Colorado State fans, please post in this thread.

everybody knows my name

Freakishly Hyperintelligent
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Were you at least year's Minnesota/Colorado State game?

What's your outlook on this year's game?

Who are your best players? Your team's strengths/weaknesses?

I see that your guys lost badly to rival Colorado. What's the fans' perception of the program and coach?

Is there a good Colorado State message board that we should check out?

Do you think I'm sexy?

Not a CSU fan but this is a good idea. I heard their true freshman QB looked very good against Northern Colorado.

Were you at least year's Minnesota/Colorado State game? - Yup

What's your outlook on this year's game? - Primarily hoping CSU can keep it competitive.

Who are your best players? Your team's strengths/weaknesses? - Hard to tell, to be honest. The running game - backs and Oline - were supposed to be the strength of the team. The entire team and coaching staff looked horrible in the CU game. Then came a lackluster win against UTSA where CSU's #1 RB (Dalyn Dawkins) didn't play most of the 2nd half due to a hammy. It's hard to draw any conclusions from a game against a I-AA school, Northern Colorado, last week's opponent. The QB situation is a huge question mark - a true frosh is expected to start and did look solid against UNC - as well as the whole defense - can they slow down a real team?

I see that your guys lost badly to rival Colorado. What's the fans' perception of the program and coach? - Yes, that was embarrassing. A mix of sunshine pumpers and doom and gloomers. I think many CSU fans hoped to be further along given the solid season turned in 2 years ago (10-3) under coach Jim McElwain (now at Florida). Bobo and his current staff have not figured out the controls just yet. I'm cautiously optimistic but think the team is a year or two away from turning the corner.

Is there a good Colorado State message board that we should check out? - I guess:

I personally find the format/appearance atrocious, but it's the best source there is.

Do you think I'm sexy? - Probably.

I always giggle a little bit when I see the coach's name. Just think it's one of those funny sports names that fits football. We had a guy on the Wild, Clayton Stoner. Top ten best hockey name..ever.

I'm a Gopher fan and I was at the Colorado State game last year. My brother and I drove from Rochester to Fort Collins non-stop. We were rewarded by some of the finest micro-beers in the land when we arrived! I remember the game-time temperature being hot and it was dusty in the tail gate lot. I think they had been experiencing a pretty dry summer. Looking forward to a not-so-close game with the Rams this year. (sorry I'm not a Colorado State Fan, per your request)

Fort Collins rocks. One of the best road trips we've been on Great fans. In the walk through the tailgate section got offered hits on joints, shooters, and beer.

Fort Collins rocks. One of the best road trips we've been on Great fans. In the walk through the tailgate section got offered hits on joints, shooters, and beer.

This will be the last year at Hughes Stadium (with the massive tailgate lots). Next season they will be in their new on campus stadium. We heard grumblings from fans that didn't want to lose the wide-open lots. We also heard from fans that were excited to be moving to campus.

I am a Minneapolitan. I LOVE Minneapolis. But... if I were to move anywhere else in the country Ft. Collins and some of the surrounding cities (Longmont, Loveland) would be #1 on my list.

Agreed, nice areas. The cities, houses, demographics look like Minnesota, with mountains.

Visiting Ram Fan...thoughts...

Were you at least year's Minnesota/Colorado State game? - Yes I was..traveled from No Cal.....just a horrible way to lose...great day...nice atmosphere...stadium packed..nice chunk of gopher fans....horrible..i mean horrible qb play by CSU....ouch...ran back to Old Town as quick as I could and pounded 2 margs post game to dull the pain...

What's your outlook on this year's game? - we are very young...we are too soft on D i am afraid...the new freshman QB was very very encouraging even if it was against FCS school...he throws a nice ball into tight windows....can he take the pounding?...he is 6'5 and 210...he needs to fill out a bit....hopefully he stays confident through this game...i am a true Ram fan so i will go 27-24 CSU...but am very concerned your running game just beats us up ....

Who are your best players? Your team's strengths/weaknesses? - the OL was supposed to be the strength heading into the season...but they looked pretty mediocre until the 1H last week..part of this is that they faced 8 in the box in the first two games due to the complete ineptitude of our Qbs..we were last in the nation in completion % through week 2....the RBs are solid...although my favorite...Izzy Mattews is hobbled a bit w ankle sprain...dawkins you guys should remember he is shifty and kind of fast...but sometimes puts in on the turf...that said ...the new QB Colin Hill was encouraging...the WRs looked good last week...especially Xavier Williams who didnt play the first two weeks due to "off the field issues". our D is not good...Kevin Davis by far the best player at LB....and of course our Punter is the Ray Guy finalist and FG kicker seems OK...

I see that your guys lost badly to rival Colorado. What's the fans' perception of the program and coach? - Yes that was a horrendous, depressing, embarrassing mess. Probably the worst game vs. CU I have seen in a couple of decades...we pounded them in 2014 and coughed up the 2015 game in OT (sound familiar?)....that said CU is better this year...and we were deer in headlights week 1..shame on the head coach...he gets paid very good $$ and they were not ready....i think he is an OK OC...but the jury is still out on his ability to lead the program IMHO....we have a ton at stake as you guys may know....we are clearly in the final 5 or so if the Big12 expands..and the new $240 OCS is opening next Fall...need to get the team on track. CSU ranks mid to top quartile in Research Universities vs. p5 members...the school is now at 33k and as you all know Co and FTC are booming....we need to play teams like MN every week..not San Jose State...

Is there a good Colorado State message board that we should check out? -

Do you think I'm sexy? - no comment

Thanks. Good article, but maybe a slightly misleading headline?

On Saturday, CSU scored on seven of its eight offensive possessions in the first half. For the most part, it was a seamless offensive performance, especially from Hill.

Bobo’s message this week: Don’t expect the same thing on Saturday.

“We are not going to go through this game and punt only one time. This is where a young quarterback has got to play within himself,” Bobo said. “We can’t turn a bad play into a catastrophe and turn the ball over.”

Statistically, Minnesota does not rank near the top of Division one college football defenses, sitting at 70th in the nation for total scoring defense, after surrendering 23 points to Oregon State and 28 to Indiana State.

But these CSU coaches had went up against this Minnesota defense last year. They know what the Gophers will bring to the table on Saturday.

“They are physical, they are fast, they are well coached,” offensive coordinator Will Friend said. “It’s the best defensive team we have played since I’ve been here.”

“It’s a big test, these guys play really good defense,” Bobo said. “They are not going to make many mistakes. Guys are going to be where they are supposed to. The pass rush is definitely something we have not seen, (it’s) probably the best pass rush we have seen all year.”

Hill and the offense may have had a field day against UNC last week, but windows are going to close significantly faster against this fast, physical Minnesota defense. Hill will also find himself under significant duress for the first time in a CSU uniform.

The challenge for Bobo this week is to keep his young quarterback’s confidence growing, while also stressing to him that this week will not be perfect, and especially that this week will not be as smooth as the last.

Yes we will see if the true freshman QB will have another great game. I hope the DLine can continue their strong play and maybe the Gophers can get some pics this week.

(Oh, posted in this article because Rams are one of my 'besides the Gophers who do you cheer for teams')

Yes we will see if the true freshman QB will have another great game. I hope the DLine can continue their strong play and maybe the Gophers can get some pics this week.

What will they be taking pictures of?

OK, I know what you mean, but for some reason, I saw this comment, and the first thing I thought of was that scene in "Airplane" where the reporters go, "O.K boys, let's get some pictures." (and then they starting taking pictures off the wall - for anyone who hasn't seen the movie.)

Too bad they didn't mention a "basic defense".

Both offenses are coming off games that look good on paper but don't tell us a whole lot.

Ramnation is the best board for CSU? It is awful. The technology/format used is awful, that is. Makes it nearly un-readable.

Were you at least year's Minnesota/Colorado State game? - Yes I was..traveled from No Cal.....just a horrible way to lose...great day...nice atmosphere...stadium packed..nice chunk of gopher fans....horrible..i mean horrible qb play by CSU....ouch...ran back to Old Town as quick as I could and pounded 2 margs post game to dull the pain...

What's your outlook on this year's game? - we are very young...we are too soft on D i am afraid...the new freshman QB was very very encouraging even if it was against FCS school...he throws a nice ball into tight windows....can he take the pounding?...he is 6'5 and 210...he needs to fill out a bit....hopefully he stays confident through this game...i am a true Ram fan so i will go 27-24 CSU...but am very concerned your running game just beats us up ....

Who are your best players? Your team's strengths/weaknesses? - the OL was supposed to be the strength heading into the season...but they looked pretty mediocre until the 1H last week..part of this is that they faced 8 in the box in the first two games due to the complete ineptitude of our Qbs..we were last in the nation in completion % through week 2....the RBs are solid...although my favorite...Izzy Mattews is hobbled a bit w ankle sprain...dawkins you guys should remember he is shifty and kind of fast...but sometimes puts in on the turf...that said ...the new QB Colin Hill was encouraging...the WRs looked good last week...especially Xavier Williams who didnt play the first two weeks due to "off the field issues". our D is not good...Kevin Davis by far the best player at LB....and of course our Punter is the Ray Guy finalist and FG kicker seems OK...

Thanks for posting! How many CSU fans do you think will attend?

Ha. I wouldn't put much stock into what one fan said. You see that most are telling him he's an idiot. Minnesota is not a bad program. However, there is some merit to the idea that Minnesota (probably) is a middle of the road team and if CSU wants to be a successful program these are the sorts of games they need to play, be confident about (not cocky), and ultimately win. Simply being a P5 school shouldn't mean automatic loss for any G5 school who strives to be successful (or once they are successful). Of course, that's just a way of thinking and the game will tell us where both teams stand. It's not enough just to pretend that you have a chance. I think that post was more a reflection on our how coaching staff is publicly approaching this game (seemingly setting expectations for a loss) versus saying we're preparing for a tough game with a good team and we'll be ready.

Ha. I wouldn't put much stock into what one fan said.

A fair observation, although I have seen remarks that the U of M is slow and unathletic compared to CSU in several posts on Ramnation. It's always interesting to see what the perception of the other fan base is.

I recall last year the TCU boards were buzzing that the weather in Minneapolis would be a big advantage for TCU - their players would thrive while the Minnesota boys would overheat and dehydrate in normal September MN temperatures.

Just an example of how perception is more important than reality.

I take that to mean the Minnesota team looked human, and please don't take that negatively. The TCU game was a little surprising for the CSU fans who watched it, seeing the Gophers so close to pulling out a win. I guess we expected a TCU blowout win. When it wasn't, a game CSU wasn't expected to win anyway turned into thoughts of a possible blowout (by Minnesota). We all know how the game turned out. CSU lost, Minnesota maybe didn't play their best game, of course it was on the road, but it was competitive. None of that carries over to tomorrow's game, although most people, naturally, try to draw conclusions from it.

I take that to mean the Minnesota team looked human, and please don't take that negatively. The TCU game was a little surprising for the CSU fans who watched it, seeing the Gophers so close to pulling out a win. I guess we expected a TCU blowout win. When it wasn't, a game CSU wasn't expected to win anyway turned into thoughts of a possible blowout (by Minnesota). We all know how the game turned out. CSU lost, Minnesota maybe didn't play their best game, of course it was on the road, but it was competitive. None of that carries over to tomorrow's game, although most people, naturally, try to draw conclusions from it.

What is all this "reasonableness"? You're doing it all wrong. Every freshman is an all-American, every backup is faster, stronger, and smarter. With the new offseason training regimen everyone can run like Percy Harvin, tackle like Butkus, or throw like Montana. Did your QB go to the Manning camp? Ours did.

Seriously, looking forward to the game. I don't think any Gopher fan really knows what we have here. The first game was scary bad but we played a pretty awful team. Indiana State's defense was horrific. Our secondary is.....a big question mark right now. They appear vulnerable to a good offense, at the moment. Our front seven appear to be competent and healthy. Our offense should be improved, but that's from a pretty low bar. We have some good backs.

Looking forward to a game. We will all be finding out a lot tomorrow.

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