Coach Brew Shout Out


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Feb 3, 2009
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I am so genuinely happy for Gopher team and fans!! Nobody deserves a winner more!! <a href="">#WhipWisconsin</a>!!</p>— Tim Brewster (@TimBrewster) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Thought it was a classy thing for him to do. I have no hard feelings. Wouldn't even mind seeing him succeed as a head coach somewhere.

I still like the guy and hope he does well.

Yeah, I've probably taken as many shots at Brewster as anyone on here, but that was a classy shout out. Thanks Coach Brew, we'll see if we can whip Wisconsin for you.

He may be a nice guy but that whole period seems like a bad dream that is best forgotten.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always remember that when it came down to the end, Brew took it like a man.

Always remember that when it came down to the end, Brew took it like a man.

So did Denny Green. You had to look for him on the high road. Wonder if him and Brew crossed paths...

If I'm not mistaken, there's no one left at the U for Brew to grind an axe? Maturi is gone and so is Prez Bruininks...

What's crazy is that Coach Brew played a part in the make-up of this team; he recruited many of our key players. Of course, if he was still head coach here, methinks that those guys don't develop as they have the past 3 years under Kill.

Still, great to get a shout out from him.

Brew wanted to win and thought Mn could win. Minnesota fans killed him for that.

Note that he wiling to go on record that he wants MN to beat Wisconsin even though he is busy coaching at the number 2 team in the country. Where are the others? #Mason #Maturi #Reusse.

Brewster more invested in Minnesota than all of them.

Brew wanted to win and thought Mn could win. Minnesota fans killed him for that.

Note that he wiling to go on record that he wants MN to beat Wisconsin even though he is busy coaching at the number 2 team in the country. Where are the others? #Mason #Maturi #Reusse.

Brewster more invested in Minnesota than all of them.

To be fair, I'm pretty certain that Mason's contract with BTN prohibits him from officially cheering for one Big Ten team vs. another. As far as the other two, I couldn't care less what those two clowns think. I also think we might be overblowing a tweet that took Brew 12 seconds to type up. For all we know, he saw a highlight on ESPN and tweeted it without a second thought and forgot about it the next.

My favorite part about Brew is that he hates Wisonsin as much as I do.

To be fair, I'm pretty certain that Mason's contract with BTN prohibits him from officially cheering for one Big Ten team vs. another. As far as the other two, I couldn't care less what those two clowns think. I also think we might be overblowing a tweet that took Brew 12 seconds to type up. For all we know, he saw a highlight on ESPN and tweeted it without a second thought and forgot about it the next.

Mason could say what he wants. You think BTN DOESN'T want an opinion? ok, bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Mason could say what he wants. You think BTN DOESN'T want an opinion? ok, bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Of course BTN wants an opinion, but they also want analysis. What they don't want is the appearance of bias toward one team vs. another in their studio. For example, which question do you will be asked leading up to Wisky/Minn game:

A) Coach Mason, who do you think will win this game and why?
B) Coach Mason, who are you cheering for in this game?
C) Coach Mason, after coaching Minnesota for all those years, how much do you hate Wisconsin and want to see Minnesota beat them?

Anyway, this is getting off's cool Brewster sent out a shout out to his former team, but I don't look too much into it.

Hopefully Brew can remind the team that they can't bring a pellet gun to a bear hunt. And the WI game is definitely a bear hunt. If you wanna get some, you gotta bring some.

Brewster was a bad coach. That doesn't mean he didn't want and try to win and it doesn't mean he doesn't truly love the team or more specifically the players.

As an ex-coach, I much prefer Brewster to Mason. Brewster was in over his head but seemed like a genuinely good guy that liked being at Minnesota. Mason will take any opportunity he can to remind everyone what a great coach he was and how he would do things different if he were still in charge, and constantly talked (and still talks) about the things holding him back when he was here.

One guy has moved on and is making money being an actual coach. The other guy is a talking head living off of past accomplishments.

I liked Brew. I hope he gets another shot at a head coaching position to see what he can do.

As an ex-coach, I much prefer Brewster to Mason. Brewster was in over his head but seemed like a genuinely good guy that liked being at Minnesota. Mason will take any opportunity he can to remind everyone what a great coach he was and how he would do things different if he were still in charge, and constantly talked (and still talks) about the things holding him back when he was here.

One guy has moved on and is making money being an actual coach. The other guy is a talking head living off of past accomplishments.

Maybe that's because one of those guys won more games here than any coach in 50 years and the other fits in nicely with the rest. Not trying to start another stupid comparison argument, but there is no comparison. Mason should be proud of what he did here.

This is one of the spin offs that come from success. When you're losing, folks wants to give their opinion why. When you're winning, lots want to associated with your success. I've been hard on Mason a few times on here, but lately think he's starting to take pride in the Gophers, and I bet he starts to show it more in the next couple of weeks. As for Brewster, I think he's in a pretty good place and probably liking the fact that some kids he recruited are doing well.

Maybe that's because one of those guys won more games here than any coach in 50 years and the other fits in nicely with the rest. Not trying to start another stupid comparison argument, but there is no comparison. Mason should be proud of what he did here.
Nobody's saying he shouldn't be proud, but Mason does it in a way that seems to tear other people down to build himself up, or to insert himself into the limelight and discussion when there's really no reason for it. Brewster never made excuses and has never questioned any program decisions since then.

Good shout out by Brewster, I hope he understands his strengths and remains a position coach and recruiting coordinator.

Who's to say that Coach Brewster would not have a chance to be a success.

Good shout out by Brewster, I hope he understands his strengths and remains a position coach and recruiting coordinator.

You can't blame coach Brewster for AD Maturi offering him the brass ring before he was possibly ready for a major conference program. Minnesota will never be an easy place to win at, and like Coach Limegrover and Claeys have both said,
you have to be tough, the ability to take a lot of crap and adversity and have thick skin to play at, and coach at Minnesota. We have no natural or national recruiting advantages compared to the rest of the Big 10 schools. Our major metropolitan area does not produce many division one recruits, and the locals we do have, because of our lack of recent success have been difficult to hold on to. These will continue to be challenges in to the future.
We have a pedigree and an aged history of success, but most of our major success came in the black and white television era. I'm not saying you cannot win at Minnesota, it is just not easy as you have to go far and wide to bring talent here.

Classy move by Brewster, for what some of us and a lot of the Twin Cities media have dished at him at least a good majority with the exception of Sid. Brew gets the right school to give him a chance, get's some strong fundamental football coaches together, (he did have some good staff members, avoid carpetbaggers like Roof) with a system that he sticks too, he may have a shot, the guy does seem to be able to recruit some talent at the larger schools he has been at. He does know how to sell kids and his school, that is half the battle, the other half is identifying people that can help you be successful and maintaining those relationships and keeping some continuity.

I called for Brewster's dismissal. But, that does not mean that I dislike the guy or want to discredit his accomplishments. Some on this website take aim every chance they get. I'm sorry, I don't like that kind of vindictiveness. The honorable path is to acknowledge that Coach Brewster still loves the team he coached. And, why not! He put his heart and soul into it. We all learned something by his presence. And, that paved the way for Coach Kill to succeed. We needed Mase. We needed Brew. And, we sure as hell need Coach Kill.

So, thank you, Coach, for the nice shout out.

Maybe that's because one of those guys won more games here than any coach in 50 years and the other fits in nicely with the rest. Not trying to start another stupid comparison argument, but there is no comparison. Mason should be proud of what he did here.

No one compared their records. He was comparing how they've acted since being removed from the position.

I agree with GopherProf, I don't think Mason cheered for the Gophers under Brew. I get the vibe that he took some delight in their failures. On the other hand, I think Brew is genuinely cheering for the Gophers. I could be wrong.

IMO, for Mase it's always been all about Mase. He did a nice job here and deserves credit for that.

Either way, I like Brew as a person, I liked his enthusiasm (for as goofy as it was at times), and I love his hatred for WI. I can always respect someone who hates WI and Bielema.

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