Coffey: "My dribbling was something I’ve worked on and my strength as well."


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Nov 11, 2008
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Coffey: "My dribbling was something I’ve worked on and my strength as well."

per Marcus' Q&A:

Q: What was it like competing at the Nike Academy in California last week?

Amir: It was a really good experience. There were 20 college players and 25 high school players there. We got to work out with NBA guys and former NBA guys were our coaches. It was a good experience and it allowed us to showcase our talent. There were a lot of good players there of all different classes. You just had to play your game and show your strengths. And during the drills you had to work on your weaknesses.

Q: Did this camp make you think about possibly playing in the NBA in the near future?

Amir: That’s what the camp is for. To get on their radar. There were a lot of scouts there and GMs there for a lot of NBA teams. It just gives you a chance to get your name out there, show what you can do and what you’re good at. It gives them a chance to see what your strengths and weaknesses are. That’s basically what the camp was for.

Q: What area of your game did you work on the most this summer?
Amir: My shooting ability is one of the main things I’ve focused on this summer. I think I showed that well down there (at Nike camp). Stepping up and hitting from three-point range. My dribbling was something I’ve worked on and my strength as well. I’m weighing a little over 200 pounds. That’s a good weight for my position at the next level.

Q: There are early preseason rankings with the Gophers consistently as a top-20 team. Are you guys talking about that as a team?
Amir: It really doesn’t change anything. Rankings top 15 or top 10 really don’t matter. You still have to play every game no matter who you’re playing against. It doesn’t change anything. It just raises the stakes a little bit.

Go Gophers!!

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