Coaxh Smith..... Coach Knight


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Jan 29, 2013
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Working at a local hotel bar as I do, I found myself chatting with a gentlemen who attended Texas Tech when Knight was coaching there. We got to talking and all the sudden it dawned on me that we are in a very similar situation as texas tech was then. Both have/had a Hall of Fame coach who has a son on the staff that they are grooming to replace them. Both take there schools to the dance with little to show for it.
Now, this season is far from written and with no clear cut best team in the country.... any team with a good draw and some luck could make a huge run this year, but placing 6th in the conference with arguable the best team Tubby has had here does not bring warm fuzzys to my heart about the program being strong under his stewardship.

Only time will tell if We end up with a Pat Knight = Saul Smith replacement or if The AD shows real courage and says that 6th best in the conference, regardless of how strong the confertence is, is not good enough.

of course 6th in big ten may equal 5th seed in the dance if we make it to the big ten semi's on a six game heater, but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves

With all due respect, there's no way in h*ll Saul Smith is our next coach, no matter what Tubby does or doesn't do in his remaining time in Dinkytown. Not going to happen.

Tubby could win a national title and Saul Smith will not ever be coaching this team lol

I agree. I have not heard or read one single positive word, much less sentence, written about Saul since he's been here.

With all due respect, there's no way in h*ll Saul Smith is our next coach, no matter what Tubby does or doesn't do in his remaining time in Dinkytown. Not going to happen.

This. I'm fairly confident that I have as much of a chance of being hired as Minnesota's head coach as Saul Smith does.

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