Coach Kill speaks at Kaylie and Tyler’s Faith Jam in Sleepy Eye, MN


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch:

Minnesota Gophers football coach Jerry Kill, was present again this year and spoke to the crowd about how he got involved with Kaylie and Tyler’s Faith Jam.

“Certainly, it’s a privilege for us to come to a small town that’s had tragedy,” Kill said. “If you look around, everybody comes together and you don’t see that often. I travel all over the country and lived in a lot of different places, but it’s special.”

Kill met Deb, Kaylie’s mother, through a letter Deb sent to him after Kaylie passed away from a seizure. Since then, a friendship and respect has grown into a special relationship for the both of them.

“Life’s about relationships and we had a unique one during that difficult situation,” Kill said. “We got a busy time, but we’re always going to have this on our calendar.”

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the story. Good stuff.

For readers who may not know some of the background: Three of the names mentioned in the story are young men who were killed in a 2-car accident near Sleepy Eye last winter. several of the victims were athletes. (I had covered a couple of them - Sleepy Eye-St. Mary's HS has had some really good boys basketball teams in recent years.) If you've never lived in a small town, it's hard to understand how a tragedy like this affects a community, where literally everyone in town either knew the victims or were related to them.

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