Color Coordination


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Switching between UGA-CO and Iowa-PSU. Hawks are having homecoming (I think).

Gotta give the Hawks credit on the in-stand color coordination.

One section black, and the next "hawk yellow," looks pretty good.

Maybe they do this every year but unlikely we'd be able to pull that one off.

We are challenged by "gold out."

Go Gophers! Beat Bucky!

As soon as I saw it, the first thing that came to my mind was "I wish we had fans who gave a crap like them." We can't even get people to wear Gold like you say, no way does anything like Kinnick Stadium tonight happen here in the foreseeable future.

But they're in Iowa. Count your blessings that you're not.

I can't believe how many people that DON"T wear either Maroon or Gold when they go to the game. These people need to take a road trip and visit other stadiums and see how school & state pride are expressed. Truly the only way this is going to happen is to WIN. Win consistantly and Win Big.

maybe the program should give the fans a reason to give a crap.

I can't believe how many people that DON"T wear either Maroon or Gold when they go to the game...

I went to the game today with my wife of 4 years. We both went to the U. I am a sports fanatic. She could care less, but I talked her into going. She was getting ready this morning and comes out to the kitchen with a purple sweatshirt on. [Sound of my hand slapping my forehead]

Needless to say, I made her change.

By the way, no offense taken. Agree with your point.

I was pretty impressed by Iowa...that takes a lot of coordination from the marketing department and yeah, chances are low for that happening here

Agreed +

"Color" me impressed.

The wife asked, "how did they do that?". My immediate response was, "they must have put the right color shirt on the chair." Nope, looking closer people were wearing all different types of gear but in the correct color. Those goofy bast^&*&^ to the south follow simple instruction pretty well :)

Agreed. It looks great. I too wish that we had that kind of following and enthusiasm from our fans.

I was pretty impressed by Iowa...that takes a lot of coordination from the marketing department and yeah, chances are low for that happening here

Maybe not too low. Iowa could probably pull it off at TCF this year there are going to be so many seats available if this continues.

Here was what they posted on their webpage. Amazing they got people to do it.


Of course it could happen here..
1.) Win some big games and have people excited.
2.) Get organized and communicate.

40+ years of mediocrity takes a toll.

Maybe not too low. Iowa could probably pull it off at TCF this year there are going to be so many seats available if this continues.

I was thinking the same thing.... if we are 0-7 going into that game, it's gonna be like the old days at the dome with 20,000 Iowa fans in our house. not beyond the realm of possibility that something like that could be pulled off.

From what I've heard, their marketing dept. did a great job getting the word out. The newspapers did a good job of getting the word out. A majority of the fans knew about it before they showed up on Saturday.

Amazing what you can do when you have

1.A good team
2.Fans who care
3.A marketing dept

Too bad we're oh-fer-trey. I was wondering how they coordinated it. I thought maybe they color code the tickets yellow or black, and then mail them out with a note that says "If yer cote is not da sam culer as dis tiket, poot sumting elz on end chek agin". You know, in terms the average Iowan can understand

Amazing what you can do when you have

1.A good team
2.Fans who care
3.A marketing dept

Too bad we're oh-fer-trey. I was wondering how they coordinated it. I thought maybe they color code the tickets yellow or black, and then mail them out with a note that says "If yer cote is not da sam culer as dis tiket, poot sumting elz on end chek agin". You know, in terms the average Iowan can understand


Free pig sex if you get it right! Either Animal or big Iowan woman, whichever you prefer!

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