Congrats to Mom8Pop -- Winner of today's Predict the Score (vs SDSU)

Rick Mons

The former MN Snowman
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
Nobody really expected these scores ... Mom8Pop is the closest to the actual 16-13 score with a 26-13 prediction for a 10-point variation. Mom8Pop has his name added to the Roll of Honor and gets 15 points in the standings.

Here's the top 5 places:
1st Place: mom8pop (10 pt variance) - 15 points awarded
2nd Place: go4rob (12 pt variance) - 10 points awarded
3rd Place: Wait!What? (14 pt variance) - 7 points awarded
4th Place: Berget13 (16 pt variance) - 5 points awarded
5th Place: (tie): GoldenGo4Fan and longhorn_gopher (18 pt variance) - 3 points awarded

These folks picked the Gophers to win but had score predictions that were greater than 18 points from the actual score: AhliBobwa, AShreve20, at the bar, Bayfieldgopher, Big Play, Charlesbenjamin, Clyde Tester, Dr.Don, Foggie, frozengopher, go31, Gopher Bandanna Guy, Gopher In Qatar, Gopher737, Gopherholefan, Gopherinphilly, gophermanic, gophersfan, Gophersmokes, icepirate13, LloydChristmas, mggoph, MGGopher, Mick Turition, MKE_Gopher, nc2mn, ncgo4, nsmike, Ole, rccola889, Rick Mons, RodentRampage, rovertM, Roy Christensen, runningopher, sandiegopete;, SlipperySlope, Tikited, Troy McClure, Winnipegopher

And these fans picked the Jackrabbits to win so get no points. Nada. Zero. Zilch. ConferenceChamp , Gophervotary, Rabidrabbit , Ski U Mah Gopher

Roll Call of Honor - Football
2009 Season Winners
09/05/09 .... Syracuse ... Winnipegopher (exact score)
09/12/09 .... Air Force .... HomerGopher (3 point variance)
09/19/09 .... California .... HomerGopher (1 point variance)
09/26/09 .... N'western ... SanDiegoPete (exact score)
10/03/09 .... Wisconsin .. at the bar (2 point variance) ...
10/10/09 .... Purdue ... ... FrozenGopher (1 point variance)
10/17/09 .... Penn St . ... Rodent Rampage (17 point variance)
10/24/09 .... Ohio St . ... SelectionSunday (3 point variance)
10/31/09 .... Mich St . ... NC2MN (11 point variance)
11/07/09 .... Illini . ......... FrozenGopher (1 point variance)
11/14/09 .... SDSU. ....... Mom8Pop (10 point variance)​

Standings in Predict the Score through 11/14 game vs SDSU

Frozen Gopher keeps his one-point lead intact heading into the last regular season game
Mom8Pop, today's winner, moved up to 4th place and is within striking distance.

.1 …. (36 pts) frozengopher
.2 …. (35 pts) Winnipegopher
.3 …. (31 pts) GopherHomer
.4 …. (30 pts) Go 31, mom8pop
.6 …. (27 pts) Wait!What?
.7 …. (26 pts) Sandiegopete
.8 …. (25 pts) RodentRampage
.9 …. (24 pts) go4rob
10 …. (22 pts) Charlesbenjamin, GopherOhana, Mick Turition, nc2mn
14 …. (21 pts) Gopher In Qatar, Ole
16 …. (20 pts) At The Bar, Uptownmaroon&Gold
18 …. (19 pts) AShreve20, MKE_Gopher, TikiTed
21 …. (18 pts) Conferencechamp, Gopher737 ....
23 …. (16 pts) rovertM
24 …. (15 pts) Darrenthegreek, Selection Sunday
26 …. (14 pts) book, Gopher In Philly, Gophers09, runningopher
30 …. (13 pts) Goldengo4Fan, nsmike, rccola889, Zales04
34 …. (12 pts) Berget13, Big Play, Gandharva, GoldyPushUps, Gopherholefan, Magpie
40 …. (11 pts) NEGopher, Noonan , Rick Mons
43 …. (10 pts) awag777, Bayfieldgopher, Hyaluronic, Sam
47 …. (9 pts) ClydeTester, Gopherrising, mggoph
50 …. (8 pts) DrDon, Goldyspop, Gophermanic, Lloydchristmas, MGGopher, XMan
56 …. (7 pts) Cmich Gopher, gophernut, Oski Wow Wow, Schnauzer, Ski U Mah Gopher, thailleagle
62 …. (6 pts) Gopher07, icepirate13, maroon92, pharmacygopher, Troy McClure
67 …. (5 pts) Gopherjay, Gophers fan, Honyocker, longhorn gopher, MHDGopherfan, PlayHosea
73 …. (4 pts) Curseislifted, ERob12, MrGopher, Old Chap, TubbytownUSA, VACTERL
79 …. (3 pts) AhliBobwa, BrewsterBooser, caligopher, DanNystrom, Darby, Gogophersrah, Jike Spingleton, maliksealy, Ncgo4, PlymouthGopherFan, Schnoodler, Skoalvikings, Threefinesweethams
92 …. (2 pts) Badgergopher, dayjoh, Gopher_Alum , gophergrad, gopherprof, Gophers4Life, gophmeister., Hlgopher, Madisonraisedgophercrazed, marathon man, Maverick, Mayne Street, Roy Christensen, sec105, Squidweber, Studwell55, Zep
109 …. (1 pts) 8151, AeroGopher, Algopher, alphagopher, AVGopher, began11, Bronko Nagurski Gopher, CalBear68, cheeseheadgophfan, dalostpinoy, denguegopher, Diehardgopher , Doogie, DrinoneMays9, DWMINN, Fej, Fluffhead, Foggie, FremontBear, Gofur, Gold Vision, gophen golder, Gopher Bandanna Guy, Gopher Nation, Gophercrazy, Gophersen, gophersfan, Gophersmokes, Gortonsfisherman, Handsome Pete, HobieCat, Husker70, Jpiigopher, jrb27, Khaliq, lakesgopher, longtimegone., Markymark98, Maroon, Maroongophers1, Milestones, MilitaryGopher, Oleboy41 , Pewterschmidt, RailBaronYarr, Rivergopher, Row19Gopher, Rudy, Section 100, Sid Hartman, SJUgopher, SlipperySlope, stocker08, SunGopher, tailgator, Tubtastic, Varmintkong, Wdgold, Youngstowngopher
168 …. (0 pts) akgopher, Auego4, bigmwc, CaliforniaGopher, carh1981, Dcboe, flash23, goldengun, Goldentimeofday, GopherinDixie, Haugy#33, jbergey2, jovs, MBAGuy, Mulligan, Slim Tubby, YahE

I have been hovering around the top 50 for several weeks now, and currently in a tie at #50 with 5 others. I need a beer, I am so excited, but it is way to early, so will settle for coffee for now.

Thanks to Rick Mons for all of your hard work and time you put into these contests.


I have been hovering around the top 50 for several weeks now, and currently in a tie at #50 with 5 others. I need a beer, I am so excited, but it is way to early, so will settle for coffee for now.

Thanks to Rick Mons for all of your hard work and time you put into these contests.



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