Consective Premium Seats


Section 238 - Row 4
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
If I'm not mistaken, it appears that as of roughly noon today the remaining $100, $250 and $500 premium seats are singles. I'm not surprised that the consective seats sold but am surprised as how quickly the wait list gobbled them up. This has been fun to watch. I'll have to find another hobby in the next couple of weeks !!

sorry: consecutive - consecutive

Yep, they are gone (not including singles). I think they made a good call on pricing the seat fees on the premium seats but missed the mark on predicting what people would be willing to pay to park in the tailgating lots. You can't win them all.

I looked at the seat sales for the 1st time in a week today and am encouraged to see that the premium seats are full. From another thread, it looks like there are about 2,000 seats left. Assuming that half the waiting list is getting 2 tickets per person and the other half is getting 4, we're a little less than 700 season ticket holders away from being sold out. AWESOME.

I can't wait to be a part of a consistently sold-out Gopher football experience.

Rah Rah Rah for Ski-U-Mah!

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