Coach Kill: Sports Huddle - 5/15/11


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill's Sports Huddle comments this morning:

1) Coach Kill was contacted late in the first half-hour of the show, for he was out of town in Illinois for his daughter's graduation from college. I don't know which school she graduated from. He had a daughter at Southern Illinois University and Northern Illinois University. She majored in special education and elementary education, and she is now looking for a job.

2) Grades will be posted May 18th. "Hopefully they've done what we've asked."

3) All recruits from this year's signing day will be on campus in June for the start of summer sessiion classes. 47 players are staying on campus for May session classes, including many of the veteran players (upper-level).

4) Summer camps are from June 13 - June 24. Four camps: "Skills," "Future Gophers" (youngsters), "Big Man and QBs," and "Seniors" (12th grade only). Summer camps are extremely important in evaluating potential recruits. "Most of the players (last couple of years) at NIU came from their camps."

5) The Internet and recruiting web sites: "They've cut down on secrets - diamonds in the rough." However, he went on to say that there's a lot of misinformation as well. As an example, an assisant coach recently gave him a list of players that a web site said Minnesota had offered and there wasn't one scholarship offered to the players listed!

6) Players can get together and work out (discretionary period). The players have been given goals (personal) for the upcoming season, i.e., weight training, reduction in body fat, etc.

This week's interview session was an abbreviated one, less than 10 minutes.

Go Gophers!!

No. 5 was what caught my attention this morning when I finally had a chance to listen to Coach Kill.

"5) The Internet and recruiting web sites: "They've cut down on secrets - diamonds in the rough." However, he went on to say that there's a lot of misinformation as well. As an example, an assisant coach recently gave him a list of players that a web site said Minnesota had offered and there wasn't one scholarship offered to the players listed!"

Gossip Mongers are so awesomely inaccurate, that is why I do NOT believe hardly anything I read here about "(fill in name) offered".

Gossip Mongers are so awesomely inaccurate, that is why I do NOT believe hardly anything I read here about "(fill in name) offered".

Too bad people love gossip so much. If you're a kid trying to get a scholarship fibbing that you have others may actually get you one or so it would seem. I don't know.

i call b.s. on kill with the scholarship offers. if i paid a service for this info i believe it over what kill is giving us for free on the radio.

i call b.s. on kill with the scholarship offers. if i paid a service for this info i believe it over what kill is giving us for free on the radio.

Thanks for taking the word of Rumor Mongers over the Coach himself.

Your position tells me that if a hooker (which you paid for) tells you she loves you, you would take a service you paid for over a freebee?

Thanks for taking the word of Rumor Mongers over the Coach himself.

thanks for not having your sarcasm meter turned on today. this is not the first time that sarcasm has gone over your head dr. don. lay off the sauce on sunday's.

thanks for not having your sarcasm meter turned on today. this is not the first time that sarcasm has gone over your head dr. don. lay off the sauce on sunday's.

It is kind of interesting that you are this sensitive to being challenged, but have no compunctions about calling CKill a liar with no facts to back you up. To some of us at least, the post that offended you was more politely worded than was yours.

i call b.s. on kill with the scholarship offers. if i paid a service for this info i believe it over what kill is giving us for free on the radio.

I caught the sarcasm right away. Well played.

DL65 - Thank you. It is really nice that you do this each week.

Coach Kill - Congrats to your daughter on graduating from college. Clearly, you had a positive influence on her which bodes well for all the young men in your program.

Go Gophers!

It is kind of interesting that you are this sensitive to being challenged, but have no compunctions about calling CKill a liar with no facts to back you up. To some of us at least, the post that offended you was more politely worded than was yours.

I got the sarcasm. Dr. Don was being aggressive and a bit misdirected. I wouldn't call it politely worded.

Sort of like this one guy who lied and said that he had inside information about the coaching search. Then he mocked the entire board for believing him, but the problem was that no one had believed him in the first place.

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