CMU Head Coach on Claeys, Corners, Cody Poock etc. Twin


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Nov 12, 2008
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What’s your impression of Minnesota coach Tracy Claeys?

“I’m excited for him and the opportunity for him to lead the program. Classy guy. You can tell he’s very intelligent. I really only got to meet him that day at the press conference (on Dec. 9 in Michigan). We have some mutual friends or professional people in our backgrounds.

Anyone that has been with Coach Kill that long, I think that’s the thing that impressed me the most about Coach Kill is the continuity that he’s had with his staff. The number of guys that have been with him every step of the way. That speaks a lot. He’s obviously did a lot of things the right way, and I’m sure Tracy will use that as a blueprint as he moves on in his career...

When scouting the Gophers, who are their top players?

“The corners (Briean Boddy-Calhoun and Eric Murray) on defense are excellent. I’ve been impressed with 12, the linebacker (Cody Poock). 96 on the D-line (Steve Richardson). Couple receivers, number 1. … KJ is an excellent player. Their punter (Peter Mortell) is impressive to me.”

As former NFL special teams coordinator (for the Jaguars, Detroit Lions, New Orleans Saints, Green Bay Packers) …
“(Mortell) might be the best one we’ve played this year. Him and the kid from Syracuse are both really, really good, so that will be a factor in the game — field position.”

What makes Poock so good?

“His ability to key and diagnose quickly. He’s a physical downhill player. I always tell our guys is that you show every day how much you care about playing and your love for the game. It’s not something that you can manufacture. You can’t fake it; it’s either real or its not. You can just tell by watching him play that that kid really loves to play the game. That is probably the greatest compliment I could give a player.”

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