Coach Kill ESPN report TMI?

I think he just meant that he should probably downplay the situation so he doesn't scare off potential recruits, which is a legitimate comment; not that he is in some way offended by his candid descriptions of his health problems.

I was not aware of his past seizure history when it happened and I do not think most people were aware of it. IMO, I don't think it's any ones business what happened during his hospital stay or how anything positive could come out of stating what happened in the hospital. I wish him and the Gophers all the best starting tomorrow.

Anyone, that didn't know about Coach Kill's having seizures, wasn't paying attention. His Kidney Cancer was discovered after a seizure. I can accept that people might have lumped the two together, but with this most recent incident, you would think that it would jog the memory.

Pretty much all of that is routine except for the memory loss. That's a bit disconcerting.

There's ALWAYS a guy that has to pick some obtuse tidbit out of something that should be positive and turn it into a negative.

There's ALWAYS a guy that has to pick some obtuse tidbit out of something that should be positive and turn it into a negative.
I'm not sure if you meant to use the word obtuse, but significant short-term memory loss is not a minor detail.

I think he just meant that he should probably downplay the situation so he doesn't scare off potential recruits, which is a legitimate comment; not that he is in some way offended by his candid descriptions of his health problems.

I'm wondering if this actually is a downplaying of the situation. It'll be interesting going forward. If he goes in for more testing next week, that could signal the doctors have deeper concerns than stated.

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