Comparing the recruiting services

Dpo making a post proclaiming how smart he is....:nonshock:

Still butthurt a full 3 years later, I see. All you have to do is make a post admitting how egregiously wrong you were, and all will be forgiven.

Or, you can continue whining like a little biπch and hijacking threads with your petulance. Up to you.

I see the last argument we had you were too busy making deeply personal attacks to actually notice that I said I was wrong on how to use Stoudermire. But that has nothing to do with this. This is about you being so pompous that you need to point out what you have been saying is finally backed up by some blog (lol) and toot your own horn. Just say "found this article, now lets put the 'which recruiting service is better' debate to bed". And I'm done.

I said I was wrong on how to use Stoudermire.

That's the hilarious part. You think that I care what your opinion on Stoudermire is/was. I couldn't care less. What I do care about is you more or less telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about. Criticize me and point out where I'm wrong all you want, but if you do so, be prepared to actually point out where I'm wrong. I don't take kindly to being told I'm clueless (and certainly not by some know-nothing college punk) when there is no basis for it. When someone says that the "list of places where I'm wrong" is "staggering", that's a pretty heavy accusation to make. And not only did you fail to provide a "staggering"ly exhaustive list, you failed to provide even a single solitary "place" where I was "wrong". And until you do so, and/or admit that you were letting your mouth write checks your ass couldn't cash, I will never let you forget it so long as you post on this board. And especially so when you attack me for no reason, as you did on this thread.

I made a comment in this thread because you ego is so massive it needed to be knocked down a bit and no one else on this board will say something to you. I don't like you, you don't like me. Cool. One tip for you though, if you are going to play internet tough guy with anyone that disagrees with you or your views, you need to grow thicker skin. If you feel the need to berate me, go ahead and PM me but don't make everyone else read how petty you are.

I made a comment in this thread because you ego is so massive it needed to be knocked down a bit and no one else on this board will say something to you. I don't like you, you don't like me. Cool. One tip for you though, if you are going to play internet tough guy with anyone that disagrees with you or your views, you need to grow thicker skin. If you feel the need to berate me, go ahead and PM me but don't make everyone else read how petty you are.

It's not petty. There are plenty of people who've disagreed with me and had a basis for it, including many people I don't particularly care for. That's cool. You had, and continue to have, no basis. And you insulted my knowledge (vastly superior to yours in most all things, and certainly in football). That's not cool, and I'm never ever ever going to let it slide. And you're a coward for not admitting it. I can't believe you'd rather continue to be called out for being a coward for a full 3 years and counting rather than just admit to being a coward.

Also, try contributing something on this board other than responding to me and/or talking about me. It might be nice for a change.

I'm not sure why, but they changed the URL for the article and didn't forward the old URL to the new one. I've fixed the link in the OP so that you can view the article.

It's not petty. And you insulted my knowledge (vastly superior to yours in most all things, and certainly in football). That's not cool, and I'm never ever ever going to let it slide.

Based on...?

And you're a coward for not admitting it. I can't believe you'd rather continue to be called out for being a coward for a full 3 years and counting rather than just admit to being a coward.

See, unlike you, people's opinions of me (especially on an internet message board) do not affect me. Take a lesson.

Also, try contributing something on this board other than responding to me and/or talking about me. It might be nice for a change.

Yep. I joined the site the same month you did and all 430+ posts I have made in that time are all about you. Clearly your ego is not a problem.

Keep avoiding. And I'll continue to point you out as the coward that you are.

I'm not sure why, but they changed the URL for the article and didn't forward the old URL to the new one. I've fixed the link in the OP so that you can view the article.

Thanks, in reading the article, it does seem that Rivals is the clear cut winner. However, I wouldn't necessarily say "Scout sucks", as the author even says "Rivals stands out as the clear winner among all of the services. Scout is not significantly behind and has closed the gap in recent seasons." and "It’s a clean sweep for Rivals on the defensive side of the ball. Scout is never far from, but still consistently behind, Rivals." ESPN is indeed horrible.


Thanks, in reading the article, it does seem that Rivals is the clear cut winner. However, I wouldn't necessarily say "Scout sucks", as the author even says "Rivals stands out as the clear winner among all of the services. Scout is not significantly behind and has closed the gap in recent seasons." and "It’s a clean sweep for Rivals on the defensive side of the ball. Scout is never far from, but still consistently behind, Rivals." ESPN is indeed horrible.

I'd have to say I prefer supporting a site that offers public information for free. I paid for rivals long enough to know they aren't giving out any information worth paying for. And believe it or not, they have even more kool-aid drinkers over there. Gopherhole is the place to be.

not content to argue about concretely objective recruit rankings, he posts conclusive proof for the unbiased selection of best concretely objective recruit ranker.

It's probably safe to say that any recruiting site that gave Hayo Carpenter a 5-star ranking isn't worth following...

Rivals is not as good as doll68 comments on and Scout is not as bad
as doll68 comments on. I think Tom Lemming does a pretty good job, especially in the Midwest. The guy that I think rally does a good
job is Phil Steele. I've been picking up his rag for the last 10 years and he is spot on in many areas of a program.

Rivals is not as good as doll68 comments on and Scout is not as bad
as doll68 comments on. I think Tom Lemming does a pretty good job, especially in the Midwest. The guy that I think rally does a good
job is Phil Steele. I've been picking up his rag for the last 10 years and he is spot on in many areas of a program.

Except half of said rag is Phil Steele talking about how accurate Phil Steele is.

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