Could it be?


Active member
Aug 13, 2010
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That the elders of our Gopher Football Nation, those slightly older than myself, are the real cause for blame. They have made their millions, made the mighty contributions, and silently worked to kill the program so that their team might be the mightiest of all Gopher teams. Contribute to a stadium to have your name in lights, but not enough to pay for the coach to fill the shoes. Just wondering why there isn't a money clammer to bring the neu coach to town? They, themselves enshrined in the hall but nobody else to follow? The UofM has been a millionaire milling machine and we can't find a few duchats floating around to gin up a new genie? The economy is on the uptick and we need to start planning for the phase II of the "Bank". It needs to get to 80,000 seats and we need the right coach to win the games to fill those seats. We need those extra 30,000 seats so we never have to run the program from a subsidy from the general budget again. Just the opposite, we need the cash cow to bring money from sports to the general budget. What can speak more to a new coach than the dangling thread of hope that we will muster more money for everyone with a first class D1 program in the state. 50,000 seats is chump change in the BX and I for one, will not stand idle as the fate of our uncharted future remains so, so ... vacant.

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