Congrats to Gopher737 -- winner of tonight's "Predict the Score" vs Indiana


An old timer
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
We actually had a tie for first place between Gopher737 (prediction of 62 - 57) and GoBigGold (prediction of 64 - 55) -- each had a variance of 3 points from the actual 62-54 score. Gopher737 takes the honors since his/her predicted Gopher score was spot on. Thus, Gopher737's name is added to the Roll of Honor as tonight's winner.

However, both Gopher737 and GoBigGold gain 15 points toward the season standings. Here are the top five places in tonight's competition:
1st Place (tie): Gopher737 and GoBigGold - 15 pts awarded; variance of 3 points from actual score.
2nd Place (tie): Big Play, Gold Rush, mom8pop, monsonville, row19gopher and RW+RW=Our W's - 10 pts awarded; variance of 4 points from actual score.
3rd Place: Ski U Mah Gopher - 7 pts awarded; variance of 6 points from actual score.
4th Place: kramer - 5 pts awarded; variance of 7 points from actual score.
5th Place (tie): Burton34, gopher1more and Gopherholefan - 3 pts awarded; variance of 8 points from actual score.
We had 40 predictions (all saying Gophers would win) and almost a third (13) were in the top five positions.

The remainder all received one Participation Point including: Anderson8284, Blizzard, book, Charlesbenjamin, ChemEGopher, Dr Don, Freshtrout, Gopher In Qatar, gopherbadgerman, Gopherinphilly", HopHead, maliksealy, Mikie S, minimax, MNSnowman, oldlodgeskins, Runext07, runningopher, SanDiegoPete, SelectionSunday, skoalvikings, Steer53, TheBarn, TubbyTime2009, What Up Guy, XMan and Zales04.

Predict the Score Standings

.. 1 …... 90 pts. …... Charlesbenjamin
.. 2 …... 85 pts. …... Gold Rush
.. 3 …... 84 pts. …... mom8pop
.. 4 …... 74 pts. …... HopHead
.. 5 …... 65 pts. …... book
.. 6 …... 63 pts. …... Anderson8284
.. 7 …... 58 pts. …... Blizzard
.. 8 …... 56 pts. …... Mikie S and Ski U Mah Gopher

10 …... 52 pts. …... Gopher737
11 …... 50 pts. …... The Big L
12 …... 47 pts. …... Runext07
13 …... 45 pts. …... Gopherholefan and MNSnowman
15 …... 44 pts. …... gopher1more
16 …... 38 pts. …... TheBarn
17 …... 36 pts. …... Gopher In Qatar
18 …... 35 pts. …... Big Play, Roy Christensen, Warrior04, Whogoofed and Zales04

23 …... 32 pts. …... MillionMoves
24 …... 29 pts. …... ChemEGopher, MadisonRaisedGopherCrazed and SanDiegoPete
27 …... 28 pts. …... gophermanic
28 …... 27 pts. …... BayfieldGopher
29 …... 26 pts. …... DrDon, GoBigGold, maliksealy and ron456

33 …... 25 pts. …... row19gopher and USTGopher
35 …... 22 pts. …... GopherCrazy and What Up Guy
37 …... 21 pts. …... runningopher, skoalvikings and XMan

40 …... 20 pts. …... ilovethebarn and Kindofgreen
42 …... 19 pts. …... Figi
43 …... 18 pts. …... Freshtrout, gopherbadgerman and Steer53
46 …... 15 pts. …... bruster, Evergreenst8 and markymark98
49 …... 13 pts. …... RW+RW=Our W's

50 …... 11 pts. …... SelectionSunday and Tubtastic
52 …... 10 pts. …... monsonville, Technogopher and WadeHokenson
55 …... 9 pts. …... Boondoggle, GopherKev and GopherMike
58 …... 8 pts. …... burton34, Gopher07 and gortonsfisherman011

61 …... 6 pts. …... Cheeseheadgophfan, Gopherinphilly, minimax and oldlodgeskins
65 …... 5 pts. …... Dampshoe, DiehardGopher, Indiana Gopher, kramer, Nysparty and Wiscbearsfan17

71 …... 4 pts. …... OSUfan
72 …... 3 pts. …... fluffhead, Goldengopher and rosevillegopher
75 …... 2 pt. …... AzNGoPheR, goldenfuture5, stevenmgr, TubbyTime2009 and TubbytownUSA

80 …... 1 pt. …... 6Gophers Minnesota, BarnBoy, BUGuy, cncmin, DevOJoe5 , FiveStarFan, GILBball, Golden Shower, gopher7, Gopherthewin, Jeshurun, RomaGopher , SoMplsHawkI, thebarnisback, TheHofferette, TWeber and youngstowngopher

98 …... 0 pts. …... chiefilliniwek, FairfaxGopher , GoGoGophers, GOLDY1966 , GVBadger, jamiche, sec105 and WestBank08

Thanks Snowman for running this fun diversion. We all appreciate your efforts and are happy you are feeling better.

Paul Carter is the Gophs MVP and should be next years Captain. Awesome effort every night!

Why did Verdell Jones have to hit that meaningless 3 pointer at the very end of the game? My 62-50 prediction would have only been 1 point off....that greedy little punk!!!

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