Interesting. I wonder if it would have been handled differently here.
Interesting. I wonder if it would have been handled differently here.
Somebody clear this up for me, the alleged assault occured at approx 1:30 am, and was reported at approx 4:30 am, that Friday morning. Did Iowa come into the Twin Cities on Thursday? If so why? given the short distance. If they didn't come in on Thursday he was there in Iowa City.
I take any chance to mock and ridicule Iowa and Becky, but I think this was a really odd case where the girl said she was assaulted by Coker at a time when they knew he was in MN. You see, she said it was the day before the MN game, I think he was in MN at the time. If the Iowa coaches knew that the story couldn't possibly be true, I don't blame them for playing Coker.
QFTThat's right. If they arrest Oto it will be for impersonating a D-1 basketball player while in Indiani, today.
I don't have the ability to search aircraft like some on here but it's possible Iowa didn't travel until later in the afternoon.
What doesn't add up is that the alleged victim didn't/doesn't want to press charges.
It looks like a date rape scenario, a difficult case to prosecute, which would lead to a painful examination of all aspects of the victim. Some victims say that the process is like being raped again. There are many resons, a victim might choose, not to go forward. If the victim got the choice of an easier path, while insuring that Coker whould end up far away, would she take it? No one knows, but having Coker transfer out quietly, is probably the best outcome for Iowa.I don't have the ability to search aircraft like some on here but it's possible Iowa didn't travel until later in the afternoon.
What doesn't add up is that the alleged victim didn't/doesn't want to press charges.
What doesn't add up is that the alleged victim didn't/doesn't want to press charges.
Interesting. I wonder if it would have been handled differently here.