Coaches Salaries in the Big Ten

GW with the "but...but...but...." in 5...4...3...2...1...

Wyoming's Dave Christensen also makes $1.2 million per year. So I guess our program has that going for it!

If you want to get crazy, you could consider Kill's bonus potential (nearly $900k and top 20 in terms of bonus size) and say we're not as far off the pace as it appears.

That said, I think Kill and staff are probably due a raise at the end of the year.

Kill is second to last in compensation for BCS coaches (ahead of only Rutger's coach). This assuming Rutger's move to the B1G b/c I'm not sure if the AAC is BCS worthy.

(He is also ahead of Notre Dame's Brian Kelly in reported compensation. BCS: Independent)

More useful would be a lsiting of total staff salaries. kill has always pushed the benefit of being a package deal so maybe staff are better paid than elsewhere- or maybe not but it is a better barometer.

I hope they give the staff big raises this year and two year contracts. Kill will get his after next year, assuming we keep performing, when he signs his 3 year extension.

Can extend or raise Kill this year given his health issues...but the Asst Coaches and Coords deserve the raise and loyalty.

Two and half weeks ago there were no Big Ten wins. The coach was missing games. Claeys is
head coach Also, Kill had $800,000 paid to North Carolina.

Let's catch our breath and see if Kill can coach a complete season.

I hope they give the staff big raises this year and two year contracts. Kill will get his after next year, assuming we keep performing, when he signs his 3 year extension.

Can extend or raise Kill this year given his health issues...but the Asst Coaches and Coords deserve the raise and loyalty.

Case can definitely be made for all assistants getting a bump for working though this tough situation and keeping things afloat but as you said there is little to no reason to give Kill a raise or extension at this point. The health issue is still looming out there and he has multiple years left on his current deal. No one is trying to steal him away from us so there is no real reason to do anything with his contract at this point. Let things play out through the 2014 season and then adjust from there. I love that we go on a 3 game winning streak and now the contract threads start up again.

Case can definitely be made for all assistants getting a bump for working though this tough situation and keeping things afloat but as you said there is little to no reason to give Kill a raise or extension at this point. The health issue is still looming out there and he has multiple years left on his current deal. No one is trying to steal him away from us so there is no real reason to do anything with his contract at this point. Let things play out through the 2014 season and then adjust from there. I love that we go on a 3 game winning streak and now the contract threads start up again.

I don't think anyone on the staff feels like they need "a bump for working through this tough situation." I also don't think Kill would ask for more money for himself, but am positive he's going to ask for more for his staff. And they deserve it, not for filling in for him, but for doing a great job and exceeding expectations. I'm going to dig for the assistant coaches salary comparison.

One of the common phrases from this fan base has been "they've never done it at THIS level." I hate to gloat, but it seems to be working right here in the 'big time." If Minnesota doesn't compensate this staff, with what I've heard are the worst facilities in the B1G, I think there might be other places where the job might be more attractive, and the compensation better. The system works. Be proactive. Make them an offer they can't refuse.

Dantonio's really stood out to me. He's really low for the success he has had.

Two and half weeks ago there were no Big Ten wins. The coach was missing games. Claeys is
head coach Also, Kill had $800,000 paid to North Carolina.

Let's catch our breath and see if Kill can coach a complete season.

A voice of reason. Can we have a .500 B1G season, preferably with a healthy coach, before we start talking about raises? I'd be more worried about Claeys compensation at this point (and that's been taken care of).

Keep winning and they certainly will. Wonder about the length of those contracts and if Kill's 7-Year deal is on the long or short end there?

I'm not going to answer in much detail for you, but I will say (1) that 7 years isn't unusual (2) the stated term/length of the contracts are often meaningless - one must understand various other provisions in the contract.

But, bottom line relative to Kill is that 7 might be a tad on the high side, but nothing shocking or wild.

GophersInIowa said:
Dantonio's really stood out to me. He's really low for the success he has had.

This is a great example of why looking at things like USA Today's listings is a dumb thing to do if you're needing to understand contracts. You will absolutely come away with bad information if you simply read the (incomplete) data presented.

IIRC, Dantonio had a stay bonus in his ~2009 contract of $2MM, to be paid if he was still around in Jan 2016. I believe this was bumped up two years (perhaps only one, don't quote me on this).

But.. the contract essentially says, "hey if you stick around with us for x number of years, we'll give you $2MM in 2016". So, if you spread that amount over say, 6 years.. $2MM / 6 = he's "earning" $333k each year on top of what USA Today is reporting in their little table.

Now, is receiving cash of $333k today worth the same as receiving it in the future? No. Which is another complexity in valuing contracts...

At any rate, Jerry Kill and Kevin Wilson make about the same and Dantonio's contract is worth more than the salary amounts reported in the USA Today database.

I'm not going to answer in much detail for you, but I will say (1) that 7 years isn't unusual (2) the stated term/length of the contracts are often meaningless - one must understand various other provisions in the contract.

But, bottom line relative to Kill is that 7 might be a tad on the high side, but nothing shocking or wild.

This is a great example of why looking at things like USA Today's listings is a dumb thing to do if you're needing to understand contracts. You will absolutely come away with bad information if you simply read the (incomplete) data presented.

IIRC, Dantonio had a stay bonus in his ~2009 contract of $2MM, to be paid if he was still around in Jan 2016. I believe this was bumped up two years (perhaps only one, don't quote me on this).

But.. the contract essentially says, "hey if you stick around with us for x number of years, we'll give you $2MM in 2016". So, if you spread that amount over say, 6 years.. $2MM / 6 = he's "earning" $333k each year on top of what USA Today is reporting in their little table.

Now, is receiving cash of $333k today more valuable than receiving it in the future? No. Which is another complexity in valuing contracts...

At any rate, Jerry Kill and Kevin Wilson make about the same and Dantonio's contract is worth more than the salary amounts reported in the USA Today database.

Is that ever really a problem? I think most view you as a tool...I don't quote my pipe wrench!

Claeys is getting $13,000 extra a week for being acting head coach....that's $676,000 annually on top of his over $300,000 salary. That should help keep him when the other schools come calling at the end of the year...

Claeys is getting $13,000 extra a week for being acting head coach....that's $676,000 annually on top of his over $300,000 salary. That should help keep him when the other schools come calling at the end of the year...

Not sure if I am missing a joke, but the extra $13,000 is for each week he’s acting HC, not for a whole year.

Claeys is getting $13,000 extra a week for being acting head coach....that's $676,000 annually on top of his over $300,000 salary. That should help keep him when the other schools come calling at the end of the year...

And just think how much that would be worth if he received it at some point in the future! Just ask GW...he's a mathamagician!

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