Club seats

MnG Gopher

New member
Nov 13, 2011
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For those that have indoor/outdoor club seats - pro's and cons of having the seats? Worth the extra cost? General fan experience/emotion in the club seating area? Have 6 seats behind visitors bench, love the seats but have had very bad experiences with opposing teams fans against Iowa and Wisconsin (I know, shocking).

From our perspective, the primary advantage of our outdoor club seating is having access to the first class DQ Club Room and its many amenities. These amenities include food selection (including Jax prime-rib sliders this season), comfortable table and sofa seating, numerous wall-mounted TVs showing other games before the Gopher game (and the Gopher game during the game), climate-controlled environment (for cooling off in hot weather or warming up in cold weather), a fireplace, nice rest rooms, and a coat/package check room.

The Club Room opens two hours before game time. As a result, it provides a place for meeting friends and making new friends who are loyal Gopher fans, and doing what amounts to a form of indoor tailgating. It also provides an opportunity to meet VIPs and boosters, who have access to the Club Room. As has been well publicized, alcoholic beverages are not currently served in the Club Room. The playing field is not visible from inside the Club Room. There are, however, windows that provide a nice view to the south and west over the campus.

Visiting fans are frequently in attendance, particularly for the rivalry games, but so far they have tended to be respectful of the fact that they are in an opponent’s premium seating section and have been well-behaved.

The outdoor club seating area has larger, leather seats, and the seats in the highest few rows are under cover. The fans with outdoor club seats appear to be mostly long-time season ticket holders who, like us, are older. Outdoor club seat season ticket holders sometimes bring, or give their tickets to, guests who appear to be just casual fans. As a result of these factors there is a little less rah-rah atmosphere than in the non-premium seating areas.

More information can be obtained at the following link: Alternatively, go to >Golden Gopher Fund >Tickets & Parking >Football-Premium >Outdoor Club.

For those that have indoor/outdoor club seats - pro's and cons of having the seats? Worth the extra cost? General fan experience/emotion in the club seating area? Have 6 seats behind visitors bench, love the seats but have had very bad experiences with opposing teams fans against Iowa and Wisconsin (I know, shocking).

I would imagine with any stadium, if you have the means, it's not even close. Go with Club Seats. I have Club Seats for pro football and I wouldn't change them. Wider seats, padded instead of solid plastic, separate entrance, more food/concession choices, earlier entrance into the stadium, and for the most part, you don't get the neanderthal fans (whether it's home fans or visiting fans). When I got them, the season ticket rep on the phone described it as "a completely different viewing experience" and he was right.

The only thing I've found that would even remotely qualify as a "con" is that with the higher price, if you can't make it to the game, it's tougher finding somebody to pay you what the seats are worth or what you may have paid.

One of the people in our group is married to an NDSU alum. They have 2 of our 6 tickets. For the NDSU game, one of the NDSU alum's friends tailgated with us. She had gotten a pair of outdoor club seats from her work. She wanted to sit with her friend, so she asked if we'd be willing to sit in the club seats so she could sit with her friends. I jumped at the opportunity. It was definitely quicker getting into the stadium. The bathroom was relatively crowded, I don't think there was much of a difference in wait times. I've never eaten anything at the stadium, so the increased food options did nothing for me. The seats are better, I was in row 1 in the outdoor club. Stood up on third down early in the game and got yelled at by an old lady with a Minnesota sweatshirt three rows behind us to sit down. I had high expectations and was horribly underwhelmed.

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