couple questions in regards to the most "version" of the royce saga...

Nov 17, 2008
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1.) if he is truly expelled, as some on message boards have been speculating, do you think the u of m will be forthright in explaining exactly why? or will they try to hide behind a blanket press release with vague details to cover their asses from potential legal rebuttals that royce could conceivably bring against them?

2.) if he ends up being dropped as a suspect from the whole laptop theft incident and the u of m still expelled him was it simply a case of joel maturi and/or other nameless & faceless admins caving to political pressure from outside-the-athletic-dept-know-it-alls at the U as well as loudmouthed local media types who want to make a point and royce is their target?

if he was part of the laptop incident then obviously these questions are really null & void. but, until such a charge is made official, if ever, he is of course "innocent until proven guilty". and until something is annouced hopefully he is being afforded that very important american right by the u of m in the whole laptop incident.

The U had enough to kick him off the BB team and take his scholarship away after he assaulted a security guard (twice).

The U had enough to kick him off the BB team and take his scholarship away after he assaulted a security guard (twice).

not so sure about that bud. not saying i agree with what happened, but don't agree with the statement that legally they had enough to kick him out of school, off the team and take his scholarship away just because of that specific incident.

Rodney Williams had a great game tonight. So did Ralph Sampson III. Skinny Westbrook lit it up from 3 pt land. Damian is looking so tough on defense. And I'm sick of Royce White.

not so sure about that bud. not saying i agree with what happened, but don't agree with the statement that legally they had enough to kick him out of school, off the team and take his scholarship away just because of that specific incident.

To your original post, NO. It is HIGHLY doubtful the U will issue any more than a generic press release. CYA legal issues, defamation of character, etc., etc., etc.

Question for you, though. Given we're not gonna get the facts unless this plays out in a courtroom, why do you doubt the U when you admit you don't have the facts? You correctly assume that White is innocent until guilty in a courtroom, but this ain't a courtroom. Why don't you give the U the same benefit? Follow the incentive: the U WANTS to keep White, not expel him. UNLESS he's more trouble than he's worth. UNLESS they have evidence that he's a thug. That's how they are incentivized.

not so sure about that bud. not saying i agree with what happened, but don't agree with the statement that legally they had enough to kick him out of school, off the team and take his scholarship away just because of that specific incident.

Where is your legal authority for the proposition that Royce White has any kind of "right" to attend the University of Minnesota, much less play for it's basketball team?

Royce has certain rights in a court of law. Attending and playing for the U of M is a privilege, not a right.

You incorrectly stated in another thread that Royce White's legal run-ins are privileged and confidential (they are not). Yet you approach this mess from the perspective that all you see on these message boards or read on Myron's blog are all of the facts to be known(or are false facts). It may well be that the U and law enforcement are guarding much more sensitive details of Royce's shenanigans. Don't assume that because you don't know all that facts that the U doesn't either. Not sure where this idea that Royce is a pariah and the man is arbitrarily and capriciously singling him out is coming from.

Royce White's reputation precedes him. He has unfortunately made many mistakes in his young life for which he has nobody to blame but himself. The U, in its discretion, may have decided he is no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt, guilty or not. Good for them and the integrity of the institution and athletic department.


While I admire your love for the Gophers, it has blinded you to many realities.

i am not looking for admiration and believe it or not, i do not blindly follow the gophers. i am simply willing to consider and ask more questions, don't just trust blindly what the u admin or local media pundits say, and don't always take the way too easy approach of: "oh well. the guy is a piece of crap (even though i have never met him) stand that many here seem to almost enjoy taking whenever there is an incident with someone on any gophers athletic team."

Quote: "2.) if he ends up being dropped as a suspect from the whole laptop theft incident and the u of m still expelled him was it simply a case of joel maturi and/or other nameless & faceless admins caving to political pressure from outside-the-athletic-dept-know-it-alls at the U as well as loudmouthed local media types who want to make a point and royce is their target?

if he was part of the laptop incident then obviously these questions are really null & void. but, until such a charge is made official, if ever, he is of course "innocent until proven guilty". and until something is annouced hopefully he is being afforded that very important american right by the u of m in the whole laptop incident."

If anyone thinks that President Bruininks was not involved in this decision they don't have a clue how things work at the U. Bruininks had to be extremely embarrassed and angry over the negative publicity the U has received during the last couple of weeks. Make no mistake about it - Maturi gets his marching orders from Bruininks.

Furthermore, if anyone thinks that this kind of decision requires a guilty verdict in a court of law I refer you to the following paragraph from the U's Student Code of Conduct:


Students are both members of the University community and citizens of the state. As citizens, students are responsible to the community of which they are a part, and, as students, they are responsible to the academic community of the University. By enforcing its Code, the University neither substitutes for nor interferes with other civil or criminal legal processes. When a student is charged in both jurisdictions, the University will decide on the basis of its interests, the interests of affected students, and the interests of the community whether to proceed with its disciplinary process or to defer action. Determinations made or sanctions imposed under the Code will not be subject to change because criminal charges arising out of the same facts were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of the criminal law defendant.

Finally, the following paragraphs are also relevant to this matter:

Subd. 6. Threatening, Harassing, or Assaultive Conduct. Threatening, harassing, or assaultive conduct means engaging in conduct that endangers or threatens to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of another person, including, but not limited to, threatening, harassing, or assaultive behavior.

Subd. 11. Theft, Property Damage, and Vandalism. Theft, property damage, and vandalism include theft or embezzlement of, damage to, destruction of, unauthorized possession of, or wrongful sale or gift of property.

Let's knock off the BS that the U would not have sufficient justification to kick White off the team or expel him from the U.

Royce White will be fine. If we want choirboys we better recruit Utah hard.

I trust Tubby will continue to go after the best possible recruits. You can't win in the Big Ten with consistent 3-star signing classes. Just ask Iowa and Northwestern.

I am sick of pontificating posters who prejudge Royce. He's presumed innnocent and these charges are petty. Who hasn't stolen free cable, pirated software, hotel towels, dinner rolls etc. Royce should play soon.

I am sick of pontificating posters who prejudge Royce. He's presumed innnocent and these charges are petty. Who hasn't stolen free cable, pirated software, hotel towels, dinner rolls etc. Royce should play soon.


How can he play if he's been expelled?

I am sick of pontificating posters who prejudge Royce. He's presumed innnocent and these charges are petty. Who hasn't stolen free cable, pirated software, hotel towels, dinner rolls etc. Royce should play soon.

I think I can speak for pretty much everybody on the board and at the U - thank God you aren't our basketball coach.

For the record - I have never stolen free cable, never pirated software, never stolen hotel towels, never stolen dinner rolls and I've managed to live a pretty exciting life not being a thief.

1.) if he is truly expelled, as some on message boards have been speculating, do you think the u of m will be forthright in explaining exactly why? or will they try to hide behind a blanket press release with vague details to cover their asses from potential legal rebuttals that royce could conceivably bring against them?

I would guess it would be kind of a mix between specific and vague. Kind of hinting at legal issues. As far as covering their ass against legal rebuttals - what?

2.) if he ends up being dropped as a suspect from the whole laptop theft incident and the u of m still expelled him was it simply a case of joel maturi and/or other nameless & faceless admins caving to political pressure from outside-the-athletic-dept-know-it-alls at the U as well as loudmouthed local media types who want to make a point and royce is their target?

This is rich. If they have clear evidence he is innocent of the laptop crap and still wanted to kick him out I wouldn't have a problem with it. Look, I defended him when he was kicked out of De La Salle and ripped the crap out of Patrick Reusse for his anti-Royce article on my stupid blog. I strongly believe in winning over academics, ethics, or anything else, and think what Clem did was totally worth it. But even I think it's probably time to cut ties with Royce. This isn't media driven, politically driven, or anything else, and too suggest some kind of conspiracy is lunacy on a ridiculous level.

Seriously, please give me your thoughts on the following:

1) The Moon Landing. Filmed on a hollywood soundstage?

2) The Holocaust. Real, or propaganda?

3) 9/11. Were there explosives pre-planted inside the building?

I am sick of pontificating posters who prejudge Royce. He's presumed innnocent and these charges are petty. Who hasn't stolen free cable, pirated software, hotel towels, dinner rolls etc. Royce should play soon.

No way this guy is real.

Good commitment to a bit, though.

I am sick of pontificating posters who prejudge Royce. He's presumed innnocent
and these charges are petty. Who hasn't stolen free cable, pirated software, hotel towels, dinner rolls etc.
No, the two actual charges aren't "petty." Theft isn't petty. Assaulting a security guard isn't petty. If there's a charge regarding the laptop, I'd wait for more information before saying it was petty or not.

If you're old enough to post here, you're old enough to know the difference between theft of clothing from a store and what you suggest are comparable offenses that somehow justify the theft.

But if you seriously feel this way, provide your address and we'll send someone over to borrow some of your possessions.

I trust Tubby will continue to go after the best possible recruits. You can't win in the Big Ten with consistent 3-star signing classes. Just ask Iowa and Northwestern.

Why not ask Wisconsin?

You dont need guys like this to win the big ten. Be glad he is gone. Even if he didnt get in anymore legal trouble, guys like this cause problems in other ways through their selfish acts. Be glad that the UM has a chance to replace him with a scholarship athlete that has half a brain and puts the team ahead of himself. UM is alot bigger than RW, although he probably doesnt think so.

Just a clarification: Anything that happens in court is public record. Any details of things that happen between Royce and the U is NOT. A little thing called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

I was a CA a long time ago in a res hall far, far away. As a CA, I was not privy to any official goings-on between my hall directors and my residents. This left egg on my face more than once, and even though my supervisors got a piece of my mind, it still didn't change anything.

i am not looking for admiration and believe it or not, i do not blindly follow the gophers. i am simply willing to consider and ask more questions, don't just trust blindly what the u admin or local media pundits say, and don't always take the way too easy approach of: "oh well. the guy is a piece of crap (even though i have never met him) stand that many here seem to almost enjoy taking whenever there is an incident with someone on any gophers athletic team."

I think your hatred of the local media is no different than UpNorth's hatred of the Gopher program, and it completely takes away your objectivity. I'm with you in that I don't care what the fair weather fans, biased media members, Iowa/Bucky backers, or any other gopher hater thinks about the way Tubby runs the program. He is a class act and I trust him to make the right decision every time. Tubby doesn’t owe anybody an immediate knee jerk reaction, and everybody should get his due process. If people who were claiming they wanted Royce off the team all along get to be vindicated, who cares?

But you are claiming to be this crusader against the media and anybody that doesn't give people the benefit of the doubt, and in doing so you are blindly defending guys that are making bad decisions. Furthermore you are so vocal (in a written sense) that you are just coming across as a nutcase. I realize part of the fun is in arguing and speculating, but you should know that with every post you are just bothering people. If you don’t care what the detractors think, don’t argue with them. If you do care, learn how to argue.

Lay off Royce

What a bunch of sanctimony. There is no evidence right now that Royce had anything to do with the laptop theft. The MOA allegations are not cool but expulsion from school and the team would be too much. Royce sounded like not such a bad kid from his GH blog. Let Tubby decide what the proper response should be. The vicious attacks on Royce are not justified.

chi-town Quote: "I think your hatred of the local media is no different than UpNorth's hatred of the Gopher program..."

My son has similar feelings about me. He doesn't like it that I have dragged him to Gopher football and basketball games for the last 10 years when he would rather go to Vikings and Wolves games.

1.) if he is truly expelled, as some on message boards have been speculating, do you think the u of m will be forthright in explaining exactly why? or will they try to hide behind a blanket press release with vague details to cover their asses from potential legal rebuttals that royce could conceivably bring against them?

One word, well maybe five-


The U will make nothing public regarding this.

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