Cornhusker Fans Whine About B1G


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Nov 12, 2008
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Apparently lost in all the "we're they nicest fans ever" talk is more than an undercurrent of whining about the B1G. Shades of Penn State. Maybe the Huskers should ask the Big 12 to take them back.

Below is the story and inside the story are links to the other "complaining" sites.

So you've got the Big Ten blues?

So you've had it up to the top of the East Stadium with 11 a.m. starts against Illinois, Purdue and Minnesota?

So you've been around the Big Ten block once and you've seen the sports cathedrals and ivy and the thrill is already gone?

So you're frustrated by Nebraska's inability to move up in the rankings and you're blaming it on the Big Ten? And you look at the last six games and they don't look so interesting anymore?..

This isn't about the Big Ten. This is about Nebraska.

Now, maybe this isn't for you. Maybe you're on board with the Big Ten, and good for you. Be patient. It's going to get better. More on that later.

This is for the readers who responded to Dirk Chatelain's “Mad Chatter” blog*, the ones who said the Big Ten isn't what they'd hoped, and some are looking longingly to the Big 12. Stop that.

*Editor's note: Dirk posted the responses he received in several blog posts over the course of last week. You can find them here, here, and here.

And this is for the fans who I've heard echo those sentiments, who are frustrated by the lack of juice in the Big Ten, the lack of compelling games at Memorial Stadium.

Don't blame the Big Ten. This one's on the Big Red..

Here in the Big Ten, you have to create your own urgency. And playoff committee buzz.

Which brings us back to Nebraska.

The folks holding their noses at the quality of Big Ten opponents need to take a trip back in the Big Eight hot tub time machine.

Pick a year, any year. How about 1987?

The Huskers won their first five league games 54-2, 35-0, 56-3, 42-7 and 42-3, respectively, before their only league loss, 17-7 to Oklahoma.

That year, second-ranked NU also beat UCLA 42-33, Arizona State 35-28 and South Carolina 30-21. That was the thing about back-in-the-day Nebraska. The nonconference schedules were usually stacked, in case the league wasn't.

And it wasn't.

These complaints about Purdue and Minnesota and Michigan State? You never heard them when NU was mowing down Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State.That's because Big Red types were too busy scheming for a way to beat OU at the end, and then packing for south Florida or Arizona. Every single year..

Every. Single. Year. The Big Eight race was laughable. Occasionally Colorado or Okie State would rise up and try their luck. But most games were a way to pass the time until The Game…
The Big Eight used to do a coaches teleconference. Midway through each season, writers would ask each coach to compare Nebraska and Oklahoma. Iowa State coach Jim Walden once said of Nebraska, “They're big, they're fast, they're strong and their mamas love 'em.”

Their mamas still love them, but somewhere alone the way, the Huskers ceased to be bigger, faster and stronger than everyone else.

If there's apathy, if there's frustration, put it on that.

The Big Ten is average, but it's got nothing on some of those Big Eight schedules. The Big 12 was good, not great. At least fans got to see Oklahoma or Texas on a regular basis, unlike what the Big Ten is doing with its nine-game rotations.

But somewhere along the line, it became about the quality of opponents coming to Lincoln. And that's the point, too.

If all is well with the Huskers, Nebraskans have no problem kicking through the leaves week after week, whether it be Purdue or Kansas under the pile.

What's missing aren't trips to Eskimo Joe's or Aggieville. It's the trips to South Beach and Scottsdale..

Yes, Big Ten football is boring. But there was no excitement like a 50-2 thrashing of the Big Eight Game of the Weak.

The inability to move up the rankings, or flag down the Associated Press voters? That's on Nebraska's inability to show well in a big game — most notably UCLA — not the mediocrity that is Big Ten football.

Embarrassed by being in the Big Ten? Flip it around. When is Nebraska going to do something for the Big Ten?

Conference image is simple. It's always been about the health at the top. If you have two teams in the top 10 — preferably your big names — that's a strong league.

Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany and Husker fans have one big thing in common: both want Nebraska to start doing what Nebraska does best. And that's be Nebraska.


Very few people in Nebraska are unhappy with the Big Ten. A writer for the Omaha World Herald just asked if anyone had regrets about the Big Ten or if anyone felt different a few years later, and he's been posting different responses for the past couple weeks. Most of its just about missing playing former conference teams, close road trips, and these terrible 11am games. But by and large everyone likes the Big Ten.

Biggest complaints

1- 11am games- These is by far the biggest complaint. 11am games are terrible and the Big Ten is king of 11 am games

2- No night games in November - I mean if you are gonna have 11 am games i guess that understandable, but why no night games in November? Maybe its cold in Minnesota in November but most the time the weather is fine in Nebraska. Makes no sense to not have November night games, especially when the Big Ten backloads the schedule and puts the marquee games in November.

Maybe they should accomplish something in our conference before knocking it.

Maybe they should accomplish something in our conference before knocking it.

It is just a sportswriter's comments which doesn't represent the views of the majority of the fan base? The same way Souhan or Reusse represents the majority of the gopher fan base, right? It is simply one sportswriter's view. The majority of their fans aren't whining about the Big Ten, they just miss some of those almost 100 year old rivalries.

Having attended some of those fabled rival games the NE fans are missing...I get it. It would be like us losing WI & IA on our schedule. You would miss them. But that is the nature of leaving your conference. They made a choice based on what was best for them financially and not necessarily what was best for the fans ( in their minds anyways).

I still have loads of friends in Husker land and they are all blah about the BIG. And if I still lived in Lincoln, I would be too. Nothing will replace the easy drives to Mizzou, OU, KSU, KS, ISU & Colorado and great game day experience at all these schools, plus the rivalry games in Lincoln. I feel bad for them, but then, I didn't vote to jump conferences. They joined us and that is what they have to live with. If it hurts that bad, play them in non-conference.

2- No night games in November - I mean if you are gonna have 11 am games i guess that understandable, but why no night games in November? Maybe its cold in Minnesota in November but most the time the weather is fine in Nebraska. Makes no sense to not have November night games, especially when the Big Ten backloads the schedule and puts the marquee games in November.

Apparently, the B1G has loosened the rule on this and schools can request an evening game (but TV still plays a role). This was to accommodate some of the B1G schools where November evenings (esp. early Nov) are more temperate than say, in Minnesota.

Having attended some of those fabled rival games the NE fans are missing...I get it. It would be like us losing WI & IA on our schedule. You would miss them. But that is the nature of leaving your conference. They made a choice based on what was best for them financially and not necessarily what was best for the fans ( in their minds anyways).

I still have loads of friends in Husker land and they are all blah about the BIG. And if I still lived in Lincoln, I would be too. Nothing will replace the easy drives to Mizzou, OU, KSU, KS, ISU & Colorado and great game day experience at all these schools, plus the rivalry games in Lincoln. I feel bad for them, but then, I didn't vote to jump conferences. They joined us and that is what they have to live with. If it hurts that bad, play them in non-conference.

Most feel both. I miss playing all the old Big 8 foes and even Texas & A&M (dont really care about Tech or Baylor) but i also im still excited to play Big Ten teams. New rivlaries in the Big Ten are gonna be fun. Nebraska-Iowa will be a hateful little brother rivlary. I expect Nebraska-Wisconsin to blow up.

Sucks the games are so far away. Ames, Lawrence, and Manhattan were all very easy drives. But now Nebraska gets to go to Minneapolis, Chicago, Madison, IC, etc which are better cities even though they are farther. Only team i dont really want to play is Purdue very boring program.

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