Cory Joseph, Tristan Thompson and Jordan Hamilton all enter NBA draft

Corey Joseph did not hire an agent because he is not an NBA caliber PG yet. I'm sure he will return to texas next season, he could really benefit from staying in school for another season or 2.

I'm really sad to see Tristan Thompson go. But it's a smart decision. He's very underrated IMO as a defensive player, and still needs to work on his offensive game, but he'll get paid enough to make the move worth it.

Hamilton is a pretty good player, but frankly I was disappointed with how lethargic he looked at times. He's just one of those players that makes it look easy I guess, because there were moments where it looked like he wasn't even trying. One of the recruits we have coming in, Kevin Thomas, looks like Hamilton with more athleticism.

I think Cory leaving would be a mistake. If he wants to go it won't hurt too terribly bad because we have some talented guards coming in. But I still think it'd be in his best interest to stay so he can develop his body for another year with Todd Wright. He's a solid defender, and has a decent shot, but I don't think he's ready physically for the next level. A bit more polish and physical strength would do him some good IMO.

I wish Barnes would recruit these kids to stay, but I think he just lets them go if that's what they want. It's a double-edged sword. You can recruit kids and say you can get them to the NBA, but then to turn around and try to recruit against that dream would be a bit disingenuous and I think that's why it just doesn't seem to ever happen.

well he probably promises them he'll get them to the NBA, so when he lands big recruits, its not to build the program for a longterm NCAA run, its to send these guys to the league after 1 year, which benefits him in getting him the best players, but dont expect them to stay around because they are so fond of Texas, its just a stepping stone on their way to the NBA. Exactly like Kentucky

What exactly would the alternative be? Somehow force them to stay?

What? Is English your second language or something? It's right there in the sentence you quoted. I wish he'd "recruit" them to stay. If you don't know what that means, get a dictionary. Jesus.

Go Gophs Eh?... I think that's exactly what's happening. Granted, we recruit players that will likely stay longer than one year as well. The key is to find a good mix of one and done type talent and four year role players. Easier said than done. But if Barnes would have done a better job coaching we might have had a good shot at the title this year (see calling a timeout with the ball and the lead which led to the bogus 5-second call on the inbounds play). He gets the talent you need to win. Doing something with it is another story. I'm resigned to the fact that's it's just going to be a crapshoot while he's there. But at least we've got the dice to shoot, so that's nice.

Clever as always. I'd be happy to compare credentials with you. You seem extremely intelligent.

I was making fun of the fact that you said you think he lets them go if that's what they want. So, what exactly would he do to stop them? Tell them they aren't allowed to go to the NBA?

What? Is English your second language or something? It's right there in the sentence you quoted. I wish he'd "recruit" them to stay. If you don't know what that means, get a dictionary. Jesus.

Clever as always. I'd be happy to compare credentials with you. You seem extremely intelligent.

I was making fun of the fact that you said you think he lets them go if that's what they want. So, what exactly would he do to stop them? Tell them they aren't allowed to go to the NBA?

Credentials mean jack.

Let. Me. Break. It. Down. For. You.

I think if the player tells Barnes he wants to enter the draft, Barnes doesn't even try to convince him to stay. Is that plain white bread simple enough for you?

He doesn't try to convince them to stay to get more degree work done or to develop more physically. If they say they want to go, I picture him saying "well, good luck, son. I hope the best for you" instead of "Gee Tristan, the only thing I'd love more than to see you live your dream in the NBA is for you to help bring Texas a National Championship."

Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'

Credentials mean jack.

Let. Me. Break. It. Down. For. You.

I think if the player tells Barnes he wants to enter the draft, Barnes doesn't even try to convince him to stay. Is that plain white bread simple enough for you?

He doesn't try to convince them to stay to get more degree work done or to develop more physically. If they say they want to go, I picture him saying "well, good luck, son. I hope the best for you" instead of "Gee Tristan, the only thing I'd love more than to see you live your dream in the NBA is for you to help bring Texas a National Championship."

Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'

515 posts = 515 instances where you have proven to be an @sshole.

Credentials mean jack.

Let. Me. Break. It. Down. For. You.

I think if the player tells Barnes he wants to enter the draft, Barnes doesn't even try to convince him to stay. Is that plain white bread simple enough for you?

He doesn't try to convince them to stay to get more degree work done or to develop more physically. If they say they want to go, I picture him saying "well, good luck, son. I hope the best for you" instead of "Gee Tristan, the only thing I'd love more than to see you live your dream in the NBA is for you to help bring Texas a National Championship."

Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'

The coaches job is to support the PLAYERS decision. Not benefit themselves by trying to convince a player to stay. If the player is not ready, (ie Joseph) then by all means lay it out there, but if an NBA caliber wants to enter the draft, he should support trying to get them there instead of attempting to get them to stay.

The coaches job is to support the PLAYERS decision. Not benefit themselves by trying to convince a player to stay. If the player is not ready, (ie Joseph) then by all means lay it out there, but if an NBA caliber wants to enter the draft, he should support trying to get them there instead of attempting to get them to stay.

Yeah, I'm sure that's in his contract. "Support the players decision." Laughable.

His job is to win games and try to win a National Title. He just employs a philosophy I'm not particularly fond of, but it's his prerogative. I agreed with letting T.J. Ford go because he had a spinal condition and it was more important for him to get paid before injuries occurred (and they did). I agreed with Kevin Durant leaving because he's Kevin freaking Durant.

I may be off base here, because we have had some players return when they could have gone. But lately, it just seems like Barnes has an "oh well, we'll reload mentality." Like I said before, it's fine if you are winning a lot of games in the tournament, but if you are underachieving while treating the program as a conduit to the NBA for anyone that might get drafted, the fans will sour on it in time. I just happen to be one that's already there.

Credentials mean jack? Interesting take. They aren't everything (and can sometimes be misleading depending on the reasons), but to say they mean jack... well, I think that gives us enough information.

Haha yes, I'm sure Barnes convincing them to "get more degree work done" would influence players' decisions.

"Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'"

Hmmm, does that tell you anything about your ability to get a point across clearly? And you're the one asking if English is MY second language.

Credentials mean jack.

Let. Me. Break. It. Down. For. You.

I think if the player tells Barnes he wants to enter the draft, Barnes doesn't even try to convince him to stay. Is that plain white bread simple enough for you?

He doesn't try to convince them to stay to get more degree work done or to develop more physically. If they say they want to go, I picture him saying "well, good luck, son. I hope the best for you" instead of "Gee Tristan, the only thing I'd love more than to see you live your dream in the NBA is for you to help bring Texas a National Championship."

Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'

Credentials mean jack? Interesting take. They aren't everything (and can sometimes be misleading depending on the reasons), but to say they mean jack... well, I think that gives us enough information.

Haha yes, I'm sure Barnes convincing them to "get more degree work done" would influence players' decisions.

"Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'"

Hmmm, does that tell you anything about your ability to get a point across clearly? And you're the one asking if English is MY second language.

Gives "us" enough information? What? Are you two people? Or did you just reveal the fact that you see this "discussion" as an us against him situation just because I'm a Texas fan? Dollars to donuts, I wouldn't have my posts nitpicked by envious d.o.u.c.h.e.r fans like yourself if I were a Gopher fan.

And as far as degree work, yeah... some players, namely Kevin Durant, return to campus when they have time off to get degree work done. But it's probably taken him multiple years to get a semester's worth of work done. There actually are players out there that value education. Sorry if this violates your perspective on the matter.

My ability to get a point across is just fine. I'm not the one that can't read a simple sentence and comprehend it.

And yeah, matt I'm sure you (as well as Unregistered User) have read all 500+ posts of mine. If so, I pity you. But it wouldn't surprise me that you have nothing better to do with your time. Afterall, ice fishing season is over.

I've come to the conclusion that outside opinions aren't really welcomed on this board. They are met with nit-picking and attempts to discredit a whole post with semantic debates regarding one word. In short, I'm going to let y'all have the golden Gopher circle jerk you so desperately and obviously want. So go ahead. Continue the discussion about these three Texas players leaving. Oh, wait. What's that? No discussion even got off the ground because you'd rather play semantics? Here, let me provide a typical starting point for your inevitable masturbatory "discussion":

Cory Joseph sucks and so does his brother. Tristan Thompson sucks too. He won't develop in the NBA. He'll just regress because he's not at that level yet. And Jordan Hamilton is no Blake Hoffhobbabbababarererrrrrrr! Go Gophs EH!!!!


Gives "us" enough information? What? Are you two people? Or did you just reveal the fact that you see this "discussion" as an us against him situation just because I'm a Texas fan? Dollars to donuts, I wouldn't have my posts nitpicked by envious d.o.u.c.h.e.r fans like yourself if I were a Gopher fan.

And as far as degree work, yeah... some players, namely Kevin Durant, return to campus when they have time off to get degree work done. But it's probably taken him multiple years to get a semester's worth of work done. There actually are players out there that value education. Sorry if this violates your perspective on the matter.

My ability to get a point across is just fine. I'm not the one that can't read a simple sentence and comprehend it.

And yeah, matt I'm sure you (as well as Unregistered User) have read all 500+ posts of mine. If so, I pity you. But it wouldn't surprise me that you have nothing better to do with your time. Afterall, ice fishing season is over.

I've come to the conclusion that outside opinions aren't really welcomed on this board. They are met with nit-picking and attempts to discredit a whole post with semantic debates regarding one word. In short, I'm going to let y'all have the golden Gopher circle jerk you so desperately and obviously want. So go ahead. Continue the discussion about these three Texas players leaving. Oh, wait. What's that? No discussion even got off the ground because you'd rather play semantics? Here, let me provide a typical starting point for your inevitable masturbatory "discussion":

Cory Joseph sucks and so does his brother. Tristan Thompson sucks too. He won't develop in the NBA. He'll just regress because he's not at that level yet. And Jordan Hamilton is no Blake Hoffhobbabbababarererrrrrrr! Go Gophs EH!!!!


It is better to make it short when you write something in this nature. The longer you write, the more suspicious people get about how sensitive and insecure you are.

Yeah, I'm sure that's in his contract. "Support the players decision." Laughable.

His job is to win games and try to win a National Title. He just employs a philosophy I'm not particularly fond of, but it's his prerogative. I agreed with letting T.J. Ford go because he had a spinal condition and it was more important for him to get paid before injuries occurred (and they did). I agreed with Kevin Durant leaving because he's Kevin freaking Durant.

I may be off base here, because we have had some players return when they could have gone. But lately, it just seems like Barnes has an "oh well, we'll reload mentality." Like I said before, it's fine if you are winning a lot of games in the tournament, but if you are underachieving while treating the program as a conduit to the NBA for anyone that might get drafted, the fans will sour on it in time. I just happen to be one that's already there.

I agree with you, an exception or two means you have recruited top notch players. When one and done becomes the norm your objectives have changed and the student athlete is no longer the focus. Athletics is what is important and school becomes an afterthought. That is not why people watch college athletics, you can get that from the pro's.

If so, I pity you. But it wouldn't surprise me that you have nothing better to do with your time. Afterall, ice fishing season is over.

Says the TEXAS FAN posting on another team's site. From a different conference. That Texas never plays. You've posted here 500+ times and have the balls to rip on the way Gopher fans on a Gopher board spend their time? Unreal. I can only assume you're a Texas fan in the same way a redneck from the holler is a Kentucky fan.

I wish my life could be as full and complete as yours obviously is, king of all message board d0uchers. We'll miss ya...

"Us" refers to the people on this board. The reason I say that is because everyone on here who responds to you seems to have a very low opinion of you (I'm sure you'll say you don't care).

I'm sure there are a ton of Texas one and dones who "value education". I'm sure if they could've gone to the NBA out of high school they would've gone to college since they value their education so much.

Tell me where I didn't read a simple sentence and comprehend. You wrote a poorly worded sentence. It just made sense in your head.

Well-done on your last paragraph. I especially like the Hamilton and Hoffarber comparison... people on here have really said stuff like that... Anyway, I don't see fans arguing semantics very often with OSUfan or MNboiler. I guess you can just group yourself with all other outside fans on here though. You're by far the most attacked (and for good reason).

Gives "us" enough information? What? Are you two people? Or did you just reveal the fact that you see this "discussion" as an us against him situation just because I'm a Texas fan? Dollars to donuts, I wouldn't have my posts nitpicked by envious d.o.u.c.h.e.r fans like yourself if I were a Gopher fan.

And as far as degree work, yeah... some players, namely Kevin Durant, return to campus when they have time off to get degree work done. But it's probably taken him multiple years to get a semester's worth of work done. There actually are players out there that value education. Sorry if this violates your perspective on the matter.

My ability to get a point across is just fine. I'm not the one that can't read a simple sentence and comprehend it.

And yeah, matt I'm sure you (as well as Unregistered User) have read all 500+ posts of mine. If so, I pity you. But it wouldn't surprise me that you have nothing better to do with your time. Afterall, ice fishing season is over.

I've come to the conclusion that outside opinions aren't really welcomed on this board. They are met with nit-picking and attempts to discredit a whole post with semantic debates regarding one word. In short, I'm going to let y'all have the golden Gopher circle jerk you so desperately and obviously want. So go ahead. Continue the discussion about these three Texas players leaving. Oh, wait. What's that? No discussion even got off the ground because you'd rather play semantics? Here, let me provide a typical starting point for your inevitable masturbatory "discussion":

Cory Joseph sucks and so does his brother. Tristan Thompson sucks too. He won't develop in the NBA. He'll just regress because he's not at that level yet. And Jordan Hamilton is no Blake Hoffhobbabbababarererrrrrrr! Go Gophs EH!!!!


Yeah, I'm sure that's in his contract. "Support the players decision." Laughable.

His job is to win games and try to win a National Title. He just employs a philosophy I'm not particularly fond of, but it's his prerogative. I agreed with letting T.J. Ford go because he had a spinal condition and it was more important for him to get paid before injuries occurred (and they did). I agreed with Kevin Durant leaving because he's Kevin freaking Durant.

I may be off base here, because we have had some players return when they could have gone. But lately, it just seems like Barnes has an "oh well, we'll reload mentality." Like I said before, it's fine if you are winning a lot of games in the tournament, but if you are underachieving while treating the program as a conduit to the NBA for anyone that might get drafted, the fans will sour on it in time. I just happen to be one that's already there.

I am sure he doesn't have an "oh well, we'll reload" mentality. Of course he would like to have his best players come back, but when you recruit the top players in the nation year after year, expect them to take off. This isn't uncommon.

I actually think he does sort of have a point. It all depends on the specific player. Barnes should really try hard to convince Joseph to return to Texas, not only for Barnes, but it would be the best thing for Corey Joseph.

Now, if the player is going to be a top pick and is ready for the NBA, I agree, it's the right thing for Barnes to support his players decision and be their biggest advocate. But when a kid isn't ready and he declares for the draft, it shouldn't be some sacred cow where you can't try to talk the kid out of leaving.

I'm not saying that is or isn't the case with Barnes, I don't follow Texas bball that closely.

Tweet from Fran Fraschilla:

"Hurts me to say this but Texas' Corey Joseph could be on D-League All-Rookie Team next year."

Go Gophers!!

Tweet from Fran Fraschilla:

"Hurts me to say this but Texas' Corey Joseph could be on D-League All-Rookie Team next year."

Go Gophers!!

Fran Fraschilla should know that Texas doesn't have a player by that name.

Fran Fraschilla should know that Texas doesn't have a player by that name.


I'm really sad to see Tristan Thompson go. But it's a smart decision. He's very underrated IMO as a defensive player, and still needs to work on his offensive game, but he'll get paid enough to make the move worth it.

Hamilton is a pretty good player, but frankly I was disappointed with how lethargic he looked at times. He's just one of those players that makes it look easy I guess, because there were moments where it looked like he wasn't even trying. One of the recruits we have coming in, Kevin Thomas, looks like Hamilton with more athleticism.

I think Cory leaving would be a mistake. If he wants to go it won't hurt too terribly bad because we have some talented guards coming in. But I still think it'd be in his best interest to stay so he can develop his body for another year with Todd Wright. He's a solid defender, and has a decent shot, but I don't think he's ready physically for the next level. A bit more polish and physical strength would do him some good IMO.

I wish Barnes would recruit these kids to stay, but I think he just lets them go if that's what they want. It's a double-edged sword. You can recruit kids and say you can get them to the NBA, but then to turn around and try to recruit against that dream would be a bit disingenuous and I think that's why it just doesn't seem to ever happen.

I don't mean to dis your school, because Texas is an excellent school with an extremely successful athletic department, and I would rather you had joined the BigTen than UNL, but Barnes is one of my least favorite college coaches ever, and I am disappointed a school with Texas advantages and money actually employs him. He is, in my opinion, a light weight Calipari, and his players have as much to do with the term "student athlete" as Findlay Prep does with a real high school. (They can do the work, but that has absolutely nothing to do with why they are at Texas.)
When a school the quality and wealth of Texas settles for a semi-pro schmuck like Barnes, it is a big let down to what college athletics could be about. You have a smart version of an NBA development league team.
You have one of the wealthiest athletic programs in the country, there is no financial reason you have to settle for a slime ball like Barnes. I have more respect for PSU hiring DeChelis and keeping him than I do for Texas keeping Barnes. Go over-pay a real college coach, you guys have the money. I am not a Bill Self fan at all, but Barnes makes him look like a real high character guy.
I expect more leadership from a school with Texas academics and money than to hire that clown.
Tubby's recruiting drives me nuts, but I'll take him over Barnes every day of my life.

well he probably promises them he'll get them to the NBA, so when he lands big recruits, its not to build the program for a longterm NCAA run, its to send these guys to the league after 1 year, which benefits him in getting him the best players, but dont expect them to stay around because they are so fond of Texas, its just a stepping stone on their way to the NBA. Exactly like Kentucky

I always wonder when I see a post like this, what the poster thinks a Barnes/Calipari/Self recruits these kids for? Do you really think they don't care about winning the NCAA or am I misinterpreting your point? I think most coaches would prefer to have the best talent they could get, and have it for four years. But I also think that regardless of what they say, most coaches would happily accept a one and done player if they really thought he could help get to a Final Four. Most of them probably wouldn't take it to extremes like a Calipari, but what coach wouldn't take a Jarred Sullinger (let's all admit it, it's shocking that he came back) if you might be able to ride him to an NCAA title?

Now, if the player is going to be a top pick and is ready for the NBA, I agree, it's the right thing for Barnes to support his players decision and be their biggest advocate. But when a kid isn't ready and he declares for the draft, it shouldn't be some sacred cow where you can't try to talk the kid out of leaving.
Do you really think it matters if the kid is ready ro not? The NBA has established that they will draft on potential, not readiness, so if the player is assured as a lottery pick, shouldn't anyone looking out for the player's interest advise him to go on?

Credentials mean jack.

Let. Me. Break. It. Down. For. You.

I think if the player tells Barnes he wants to enter the draft, Barnes doesn't even try to convince him to stay. Is that plain white bread simple enough for you?

He doesn't try to convince them to stay to get more degree work done or to develop more physically. If they say they want to go, I picture him saying "well, good luck, son. I hope the best for you" instead of "Gee Tristan, the only thing I'd love more than to see you live your dream in the NBA is for you to help bring Texas a National Championship."

Repeatedly I get into semantic debates with posters on this board. I think 'what we've got here is failure to communicate.'

Let me ask you something. If you were a coach, and you had a player that was pretty much assured of being a lottery pick, even if not ready to play right away, wouldn't you owe it to the kid to tell him to go on to the league? You're talking about life changing money here, and being able to provide for himself and a family in a way most of us can't imagine, even if he isn't ready to contribute. Not having been in the position I don't know, but I'd like to think I'd consider the young man's best interest not my own. And in most case we're talking about kids who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, whereas in that postion I would be a wealthy coach.

I agree with you, an exception or two means you have recruited top notch players. When one and done becomes the norm your objectives have changed and the student athlete is no longer the focus. Athletics is what is important and school becomes an afterthought. That is not why people watch college athletics, you can get that from the pro's.

I know it's not the narrative, but exactly where in D-1 do you think academics IS the priority?
Not here, nor the BT, nor anywhere else I see. There may be varying degrees to the cynicism, but it's been a long time since there was any integrity left in major college athletics like football and basketball, anywhere.

Let me ask you something. If you were a coach, and you had a player that was pretty much assured of being a lottery pick, even if not ready to play right away, wouldn't you owe it to the kid to tell him to go on to the league? You're talking about life changing money here, and being able to provide for himself and a family in a way most of us can't imagine, even if he isn't ready to contribute. Not having been in the position I don't know, but I'd like to think I'd consider the young man's best interest not my own. And in most case we're talking about kids who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, whereas in that postion I would be a wealthy coach.

Let me ask you something. Did you read any of the thread? Cory Joseph is nowhere near "pretty much assured" of being a lottery pick.

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