls played on makeshift surfaces in baseball stadiums though.

Send the fellas some where warm please. We’ve done the Pinstripe recently.
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Another negative in my view with the Pinstripe Bowl was how low energy it was! Our fans made the most of it for sure, but even then, it didn't have much atmosphere with such a little crowd, and that was with a team from New York playing.

If I were AD or PJ, I would turn down the Penstripe. Why put the players in an unsafe environment plus asking your fans to visit the crime capital of the US. Thanks but no thanks.

I believe it was the NYC trip when the band mom had the meltdown. Not sure.

I think NYC is likely safer than Minneapolis.

I think NYC is likely safer than Minneapolis.
Violent crime rate is pretty similar in Manhattan vs Tampa (for comparison). Minneapolis is higher than both, but still very unlikely in all 3 locations.

Not to derail the thread but whenever there are *cough* political incentives or to lower crime rates, crime reports may go down. Crime itself may be unchanged, up, or down. Not saying that’s the case in NYC, I have no clue. Restating that, I ham literally spewing gibberish from my backside. Murders and such are harder to leave “off the books”.

Not to derail the thread but whenever there are *cough* political incentives or to lower crime rates, crime reports may go down. Crime itself may be unchanged, up, or down. Not saying that’s the case in NYC, I have no clue. Restating that, I ham literally spewing gibberish from my backside. Murders and such are harder to leave “off the books”.
I do find it funny that some trot out NYC as the boogie man for high crime. Memphis, StL, and KC routinely make most of the top ten lists, not NYC.

Elaborate please! I love a good meltdown story.

The mom went on a tweet storm due to the short trip duration (versus the football team), the accommodations (4 to a room), the food, and the coup de gras was a late-arriving flight into MSP and shuttle to a closed dorm UM in the early morning hours. After it was over there was some drama over having to pull tuba or sousaphone cases blocks in the snow. She wasn’t happy.

Ok, here’s the thread and some of the tweets


I do find it funny that some trot out NYC as the boogie man for high crime. Memphis, StL, and KC routinely make most of the top ten lists, not NYC.

Like its counterparts LA and Chicago NY is crowded, smelly, and partly inhabited by some pretty terrible people some of whom are criminals. Blue and white collar. Some love it there, some don’t. Different strokes. As far as crime again I have no idea what the real numbers are. YMMV I’d guess, based on location and mother luck. Ask Daniel Penny. (I don’t know the facts of that case)

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