Congrats to UptownMaroon&Gold -- winner of tonight's Predict the Score vs TX A&M

Rick Mons

The former MN Snowman
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
Congrats to UptownMaroon&Gold -- winner of tonight's Predict the Score vs TX A&M

Only two G'holers picked the Aggies to win last night's game (34 picked the Gophers). UptownMaroon&Gold's predicted score was 71-68, 8 points off the actual 66-65 score. TubbytownUSA came in second with his 78-70 prediction.

TubbytownUSA earns 10 points in the standings and UptownMaroon&Gold earns 15 points and has his name placed on the Roll Call of Honor (below).

Complete standings will be published in this thread shortly.

Roll Call of Honor
2009-2010 Basketball Season
11/13/09 ... Tenn. Tech ... RunninGopher (2 pt variance)
11/16/09 ... SF Austin .... Runext07 (9 pt variance)
11/19/09 ... Utah Valley .. Dr Don (4 pt variance)
11/26/09 ... Butler .......... Lefty's Righty (8 pt variance)
11/27/09 ... Portland ....... ncgo4 (only 1 to pick Portland)
11/29/09 ... Texas A&M .. UptownMaroon&Gold (8 pt var)​

LIAR!!! YOU ARE WRONG. I predicted the Aggies beat the Gophers 68-63 and predicted the score the closest. I have won two weeks and you ignored me twice on your rigged childish prediction thread.

11-27-2009, 11:32 PM

CaliforniaGophers: Texas A&M 68 Minnesota 63

LIAR!!! YOU ARE WRONG. I predicted the Aggies beat the Gophers 68-63 and predicted the score the closest. I have won two weeks and you ignored me twice on your rigged childish prediction thread.

11-27-2009, 11:32 PM

CaliforniaGophers: Texas A&M 68 Minnesota 63
As an attorney (with a lot of friends who are also attorneys), you should know that first you ask to approach the bench before calling the judge a liar.

Predict the Score Standings thru 11/29 game

. 1 …. (31 pts) ncgo4
. 2 …. (19 pts) Runext07
. 3 …. (18 pts) ChemEGopher, Dr.Don, runningopher, UptownMaroon&Gold
. 7 …. (17 pts) XMan
. 8 …. (16 pts) Lefty's Righty, Peanutbuttertubbytime
10 …. (13 pts) Rick Mons
11 …. (12 pts) wiscbearsfan17
12 …. (11 pts) sota1
13 …. (10 pts) 94Gopher, Gopher In Qatar, Gopher1more , Gortonsfisherman011, MKE_Gophers, Roy Christensen , TubbyTownUSA, whogoofed
21 …. (9 pts) Anderson8284
22 …. (8 pts) blizzard
23 …. (7 pts) Go31, Moonlight , TheRealTruth
26 …. (6 pts) DrinoneMays9, GophersOnTheRise , RW+RW=Our W's , sandiegopete
30 …. (5 pts) dex8425, jjgopher
32 …. (4 pts) BigPlay, book , Charlesbenjamin, Gopherholefan , Notorious PLD , rccola889, Ski U Mah Gopher , Zales04
40 …. (3 pts) Bayfieldgopher, Burton34, drakegopher, Gold Out, Gopher737 , GophersInIowa, howeda7 , Jeshurun, Jike Spingleton, Mikie S , minimax, Station 19, Warrior04
53 …. (2 pts) Fargobison, Gopherinphilly , JimmyJamesMD, Section201 , Slim Tubby , Southpaw , weezy , woohoo
61 …. (1 pts) AuggieGopher, Brooklyn Badger Gopher Fan, Cold Man, dbuton, DiehardGopher, Flash23, Freshtrout , Gold Vision, Goldyspop, GVBadger, HardwoodElite, jamiche , Juicer, Maroon Shower, Selection Sunday, Sid Hartman, tubbyapolis, Tubtastic
79 …. (0 pts) Bamboo Bomber , BigGopherFan , figi , mom8pop , The Big L

Rick Mons is a petty and annoying fool. I award him a prize for most annoying person on the Gopher Hole Forum. Congrats Ricky!!

LIAR!!! YOU ARE WRONG. I predicted the Aggies beat the Gophers 68-63 and predicted the score the closest. I have won two weeks and you ignored me twice on your rigged childish prediction thread.

11-27-2009, 11:32 PM

CaliforniaGophers: Texas A&M 68 Minnesota 63
Oh, my, I can tell you're really upset now. Tsk, tsk, yelling and throwing a 'net temper tantrum and all. My gosh.

Now, earlier you wrote:
OK, ... I no longer want credit from you as your prediction thread is a joke. I will post my response in any format I choose maybe just to rile you a little. Can you understand that Sherlock?
Well, "Sherlock," who's getting riled now? And here you said "I no longer want credit." Go figure.

I've told you a number of times that you need to put your prediction in this format:
Moniker: team ... xx -yy​
And here's your entry:
CaliforniaGophers: Texas A&M 68 Minnesota 63​
To make things simple, I've emphasized the problem ... as I've told you at least 10 times before via private messages.

As I've also explained to you (and as is posted on each notice of the competition), I use a Macro to simplify data entry and that's why the formatting is important. Every time the competition is posted, I include the same request. I also tell folks that their prediction may not get counted if it's in the wrong format. You'd think that by now you'd either put your predictions in the correct format or quit predicting.

To spare you any further aggravation, I'll simply ignore any future prediction you make. That way you won't have to throw a tantrum and complain about how things are rigged, etc. And, in your spare time you can reflect upon Einstein's quote about insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Oh, my, I can tell you're really upset now. Tsk, tsk, yelling and throwing a 'net temper tantrum and all. My gosh.

Now, earlier you wrote:

Well, "Sherlock," who's getting riled now? And here you said "I no longer want credit." Go figure.

I've told you a number of times that you need to put your prediction in this format:
Moniker: team ... xx -yy​
And here's your entry:
CaliforniaGophers: Texas A&M 68 Minnesota 63​
To make things simple, I've emphasized the problem ... as I've told you at least 10 times before via private messages.

As I've also explained to you (and as is posted on each notice of the competition), I use a Macro to simplify data entry and that's why the formatting is important. Every time the competition is posted, I include the same request. I also tell folks that their prediction may not get counted if it's in the wrong format. You'd think that by now you'd either put your predictions in the correct format or quit predicting.

To spare you any further aggravation, I'll simply ignore any future prediction you make. That way you won't have to throw a tantrum and complain about how things are rigged, etc. And, in your spare time you can reflect upon Einstein's quote about insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

There you go with more BS. You are the one with the temper who goes bezerk when someone disagrees with your posts. I try to keep the discussions substantive, but then you make it personal. You make so many petty personal attacks that I am surprised that Jason Groth lets you still post here. You are a prime example of why this website has devolved into a cesspool of berating players, gossip, innuendo, hate, bickering etc. I'm sorry but your pettiness and personal attacks are doing a disservice to this site and I support Jason kicking you off the site.

The guy provides the folks on this board with something fun to do every time the Gophers play, and you whine about it. He doesn't have to do this. It's not too much to ask for the formatting of the entries to be consistent to cut down on the work he has to do.

Get over yourself.

The guy provides the folks on this board with something fun to do every time the Gophers play, and you whine about it. He doesn't have to do this. It's not too much to ask for the formatting of the entries to be consistent to cut down on the work he has to do.

Get over yourself.

Form over substance. Way to make it fun!! I had winning pick twice but Ricky pulls out his technicalities to disregard clearly communicated picks. I have every right to complain about Rick Mons as he is a petty doofus.

The formatting is clearly laid out in his post every single time. I know colons, dashes, and spaces are complicated, but it's not much to ask so that he can load the picks into his spreadsheet as easily as possible.

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