Confirm or Deny? Andre Mcdonald is visiting Illinois this weekend-


Kill Believer
Dec 20, 2011
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Just saw on a newspaper comment section that Andre McDonald has a planned visit with former Vandy WR Coach Chris Beatty and Illinois this weekend.
Can anyone comment?

Going to take a wild stab that a newspaper comment section isn't going to be accurate.

Look at the number of posts. This is Pantherhawk trying to stir up the troops. Just ignore the sick SOB.

Oh, I know. Just figured I'd put a rational post up before someone missed that detail and freaked out.

Look at the number of posts. This is Pantherhawk trying to stir up the troops. Just ignore the sick SOB.

No, no I'm not "Pantherhawk" whoever that is. I just noticed it and wanted to see if anyone knew about it. I don't know why it happens but some kids still take visits after they commit. Not trying to start any trouble.

Besides, interesting that I'm being called out by a blogger who lives in Madison. Let's hope your in Law School.

Illinois Scout has it listed, Mods over at the Illini boards specifically said it's not accurate. It's dated.

You know it's a big commitment when it gets trolls to make up screen names to start drama.

Actually, he will be visiting the University of Illinois campus. It is scheduled for November 12th of this year. :clap:

No, no I'm not "Pantherhawk" whoever that is. I just noticed it and wanted to see if anyone knew about it. I don't know why it happens but some kids still take visits after they commit. Not trying to start any trouble.

Pretty sure you're not Pantherhawk, but for your edification and amusement, Pantherhawk is a legendary troll and Iowegian Hogeye :pig: fan obsessed to the negative with Golden Gopher football to an extraordinary degree, I mean really, he elevates unhealthy obsession to a true art form. He is also I believe obsessed with Star Wars and mock-fighting with deathly intensity using flourescent light-sabers. Hmmmm, what else is there to say? Well, he is truly 'special', and I believe that he and the greater mass of humanity at large would be well-served if he could only be studied by a team of qualified mental health professionals, but alas and alack, such is not to be. I believe him to be harmless, but nonetheless approach him with great, great caution and trepidation as one would a dreaded honey badger, because with something that mental, you can really never tell. And that, in a nutshell, is Pantherhawk.

Anyone else, feel free to add!

No, no I'm not "Pantherhawk" whoever that is. I just noticed it and wanted to see if anyone knew about it. I don't know why it happens but some kids still take visits after they commit. Not trying to start any trouble.

Besides, interesting that I'm being called out by a blogger who lives in Madison. Let's hope your in Law School.

That just shows how big of an idiot/ noob you are to call out GoAUpher for living in Madison. How bout you read a few more posts and get an idea of whats going on here before you make an ass of yourself again..... Or maybe you're just not that smart......

Pretty sure you're not Pantherhawk, but for your edification and amusement, Pantherhawk is a legendary troll and Iowegian Hogeye :pig: fan obsessed to the negative with Golden Gopher football to an extraordinary degree, I mean really, he elevates unhealthy obsession to a true art form. He is also I believe obsessed with Star Wars and mock-fighting with deathly intensity using flourescent light-sabers. Hmmmm, what else is there to say? Well, he is truly 'special', and I believe that he and the greater mass of humanity at large would be well-served if he could only be studied by a team of qualified mental health professionals, but alas and alack, such is not to be. I believe him to be harmless, but nonetheless approach him with great, great caution and trepidation as one would a dreaded honey badger, because with something that mental, you can really never tell. And that, in a nutshell, is Pantherhawk.

Anyone else, feel free to add!

I did uncover some video of pantherhawk with his idol, Dallas Clark, when Dallas was a young boy:


Heh. :D

Ah yes, and I forgot to mention one of Pantherhawk's 'finer' features, and that is his stalker nature, stalking Gophers players and recruits via all the social media available to him in his Mother's basement, there to do his best to pursue his obsessions by talking as negatively about the Minnesota Golden Gophers program as he is able to do so. Truly disturbed and disturbing behavior. And I forgot to mention as part of his Star Wars thing, he fancies himself a Jedi knight, and he really has posted videos of himself waving around a toy light-saber with deadly intent. Highly impressive stuff, and this is a grown man, mind you. And he's not just a troll to the Gophers, but to the Big Ten fan-base in general, and he is well-known and thoroughly reviled on all the ESPN Big Ten message boards, and I'm sure and others as well. You see, that's his life and his 'art form', and that's his fame right there. Great, great stuff....

As stated, he should be studied, so that we might better understand and perhaps be able to communicate with such a thing, but so long as he's hiding out in Momma's basement waving around light-sabers and trolling message boards, I'm afraid there is no hope.

Didn't pantherhawk cry about Harry Potter fan fiction too?

I have it on good authority that Andre MacDonald is in fact visiting Illinois this weekend. On the way back from Champaign, he will stop at the WGN studios in Chicago and announce his decision to commit to the Illini live during the first commercial break of the 10:30 airing of Family Matters.

man, take it easy on the original poster. he is technically correct that andre mcdonal DID in fact have an official planned for illinois this coming weekend before he decided to commit to the U of M yesterday. think the kid/guy was just wondering if that visit was still going to happen even though he committed to minnesota yesterday. since the scheduled visit date is listed out there on some of the recruiting sites. granted, it is dated, but the original poster may not have known that and was just looking for some type of confirmation one way or the other.

the guy is new to gopherhole. don't scare him off the first day. ;)

I have it on good authority that Andre MacDonald is in fact visiting Illinois this weekend. On the way back from Champaign, he will stop at the WGN studios in Chicago and announce his decision to commit to the Illini live during the first commercial break of the 10:30 airing of Family Matters.

I believe Jaleel White will be there for the announcement

That just shows how big of an idiot/ noob you are to call out GoAUpher for living in Madison. How bout you read a few more posts and get an idea of whats going on here before you make an ass of yourself again..... Or maybe you're just not that smart......

Ha ha...I didn't even read the post closely enough to notice I'd been called out.

Go4theWin: Are you suggesting that Gopher fans can't live in the same places as their rivals? Because to my knowledge there is no law against that. If you'd like to pay me the money my wife and I make here to move to Minnesota I'd gladly take you up on it though.

In the meantime, I'm not terribly concerned that you apparently doubt that I'm a Gopher fan (or something...still don't get what you're angling at). I have season tickets even though games in Minny are road games for me. I've even gone to games at TCF where I arrived in the Cities at midnight, was tailgating by 7:30 for the 11am game, and was home in Madison by 9pm b/c of a Sunday conflict. But yes, you got me, I'm horrible for living in Madison. Might not even be a "real" fan. Something about law school. I'll take it under advisement. :)

I believe and trust nothing until the Letter of Intent is signed.

Newspaper comment section? Anyone can write anything there. Is it as accurate as this uniform prediction a while back?

Haha! Nice catch. I created those myself and wanted to see the reaction I could get if their were perceived legitimate.

Ha ha...I didn't even read the post closely enough to notice I'd been called out.

Go4theWin: Are you suggesting that Gopher fans can't live in the same places as their rivals? Because to my knowledge there is no law against that. If you'd like to pay me the money my wife and I make here to move to Minnesota I'd gladly take you up on it though.

In the meantime, I'm not terribly concerned that you apparently doubt that I'm a Gopher fan (or something...still don't get what you're angling at). I have season tickets even though games in Minny are road games for me. I've even gone to games at TCF where I arrived in the Cities at midnight, was tailgating by 7:30 for the 11am game, and was home in Madison by 9pm b/c of a Sunday conflict. But yes, you got me, I'm horrible for living in Madison. Might not even be a "real" fan. Something about law school. I'll take it under advisement. :)

GoAUpher having to explain any of this is like Chuck Norris having to explain he is a decent guy to have around in a sticky situation.

Haha! Nice catch. I created those myself and wanted to see the reaction I could get if their were perceived legitimate.
Didn't seem that far off, minus the gold pants. Actually looks like you nailed the #4 pretty well.

No, no I'm not "Pantherhawk" whoever that is. I just noticed it and wanted to see if anyone knew about it. I don't know why it happens but some kids still take visits after they commit. Not trying to start any trouble.

Besides, interesting that I'm being called out by a blogger who lives in Madison. Let's hope your in Law School.

And let's hope you're not an English teacher.

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