Complaints about Weber


Sharing Common Sense & Reality
Nov 12, 2008
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I just don't understand the critizism of Weber - but even more I don't understand the points of critizism. Below seem to be the main points of critizism being offered.

1) Throws too much to Decker - doesn't look for other options
2) "Stares down" receivers
3) Doesn't throw the ball away

1) We have Eric Decker. If available he should be thrown to EVERY snap. Why not? If you've got him, use him! It would be far worse if we only threw to him 5 times a game. I just don't understand this. Even if he's double covered, like in the Syracuse game, it still is a viable option. I have no problem with the amount of times Weber tries to throw to the best Gopher receiver of all time.

2) Has he thrown a pick this year where he's stared down someone and didn't see a defender or the defender cut in front of the pass? No. The Syracuse pick was a deep ball in a 1-1 situation, and the three yesterday were the result of him under pressure on either 3rd or 4th downs in desparate situations. With as much as he has to scramble around its a wonder he can even look downfield. He doesn't have the time to stare anyone down!!!! Any QB has to at least look for a moment where they're throwing the ball, right? From what I've watched that's all Weber does.

3) This happened twice yesterday. Once he was about to get out of the pocket and run but got tripped up. We've seen him plenty of the times in the past use his legs to make a play downfield. Once in a while it doesn't work. If we want to be that picky and talk about two plays, then fine. I still think its a miracle he hasn't taken more sacks.



Looks like you went through a lot of work for a sick conclusion. I think you should get a life.

I like Weber but he really does have tunnel vision when it comes to Decker. I think it's a fair criticism and it's something he needs to work on if he wants to play on Sundays.

You said it Josh

Weber does NOT have time normally to survey the field---he is lucky to be able to find one person to throw to. And as you said its lucky he hasnt had more interceptions. And he is also lucky he stays away from injury. The O line did a great job in the third quarter of giving him protection and you saw what happened. The protection again disappeared later.

I like Weber but he really does have tunnel vision when it comes to Decker. I think it's a fair criticism and it's something he needs to work on if he wants to play on Sundays.


weber completed 21 passes, a grand total of EIGHT were to the best receiver in college football, the other 13 were spread out very nicely: 3 to green, 3 to TA, three to TS, 2 to hoese, and one each to hayo and bennet.

weber has a receiving option in decker that, as was mentioned, is a viable option even when double covered. until someone shuts down decker, keep throwing him the ball.

Three things:

#1, Decker is head & shoulders better than the other receivers.
#2, Weber's in a new offense. It's pretty easy to get hung up on your best receiver when you're not yet fully up to speed on your progressions.
#3, Are the other guys getting open consistently?

I was at the Air Force game, haven't seen Cal game. IMO, Weber did try to force a few balls to Decker v. Air Force & he'll be more effective when he doesn't do that. It takes time to gain confidence in the offense, in your reads and in all your receivers.

I could care less if Weber throws to Decker all the time, I just wish he was more accurate and didn't throw so many interceptions.

I like Weber but he really does have tunnel vision when it comes to Decker. I think it's a fair criticism and it's something he needs to work on if he wants to play on Sundays.

Extremely tired line of thinking and not even an accurate critique of this week's game. If Weber goes back to the Decker mind meld next week then feel free to bring it back. But breaking it out when the performance on the field says otherwise is weak. What is even weaker is waiting to break out that lovely graphic following a game where, again, Weber didn't play in the way it makes fun of for playing.

haha pretty humorous picture...but weber is doing fine, just needs to start games off better. he's actually doing a pretty good job looking for other receivers but if you can throw to decker, you throw to decker because he catches the damn ball where ever it only real knocks on weber are to know when to get rid of the ball, decker did a nice job throwing it away, haha...also, he did it 2 times i like, but he rolled out of a pocket that was beautiful and he absolutely didn't need to run because he just screwed himself.

decker did a nice job throwing it away, haha...

I don't know if it was audible on the TV broadcast, but the stadium P.A. announcer's report on the Decker's incompletion was funny, and accurate: "Decker's pass, intended for out of bounds ... incomplete."

Decker seriously out played Cal's quarterback. If we switched quarterbacks we would have lost by at least 28. Decker has struggled in the past and looking to other receivers but he's making good progress this year and did quite well yesterday. The offensive line is causing much of Decker's current problems. The season is young and I won't give up on the line yet, they certainly have time to gel and make a big difference.

Decker seriously out played Cal's quarterback. If we switched quarterbacks we would have lost by at least 28. Decker has struggled in the past and looking to other receivers but he's making good progress this year and did quite well yesterday. The offensive line is causing much of Decker's current problems. The season is young and I won't give up on the line yet, they certainly have time to gel and make a big difference.

Okay now I'm confused.......

I just don't understand the critizism of Weber - but even more I don't understand the points of critizism. Below seem to be the main points of critizism being offered.

1) Throws too much to Decker - doesn't look for other options
2) "Stares down" receivers
3) Doesn't throw the ball away

4) Inaccuracy (especially when he throws passes at the receivers feet).


weber completed 21 passes, a grand total of EIGHT were to the best receiver in college football, the other 13 were spread out very nicely: 3 to green, 3 to TA, three to TS, 2 to hoese, and one each to hayo and bennet.

weber has a receiving option in decker that, as was mentioned, is a viable option even when double covered. until someone shuts down decker, keep throwing him the ball.

I don't think it's tired. It's his opinion. I think he did a better job of looking elsewhere this week against Cal, but a number of people seem to think he has tunnel vision. He just doesn't seem comfortable back there. It's still early, so we'll see.

Very solid, Khaliq

I think Weber is a real solid kid, someone you'd like your daughter to date (in fact saw him with his girlfriend at the fair and he seemed really cool). But, I want to see Gray get a shot. Why waste two years of Gray if he might be better than Weber. Remember the srping game when he took the 2nd off. against the lst d and totally outplayed Weber (and he couldn't run)

But, I want to see Gray get a shot. Why waste two years of Gray if he might be better than Weber. Remember the srping game when he took the 2nd off. against the lst d and totally outplayed Weber (and he couldn't run)

When exactly does he get his shot? Against our biggest rivals? Let's be serious here--If the coaches had any confidence that Gray knew how to run this offense he would be playing a lot more and throwing the ball. The coaches want to win right now just as much as the fans. The reason Gray isn't playing more is because he can't run this team nearly as well as Webber. Give the kid time. It's fantasy talk to think Gray could simply step in and be a better all around qb right now. Maybe next year he gets a legit shot, but unless this year tanks, or an injury occurs, Webber will be the guy.

When exactly does he get his shot? Against our biggest rivals? Let's be serious here--If the coaches had any confidence that Gray knew how to run this offense he would be playing a lot more and throwing the ball. The coaches want to win right now just as much as the fans. The reason Gray isn't playing more is because he can't run this team nearly as well as Webber. Give the kid time. It's fantasy talk to think Gray could simply step in and be a better all around qb right now. Maybe next year he gets a legit shot, but unless this year tanks, or an injury occurs, Webber will be the guy.

I like Weber. HAving said that, I do think we'll see more Gray this week. You saw him for several snaps in the Northwestern game and I think that will be part of an overall trend of getting him on the field more - and throwing the ball. I'd be very surprised if Gray doesn't put a few in the air this week - my opinion.

Hey Tikited, how do you know what Gray can or can't do?

Wilhite is 3rd string but is 2nd on the team in sacks, far superior to Moen. But he'd 3rd string. Whaley is better than Eskridge, what do you think of that?

Hey Tikited, how do you know what Gray can or can't do?

Wilhite is 3rd string but is 2nd on the team in sacks, far superior to Moen. But he'd 3rd string. Whaley is better than Eskridge, what do you think of that?

Easy there upchurch. Wasn't ripping ya. Just saying that if Gray was ready now, and better than Webber now, we would see him actually throw the ball. Since we haven't seen that yet you can be assured that the coaches still must think Webber is the better option. Coaches aren't going to hold back players when wins and losses are the ultimate goal. Gray will get more looks as the season continues, but you aren't going to see a QB switch unless there is an injury or the team tanks. It's just not going to happen any other way. Further proof: We are running a pro-style offense...Gray isn't a pro-style offensive type of player. Unless we fully scrap that style, Gray will only see limited action. I like what the coaching staff is doing 100%. I also am excited to see more of Gray. I'm equally excited to see Gray starting as a junior.

Weber has had trouble checking down to the second, third option, looking for the open reciever in the past. When Decker was injured and couldn't perform to his normal level at the end of last year the offense suffered a bit. Decker was having a harder time getting open. Weber does seem to be doing better this year. Hey it takes pro quarterbacks a couple of years to be proficient in that position, it takes time.

Looking back at old clips Weber did a better job when rolling outside of the pocket, they don't seem to be doing that as much this year.

I agree that Gray won't start this year unless there is an injury to Weber or the offense tanks. Weber is adequately running the offense, has potential to be better, and most importantly has an uncanny chemistry with arguably the best wideout in college football. Now, next year may be a different story and it certainly will be an interesting spring and summer.

Gray and the offense

Gray will throw for 100 yards and rush for 100 yards on Saturday. Weber will pass for 300 yards and Bennett and Whaley with each run for 100 yards. Hayo will have over 100 yards recieving.

Gray will throw for 100 yards and rush for 100 yards on Saturday. Weber will pass for 300 yards and Bennett and Whaley with each run for 100 yards. Hayo will have over 100 yards recieving.

...Tolzien will throw three picks. The line will get 5 sacks. Everyone in red will spontaneously combust. I like this thinking!


First off, your graphic is pretty good. I find it funnier coming from a guy who's moniker is Khaliq. In reference to our former QB under Mason. AAK wasnt a very good QB in my mind. He stared down guys continually as well. He had a great running game to work with, so 3rd and 3 was ok, but watching him on 3rd and 8 was brutal. Might just as well kick it away. AAK was a game manager.

For the record, i actually agree with most of what has been said about Weber. I think he suffers from a poor O line, but all of the points are valid. I think and hope he'll be better next season with another year in the system.

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